Israel to Have a New Heart and Spirit and to Be Born Anew
In 1982 the Congress of the United States of America declared the Bible to be
the Word of God, and America's president proclaimed 1983 to be the "Year of the
PUBLIC LAW 97-280 - OCT. 4,1982
Public Law
97-280 96 STAT. 1211
97th Congress
Authorizing and
requesting the President to proclaim 1983 as the "Year of the Bible."
Whereas the
Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the
United States as a distinctive and blessed nation and people;
Whereas deeply
held religious convictions springing from the Holy Scriptures led to the
early settlement of our Nation;
Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are
contained in our Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the
United States;
Whereas many of
our great national leaders - among them Presidents Washington, Jackson,
Lincoln, and Wilson - paid tribute to the surpassing influence of the
Bible in our country's development, as in the words of President Jackson
that the Bible is "the rock on which our Republic rests;"
Whereas the
history of our Nation clearly illustrates the value of voluntarily
applying the teachings of the Scriptures in the lives of individuals,
families, and societies;
Whereas this
Nation now faces great challenges that will test this Nation as it has
never been tested before; and
Whereas that
renewing our knowledge of and faith in God through Holy Scripture can
strengthen us as a nation and a people: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the
Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in
Congress assembled, That the President is authorized and requested to
designate 1983 as a national "Year of the Bible" in recognition of both
the formative influence the Bible has been for our Nation, and our
national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
October 4, 1982 |
Today the United States of America is composed of many peoples from other
races, but let us face fact. If it were not for the white Celto-Saxon peoples
who providentially inhabited her shores, America would never have been a
Christian nation and the preceding proclamation would never have been made.
In The Natural History of the Human Species, Charles Hamilton Smith
also accredited possession of God's Law to the Caucasians:
He has instituted all the great religious systems in the world, and to his
[the Caucasian's] stock has been vouchsafed the glory and the conditions of
From a historical perspective, Nathaniel Morton also observed:
In the year 1602, divers godly Christians of our English
[Celto-Saxon] nation ... entered into covenant to walk with God, and
one with another, in the enjoyment of the ordinances of God, according to the
primitive pattern in the word of God .92
In 1630 Pastor John Cotton preached the following as a part of a farewell
message to a boatload of fellow Puritans which included Governor John Winthrop:
Have speciall care that you ever have the Ordinances [YHWH's Laws]
planted amongst you, or else never looke for security. As soone as Gods
Ordinances cease, your security ceaseth likewise; but if God plant his
Ordinances among you, feare not, he will maintaine them. Isay 4:5,6. Upon all
their glory there shall be a defence; that is, upon all God's Ordinances: for
so was the Arke [of the Covenant] called the glory of Israel. I Sam. 4:22.
Secondly, have a care to be implanted into the Ordinances [of YHWH], that
the word may be ingrafted into you, and you into it: If you take rooting in
the Ordinances, grow up thereby, bring forth much fruite, continue and abide
therein, then you are [a] vineyard of red wine, and the Lord will keepe you,
Isay 27:2,3, that no sonnes of violence shall destroy you. Looke into all the
stories whether divine or humane, and you shall never
finde that God ever rooted out a people that had the Ordinances: never did
God suffer such plants to be plucked up: on all their glory shall be defence
Our nation's early documents testify to our uniquely Christian heritage whose
very fabric is interwoven with the influence of God's Laws and His Word:
We[Christian Celto-Saxon colonists] all agree that the scriptures hold
forth a perfect rule for the direction and government of all men in duties
which they are to perform to God and to man, as well in families and
commonwealth as in matters of the church; so likewise in all public
officers which concern civil order [government], as choice of
magistrates and officers, making and repealing laws, dividing allotments of
inheritance, and all things of like nature, we will, all of us, be
ordered by the rules which the scripture holds forth; and we agree that
such persons may be entrusted with such matters of government as are described
in Exodus 18:21 and Deuteronomy 1: 13 with Deuteronomy 17:15 and I Corinthians
6:1,6 & 7.94
1639 - CONNECTICUT HISTORY: In June 1639, however, a more definite
statement of political principles was framed, in which it was clearly stated
that the rules of Scripture should determine the ordering of the Church,
the choice of magistrates, the making and repeal of laws ... that only
[Christian] Church members could become free burgesses and officials of the
colony ... and in 1644 the general court decided that the judicial laws
of God as they were declared by Moses should constitute a rule for all
courts .... 95
1776 - DELAWARE CONSTITUTION: ... officeholders were required to make and
subscribe to the following declaration: "I ... do profess faith in God the
Father, and in Jesus Christ His Only Son, and the Holy Ghost, one God, blessed
forevermore; and I do acknowledge the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New
Testament to be given by divine inspiration. "96
1776 - NORTH CAROLINA CONSTITUTION: ... no person who shall deny the
being of God [YHWH] or the truth of the Protestant [Christian] religion, or
the divine authority either of the Old or New Testaments, or who shall
hold religious principles incompatible with the freedom and safety of the
State, shall be capable of holding any office or place of trust or profit
in the civil department within the State.97
1777 -VERMONT CONSTITUTION: ...required of every member of the house of
representatives that he take this oath: "I do believe in one God, the creator
and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and punisher of the
wicked, and I do acknowledge the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments
to be given by divine inspiration, and own and profess the Protestant
[Christian] religion. "98
1777 was also the year that the United States Congress purchased 20,000
Bibles abroad to be resold to the American people
Regarding the motives which prompted the Puritans to seek a new land in which
to live, Pastor Cotton Mather wrote the following:
... the God of Heaven served as it were, a summons upon the spirits of
his [Christian Celto-Saxon] people in the English nation ... to leave
all the pleasant accommodations of their native country, and go
over a terrible ocean, into a more terrible desert, for the pure enjoyment
of all his ordinances.99
Alexis de Tocqueville recognized the uniqueness of our beginnings and wrote
of the Scriptural, moral and civil code which was the foundation for those early
laws of New England:
... in studying the earliest historical and legislative records of New
England. They exercised the rights of sovereignty; they named their
magistrates, concluded peace or declared war, made police regulations, and
enacted laws as if their allegiance was due only to God. Nothing can be
more curious and, at the same time more instructive, than the legislation of
that period; it is there that the solution of the great social problem which
the United States now present[s] to the world is to be found.
Amongst these documents we shall notice, as especially characteristic, the
code of laws promulgated by the little State of Connecticut in 1650. The
legislators of Connecticut begin with the penal laws, and ... they borrow
their provisions from the text of Holy Writ. "Whosoever shall worship any
other God than the Lord [YHWH," says the preamble of the Code, "shall surely
be put to death." This is followed by ten or twelve enactments of the same
kind, copied verbatim from the books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy.
Blasphemy, sorcery, adultery, and rape were punished with death ....
The 1879 McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader clearly illustrated how
early America's Christianity influenced her government:
Their [the Christian Celto-Saxon colonists'] form of government
was as strictly theocratical ... insomuch that it would be difficult to
say where there was any civil authority among them entirely distinct from
ecclesiastical jurisdiction.
Whenever a few of them settled a town, they immediately gathered themselves
into a church; and their [Christian] elders were magistrates, and their
code of laws was the Pentateuch [first five books of the Old
God was their King; and they [the Christian Celto-Saxon colonists] regarded
him as truly and literally so .... 101
In a sermon preached in 1770 at Cambridge, Massachusetts, Pastor Samuel Cooke
proclaimed that the acts of the legislature must be consonant with the Laws of
Justice also requires of rulers, in their legislative capacity, that
they attend to the operation of their own acts, and repeal whatever
laws, upon an impartial review, they find to be inconsistent with the laws of
God, the rights of men, and the general benefit of society. This the
community hath a right to expect.102
Noah Webster, an American statesman and the compiler of Webster's original
dictionary, instructed all American citizens in the essential elements of
The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to
form the basis of all our civil constitutions and laws. All the miseries
and evils which men suffer from vice, crime, ambition, injustice, oppression,
slavery, and war, proceed from their despising or neglecting the precepts
contained in the Bible. 103
The following was part of the decision handed down by Chief Justice John
Middleton Clayton in 1837 from The State [of Delaware] vs. Thomas Jefferson
Long before Lord [Sir Matthew] Hale [1609-16761 decided that christianity
was a part of the laws of England, the Court of Kings Bench, 34 Eliz. in
Ratcliff's case, 3 coke Rep. 40, b. had gone so far as to declare, that "in
almost all cases, the common law was grounded on the law of God..." and the
court cited the 27th chapter of Numbers, to show that their judgment on a
common law principle in regard to the law of inheritance, was founded on God's
revelation of that law to Moses. 104
That God's Law was the basis for Celto-Saxon common law is evident as far
back as the Anglo-Saxon king, Alfred the Great, who ruled West Saxon (Wessex)
from 871 to 899:
... [England's King] Alfred gave all his endeavour to the compiling of laws
for his disorganized people. His code, which we still have in its Anglo-Saxon
words, was made towards the end of his reign, perhaps about 890, although the
exact date is not known. In an introduction he declared that his laws were
based upon the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses; fulfilled and
interpreted by the love and compassion of his Son, the Healer, the Lord
Christ; continued in the teachings of the Apostles, and thence down the ages
by synods of the church and decrees of kings.105
Justice David Josiah Brewer also testified to the Celto-Saxons propensity for
God's Word:
The Bible is the Christian's book. No other book has so wide a circulation,
or is so universally found in the households of the land. During their
century of existence the English and American Bible societies have published
and circulated 250 million copies, and this represents but a fraction of its
circulation. And then think of the multitude of volumes published in
expostulation, explanation and illustration of that book, or some portion of
I could show how largely our laws and customs are based upon the laws of
Moses and the teaching of Christ; how constantly the Bible is appealed to as
the guide of life and the authority in questions of morals; how the Christian
doctrines are accepted as the great comfort in times of sorrow and affliction,
and fill with the light of hope the services for the dead.106
James Madison, "the Father of the U.S. Constitution" and our fourth
President, understood that the future of our American civilization was
(and still is) dependent upon the Laws of God:
We have staked the whole future of American civilization, not upon the
power of government, far from it. We have staked the future of all of our
political institutions upon the capacity of mankind for self-government; upon
the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves,
to sustain ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.
Once again, what did George Washington pray for? He entreated Almighty God:
... that through obedience to Thy [YHWH's] law, we may show
forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth.
Even Harry Waton, a Jew, admitted that the Celto-Saxons put a high value on
the Word of God:
What is the greatest literary work known to mankind? The answer is: ... the
Bible. And let the Aryans themselves judge. For nearly two thousand years
countless millions of Aryans [Celto-Saxons] recognized the Bible as the
greatest literary work in existence. If on one scale were put the works of
Homer, Aeschylus, Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, and all other great
works of the great poets and writers; and on the other scale were put the
Bible, and the Aryans had to choose between them, the one or the other, it is
absolutely certain that the Aryans would choose the Bible. The Bible is
the oldest and most universal literary work in existence, it is still the best
seller, and it is still held by the Aryans in the highest esteem. For every
German that knows the works of Goethe, there are tens of thousands of Germans
that know the Bible; for every Englishman that knows the works of Shakespeare
there are tens of thousands of Englishmen that know the Bible; and so it is
true of all Aryan [Celto-Saxon] nations. 108
Irish historian, William Lecky, commented upon the profound influence that
Hebrew Law had on our American Celto-Saxon government:
Hebraic [Israelite] mortar cemented the foundations of American
democracy. 109
Mr. Lecky was not referring to Jewish influence. The Jewish Encyclopedia
substantiated that the Jews contributed nothing regarding Colonial
UNITED STATES: ... the early forms of government and laws were fashioned
in a manner upon Old Testament times. This was particularly the case in
Massachusetts (whose first criminal code [in 16411 gave chapter and verse
from the Bible as its authority), as also in Connecticut. The records of the
colony of New Haven, founded in 1638, have distinctly Old Testament
character, and Biblical precedent is quoted for almost every
governmental act. One can form some opinion of the measure of Old
Testament influence when one considers that in the code of colony laws
adopted in New Haven in 1656 there are 107 references to the Old Testament....
But Jews as individuals contributed little or nothing to direct the
trend of [American] colonial legislation of this early period.
God's Law and Word was given as a possession to His people Israel. In which
people's possession is the Bible to be found? The Jews, by their own admission,
pervert and reject God's Word. While not always in obedience to it, the
Celto-Saxons are the only people who can be described as possessing the Word of
Israel to Have an Inner Awareness of Biblical Morality
"...days are coming, says YHWH, when I will effect a new covenant with the
house of Israel and with the house of Judah; not like the covenant which I
made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to lead them
out of the land of Egypt.... For this is the covenant that I will make with
the house of Israel, after those days, says YHWH: I will put My laws
into their minds, and I will write them upon their hearts. And I will be
their God, and they shall be My people." (Hebrews 8:8-10)
Which People Have a Fundamental Morality Aligned With YHWH's Laws?
We read in the book of Hebrews that the New Covenant was made exclusively
with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, and that they (the physical
lineage of Jacob/Israel) would have the laws of God written on their hearts and
minds. American Celto-Saxons may not be following these laws as a nation, but
they do have a basic understanding of morality which the remainder of the non
Caucasian world does not have. If you were to ask the average Celto-Saxon a
question of right or wrong based on the Ten Commandments, and even if they were
disobedient to them they would provide you with the correct answers. Ask the
average Indian, Oriental or African (especially those who have not been
influenced by Celto-Saxon morality) the same question, and you will likely get
totally different responses. Why? Because they are not Israel, and the
Laws of God are not written on their hearts.
If Christian Celto-Saxondom did not have false teachers telling them that
God's Laws "have been done away" and that they need not keep them, it is certain
that they would be more inclined to follow their conscience."' In a 1776 sermon
Pastor Samuel West directed our attention to an earlier time in our history when
this was illustrated in the lives of American Celto-Saxons:
... in the next place, who could have thought that, when our charter [with
England] was vacated, when we [Americans] became destitute of any legislative
authority, and when our courts of justice in many parts of the country were
stopped, so that we could neither make nor execute laws upon offenders -who, I
say, would have thought, that in such a situation the people should behave so
peaceably, and maintain such good order and harmony among themselves? This is
a plain proof that they, having not the civil law to regulate themselves by,
became a law unto themselves; and by their conduct they have shown that they
[early Celto-Saxon Americans] were regulated by the law of God written in
their hearts. This is the Lord's doing, and it ought to be marvelous in
our eyes. 112
Listen to the following two early American patriots as they speak out on
George Washington, President
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity,
religion [Christianity] and morality are indispensable
Daniel Webster, American Statesman, Orator and Author
Lastly, our [Celto-Saxon] ancestors established their system of government
on morality and religious sentiment. Moral habits, they believed, cannot
safely be trusted on any other foundation than religious principle, nor any
government be secure which is not supported by moral habits. Living under the
heavenly light of revelation, they hoped to find all the social dispositions,
all the duties which men owe to each other and to society, enforced and
performed. Whatever makes men good Christians, makes them good citizens.
I now proceed to add, that the strong and deep-settled conviction of all
intelligent persons amongst us is, that, in order to support a useful and wise
government upon these popular principles, the general education of the people,
and the wide diffusion of pure morality and true religion
[Christianity], are indispensable. Individual virtue is a part of
public virtue. It is difficult to conceive how there can remain morality in
the government when it shall cease to exist among the people....
Pastor Ezra Stiles also understood that American Celto-Saxons had
"obligations" of morality:
... the [Celto-Saxon] United States are under peculiar obligations to
become a holy people unto the Lord our God.... 116
William Holmes McGuffey commented upon America's early standards of morality
in the 1879 McGuffey's Sixth Eclectic Reader:
Their [the Celto-Saxon colonists'] piety was not merely external; it
was sincere; it had the proof of a good tree in bearing good fruit; it
produced and sustained a strict morality. Their tenacious purity of
manners and speech obtained for them, in the mother country, their name of
Puritans, which, though given in derision, was as honorable an appellation as
was ever bestowed by man on man.
That there were hypocrites among them, is not to be doubted; but they were
rare. The men who voluntarily exiled themselves to an unknown coast, and
endured there every toil and hardship for conscience' sake, and that they
might serve God in their own manner, were not likely to set conscience at
defiance, and make the service of God a mockery; they were not likely to be,
neither were they, hypocrites. I do not know that it would be arrogating
[presuming] too much for them to say, that, on the extended surface of
the globe, there was not a single community of men to be compared with them,
in the respects of deep religious [Christian] impressions, and an exact
performance of moral duty. 117
Once again quoting New York's Chancellor James Kent from his opinion as the
presiding judge in People vs. Ruggles in 1811:
... we are a Christian people, and the morality of the country is deeply
ingrafted upon Christianity and not upon the doctrines or worship of those
imposters [Mahomet, the Grand Lama or any others].118
Alexis de Tocqueville also testified to America's spiritual morality:
The sects which exist in the United States are innumerable. They all differ
in respect to the worship which is due from man to his Creator, but they all
agree in respect to the duties which are due from man to man. Each sect adores
the Deity in its own peculiar manner, but all the sects preach the same
moral law in the name of God.... Moreover, almost all the sects of the
United States are comprised within the great unity of Christianity, and
Christian morality is everywhere the same. 119
Christianity, therefore, reigns [in America] without any
obstacle, by universal consent; the consequence is, as I have before
observed, that every principle of the moral [Christian] world is
fixed and determinate.... 120
... I am of the opinion that the true cause of their [American
Celto-Saxon] superiority must not be sought for in physical advantages,
but that it is wholly attributable to their moral and intellectual
qualities [given to them by the grace of God]. 121
Eleven current State Constitutions also give witness to the Biblical
morality of this nation.*
*See Appendix 2 - Eleven Current State
Contrast the basic morality of the Celto-Saxons to that of the American
Indians, Negroes, Orientals, natives of India and aborigines of Australia.
Regarding the American Indian, Mr. de Toequeville wrote his conclusions at a
time when men were unafraid to tell the truth:
... the savage [American Indian] is his own master as soon as he is
able to act; parental authority is scarcely known to him ... and the very name
of law is unknown to him....
Far from desiring to conform his habits to ours [Christian Celto-Saxon
morality], he [the American Indian] loves his savage [lawless] life
as the distinguishing mark of his race, and he repels every advance to
[Christian] civilization ....122
... For more than two hundred years the wandering tribes of North America
have had daily intercourse with the whites, and they have never derived from
them either a custom or an idea ... In the summer of 18311 happened to be
beyond Lake Michigan, at a place called Green Bay, which serves as the extreme
frontier between the United States and the Indians on the north-western side.
Here I became acquainted with an American officer, Major H., who, after
talking to me at length on the inflexibility of the Indian character, related
the following fact: 'I formerly knew a young Indian,' said he, 'who had been
educated at a college in New England, where he had greatly distinguished
himself, and had acquired the external appearance of a member of civilized
society, When the war broke out between ourselves and the English in 1810, 1
saw this young man again; he was serving in our army, at the head of the
warriors of his tribe, for the Indians were admitted amongst the ranks of
the Americans, upon condition that they would abstain from their horrible
custom of scalping their victims. On the evening of the battle of... C.
came and sat himself down by the fire at our bivouac. I asked him what had
been his fortune that day: he related his exploits; and growing warm and
animated by the recollection of them, he concluded by suddenly opening the
breast of his coat, saying, "You must not betray me - see here!" And I
actually beheld,' said the Major, 'between his body and his shirt, the
skin and hair of an English head, still dripping with gore."123
Today's politically correct version is that the moral conduct of the American
Indian is the product of the white man forcing them to live on reservations.
However, reservation life has not, determined the basic moral instincts of the
modern-day Indian. Their lifestyle is essentially the same as it was in 1702
when Pastor Cotton Mather wrote the following:
Their [the American Indians'] way of living is infinitely barbarous;
the men are most abominably slothful; making their poor squaws, or wives,
to plant and dress, and barn and beat their corn, and build their wigwams for
them.... 124
It is obvious that the American Indian's natural morality is quite different
from that of the Celto-Saxons. An overall propensity toward laziness,
drunkenness and immorality was very evident in the American Indians' characters
long before the establishment of reservations. While greedy traders and agents
may have contributed to his reprobate lifestyle, the American Indian is,
himself, responsible for his own morality or lack thereof.
Wilmot Robertson revealed another racial problem or condition which goes
largely unrecognized in America today:
Collective or organized crime having become a minority monopoly [in
America], one would expect to find the ranks of individual criminals filled
by Majority [Celto-Saxon] members. But such is not the case. Here
again, the minority disproportion is incontestable. In fact, whenever a
Majority member, particularly a well-known Majority public figure, is haled
into court, it is surprising how often his partner or associate is a minority
Even when it comes to racism, which is supposed to be exclusively the sin of
the white man, we find something much different when the facts are investigated.
The following newspaper article by Patrick Joseph Buchanan reveals the truth
about racism and who the real perpetrators are:
Richmond Times Dispatch, Sunday 24, 1988
The Big Lie About America
A preconceived notion in the mind of the left is that racism is almost
exclusively a whte man's disease |
There is interracial violence in America. In 1985, 629,000
interracial crimes were recorded ( where the victims survivied to
identify the criminal ) but, nine out of ten were commited by blacks
against whites.Where white criminals, 98 per cent of the time, prey on
other whites - to rape, rob, and asault - black criminals chose fellow
blacks as victims less than half the time. Black criminals seem to
prefer attacking white people. While only 2 percent
of the victims chosen by white criminals are black, more than 50% of
the victims targeted by black criminals - to rape, rob, and assault, are
The ugliest manifestation of racisim in America, then - i.e.
interracial rape and criminal assault - are predominantly a black against
white phenomenon, not teh other way around, as the center's report woould
deceive us into believing |
In the following Times Herald newspaper article, Jeffrey Hart (a
senior editor at the National Review) confirmed that what was true in the
sixties and seventies remains the same in the 1990s:
Arizona Republic February 10, 1992
Progress didn't cut crime among blacks
Value of social programs questioned |
CHICAGO - rising income and educational levels since World War II
were accompanied by a drop in crime rates among whites but not among
blacks, according to a study released Sunday.
The author of the study said it challenges "one of the most widely help
assumptions of postwar society": that liberal programs can reduce crime by
fighting social and economic injustices.
The study by Gary Lafree of the University of Mexico in |
Albuquerque, also found that an increase in the number of broken
families were not accompanied by a rise in crime among blacks.
"Blacks were making dramatic educational strides in teh 1960s and 1970s
at exactly the time crime in blacks was rising," Lafree said. Family
income among blacks also increased during that period, he said.
Lafree aslo said his study was based on correlating such things as
measure of education and income with the FBI's uniform crime
reports. |
The April-May 1992 Los Angeles riots following the Rodney King verdict
testified to the fact that morality differs from race to race. No one can deny
that the rioters were primarily black. Someone may counter: "But it was a black
man who was beaten and who received unfair treatment in the courts!" However,
had the situation been reversed and it had been black policemen who had been
found innocent in a similar beating of a white man, whites would never have
taken to the streets in looting and rioting as did the blacks. Why? Because
basic morality differs from race to race.
The Times Herald Norristown PA January 11, 1993
Crime wave dwarfs all other problems |
We did not hear about it in during the recent presidential campaign,
but there is no doubt about our No. 1 national problem: Violent crime is
devistating our cities.
The phenomenon is just beginning to be talked about in respectable
quarters. As the statistics escalated, the subject had politely been
brushed under the rug, but now the material has begun to pour from the
I have befor me several recently published items, among them two
articles in the January issue of Commentary magazine - "Is Police
Brutality the Problem?" by William Tucker and "Crown Heights and Its
Aftermath", by Phillip Gourevich - and a new book, "Paved With Good
Intentions: The Failure of Race Relations in Contempoary America," by
Jared Taylor.
This material makes chilling reading, not least because of its
merciless use of verifiable statistics.
By the early 1970s in Manhatten, blacks made up more than 60 per cent
of those arrested for violent crime but constituted only 20 per cent of
the population. More recently, black men have been responsible for more
than 85 per cent of felonies committed against New York cabdrivers.
Nationwide, blacks constitute 12 per cent of the population, but
represent 64 per cent of violent crimes arrests and 71 per cent of robbery
arrests. |
In 1988, there were few cases - perhaps 10 - in which a white man raped
a black woman. There were 9,405 cases of a black man raping a white woman.
Mr. Taylor reports that black men are three to four times more likely to
rape a white woman than a white is likely to rape a black.
According to Mr. Taylor, blacks are responsible for 73 per cent of all
self-defense killings.
In Washington, D.C. more than half of the population of black males
between 15 and 35 is entangled with the criminal justice system - in
prison, awaiting trial, on probation or on parole.
Mr. Tuker reports in Commentary as follows:
"Does that mean that America is becoming a far more violent society?
Not entirely. What is unique about this crime wave is that it has been
confined almost completely to black juveniles (males)."
All this has nothing to do with "neglect." The United States, far from
oppressing its black and poor, actually subsidizes them. Apart from myriad
private benefactions and grants, the United States has spent $2.5 trillion
in federal money since the 1960s in an attempt to deal with th eproblem of
the underclass. Probably this money did far more harm than good.
Although the blacks were the primary participants in the Los Angeles riots,
they are not entirely to blame. They may have unknowingly fallen prey to a much
more grievous immoral scheme of another race. In A Racial Program for the
20th Century, Israel Cohen, a leading Communist Jew in England, wrote the
following in 1912:
We [Jews] must realize that our [Communist] party's most powerful weapon
is racial tension. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races
that for centuries they have been oppressed by the whites, we can mould them
to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle
victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will
endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of
the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk
of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With
this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin
a process which will deliver America to our [Jewish Communist]
The following Chicago Tribune newspaper article provides additional
evidence for the difference and inequality of racial morality:
Immigrants stir melting pot:
Rooster blood, court's don't mix
"Nothing will be more rare in the future than a white person,
and nothing may be less important than the white man's ways", says
Jim Dator, a political scientist...
| |
By Josepph Tybor
Chicago Tribune
A judge is asked to allow defendants to drink a "truth serum" of
rooster blood and water to replace the time - honored oath a witness must
give in a U.S. courtroom.
This is an example of [the] challenges the nation's courts are facing
in a wake of a wave of immigration from Asia, teh Middle East, and Africa.
The United States, long a largely white, European melting pot, is
becoming more multicultural. These new immigrants sometime have difficulty
in dealing with our courts. The nations they hail from lack roots in the
....Christian tradition that forms the political and philosophical
foundation of our government.
Accommodation of cultural mores rather than the law, may be a
consideration in defining criminal blame, but if it becomes an excuse for
breaking the law, that affects our basic concepts of right and wrong.
Nothing will be more rare in the future than a white person, and
nothing may be less important than the white man's ways", says Jim
Dator, a political scientist at the University of Hawaii and a futurist.
Dator, a court consultant to the Fereated States of Micronesiaand
Hawaii, stated that in the State of Ponape, for example, formal
apologies replace prison for crimes, even rape and murder.
Some startling, real - life dramas have stirred these discussions: In
Los Angles three years ago, thousands of Japanese Americans offered
support to a Japanese house wife who attempted a parent - child suicide in
a traditional Japanese manner called oyaku-shinju because of here
humiliation over her husband's love affair. The woman was rescued, the
children died.
When charged with murder, she told her attorney she thought her only
crime was failed suicide. |
As far back as the 1800s English poet and critic, Matthew Arnold, noted the
problems of race mixing:
... the mixture of persons of different race in the same commonwealth
unless one race had a complete ascendancy, tended to confuse all the relations
of human life, and all men's notions of right and wrong....127
Wilmot Robertson noted statistics which support the conclusion that
race-mixing leads to increased crime:
It is worth repeating that every race and every society have their
criminals. But multiracial societies have more crime.... 128
History is insistent in pointing out that when the dominant population
group goes, the country goes. As is daily becoming more apparent, the dying
fall of the American [Celto-Saxon] Majority is the dying fall of America
itself. 129
At this time in the history of the Caucasian race, when Celto-Saxon morality
is nearing an all-time low, it still cannot be denied that the basic inner
morality of Celto-Saxons aligns itself more closely with God's Laws than does
the basic inner morality of any other race. Celto-Saxon morality can even be
contrasted with the Arabs (who come from another branch of the same stock as
Israel), but the difference is especially obvious when you contrast Celto-Saxon
morality with that of the modern-day Jews.
In his book A Rabbi Talks with Jesus, Rabbi Jacob Neusner admitted to
the contrasting differences between the Jew's morality and the morality of those
who follow the teachings of Yeshua the Christ:
[Yeshua's] way so radically differs from my [the Jewish] way, it
is clear we are hearing different voices from Sinai.... 130
As has already been pointed out, the Jews themselves admit that they do
not follow the Laws of God given to Moses and to the Israelites at Mt.
Sinai; instead they follow the Talmud which originated in Babylon.
According to Herman Wouk: "The Talmud [not the Bible] is to this
day the circulating heart's blood of the Jewish religion." The following
overview of Talmudic and Biblical morality reveals the stark contrast between
these two books of faith and the morality of their adherents:
Approves of Sodomy: "If one committed sodomy with a
child of less than nine years, no guilt is incurred" (Sanhedrin 54b) |
Prohibits Sodomy:"Thou shalt not lie with mankind as
with womankind: it {homsexuality] is an abomination" (Leviticus
18:22) |
Approves of Child Sacrifice to Idols: "He who gives of his
seedto Molech incurs no punishment"(Sanhedrin 64a) |
Prohibits Child Sacrifice to Idols: "Whoever gives
any of his seed to Molech: he shall surely put to death (Leviticus 20:2)
Cursing Parents Allowed: "One who curses his parents isn't
punished unless he curses them by Divine name" (Sanhedrin 66a)
Cursing Parents Prohibited:"He that curses his father or mother
shall be put to death" (Exodus 21:17) |
Allows Enchanting: "It is permitted to consult by a
charm the spirits of oil and eggs, and make incantations" (Sanhedrin 101a)
Disallows Enchanting: "None of you shall be an
enchanter or a charmer, or consult with familier spirits (Deut.
18:10-11) |
Beastiality Condoned:"Woman having intercourse with a beast can
marry a priest, the act is a mere wound" (Yebamoth 59b) |
Beastiality Condemned: "You shall not lie with any
beast, nor shall any woman stand before a beast to lie with it" (Lev.
18:23) |
Harlotry Lawful: " A harlot's hire is permitted, for what the
woman has received is a gift." (Abodoh Zarah 62b-63a) |
Harlotry Unlawful: "She that plays the whore in her father's
house shall be put to death". (Deut. 22:21) |
Blasphemy Allowed: "One can revile the Devine Name if mentally
appying it to some other object". (Sanhedrin 65a-b) |
Blasphemy Punishable: "He that blasphemes the LORD[YHWH] shall
surely be put to death". (Numbers 30:2) |
Not Required to Keep Vows: One may declare: "Every vow which I
make in teh future shall be null". (Nedarin 23a-23-b) |
Required to Keep Vows:"If a man vows, he shall not break his
word, he shall do according to all that he spoke". (Numbers 30:32) |
Murder Condoned: "If ten men smote a man with ten staves and he
dies, they are exempt from punishment". (SAnhedren 78a) |
Murder Prohibited: "He that smites a man with a stave so that
he dies, he is a murderer and shall be put to death" (Numbers
35:18)131 |
The following Talmudic precepts also depict the morality of its Jewish
adherents today:
HAGIGAH 15: ... a Jew is considered to be good in the eyes of God,
in spite of any sins he may commit.
ABODAH ZARAH 54a: It is allowed [for a Jew] to take usury from Apostates
KETHUBOTH 11b: When a grown [Jewish] man has had intercourse with
a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this (less
than three years old) it is as if one puts the finger into the eye. (Tears
come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little
girl under three years.)
SANHEDRIN 59a: A Goi [non-Jew or Christian] who pries into the law
[the Talmud] is guilty of death.
This depravity represents only a very small sampling of the Talmud's immoral
perversion. Once again Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz described the staggering impact
that the Talmud has upon the lives and morals of its Jewish adherents:
... the Talmud is the central pillar [of Judaism], soaring up from
the foundations and supporting the entire spiritual and intellectual edifice.
In many ways the Talmud is the most important book in Jewish culture, the
backbone of creativity and of national life. No other work has had a
comparable influence on the theory and practice of Jewish life, shaping
spiritual content and serving as a guide to conduct. 132
Writing about the Talmud's influence upon Jewish life, Arsene Darmesteter
summed it up by saying:
The Talmud ... is the faithful mirror of the manners, the institutions, the
knowledge of the Jews, in a word of the whole of their civilization ...
in which a whole people has deposited its feelings, its beliefs, its Soul.
Mr.. Darmesteter also admitted the following about this iniquitous book of
Jewish traditions:
Christian scholars for the most part looking upon it [the Talmud]
as a monstrosity, an infernal production, which damned the morality of the
Jewish people, and the Jews hotly defending the sacredness of a work that was
the bulwark of their faith and the embodiment of their religious life.
Under the heading "JUDAISM," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
declares that the Jews shape their own morality
JUDAISM: ... Jewish ethical values and ideals ... are shaped by Jewish
experience....* In Judaism the center of
gravity is the Jewish people. ...[Judaism] rests its hope upon the
perfectibility of the human race [the Jews].135
*Possibly this is where today's
situational ethics originated.
In Now and Forever, Samuel Roth admitted to the dissimilitude between
the morality of the Celto-Saxons and that of the Jews:
There are very interesting, very vital differences, that reach back to the
sources of two separate streams of human conduct [morality].... 136
In Jews Must Live Mr. Roth further testified to his own people's
immoral nature and their cancerous effect on the rest of mankind:
... the first of all Jewish creeds is that Jews must live. It does not
matter how, by what, or to what end? Jews must live. And so a return was made
to the ancient policy of conquest by the more peaceful and delicate methods of
cheating, lying and pimping."137
.... the whole purpose of a Jew in business was to get the best of the goy
[non-Jew or Christian]. When the goy had been cheated business was good.
When the Jew had just come out even, business was very bad, indeed. For
the greater the harm he had done in a business transaction with a goy, the
deeper appeared the narrative delight of the Jew.... 138
It was practically a moral obligation on the part of every conscientious
Jew to fool and cheat the goy wherever and whenever possible.... The rest of
Creation - cows, horses, nettles, oak-trees, dung and goyim - were placed
there for our, the Jews', convenience or inconvenience, depending on God's
good humor for the time being....
The Jews pride themselves on their reluctance to proselytize. They explain
that this is a sign not only of religious exclusiveness, but of their good
will towards the rest of the religions. It is nothing of the sort. The Jews
do not proselytize because they are firmly convinced that they will eventually
inherit the earth, and they want as few claimants as possible to this
windfall. 139
The attitude of a young Jew towards his profession is really like that of a
gangster towards a new racket. The real end is the amount of money it is
likely to yield him in exchange for the smallest investment of labor and
enthusiasm. 140
What becomes of the young Jews who cannot attain to one of the professions,
have not the money with which to buy a news stand or the mental
resourcefulness to create a selling line? Most of them remain on the
streetcorners of their neighborhoods and become the petty thieves,
hold-up-men, strikebreakers, backstore crapshooters, street-corner mashers,
dope-peddlers and dope-smugglers, white-slave traffickers, kidnappers and
petty racketeers of every peaceful community in America.
Certainly Jews are not the only people who become gangsters, to make
civilized life on this continent creepy with a thousand species of repellent
crime. The Irish, Greek and Italian immigrants contribute their substantial
share. There is, however, this difference between their
respective contributions. The Irishman, the Italian and the Greek become
criminals out of sheer necessity, and remain so only as long as the necessity
lasts. As in every other thing the Jew touches, he immediately conceives of
it as a career. The Irish, Italian and Greek gangsters are skin sores on
the social body. Eventually, with a little application of remedy, they can be
cleared away. The Jewish gangster imbeds himself deeply in the flesh of
society. He becomes a permanent if not a fatal tumor. 141
In his book Judaism and the Christian Predicament in a chapter
entitled "The Oral Torah," Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser also directed our attention to
this difference in morality:
This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as
well as Christians - that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It
is of course a fallacious impression ... whoever would seek to compare the
classic Jewish tradition [of the Talmud] with the biblical world of
[the Hebrew and Christian] faith and life would find some startling
contrasts. 142
After one reads the previous quotes from the "Oral Torah" (the Talmud), there
can be no doubt of this divergence in morality between Jewish tradition and
Christian faith. Dr. Oscar Ludwig Levy admitted to the tragic morality of the
There has been no progress, least of all moral progress.... And it is
just our [Talmudic] Morality, which has prohibited all real progress,
and - what is worse - which even stands in the way of every future and
natural reconstruction in this ruined world of ours.... I look at this
world, and I shudder at its ghastliness: I shudder all the more, as I know the
spiritual authors [the Jews] of all this ghastliness ....
On May 29, 1989 Jewish seminary students raided a Palestinian refugee camp in
the Occupied West Bank. While so doing, they murdered a 13 year old girl. Their
spiritual leader, Rabbi Yitzak Ginsberg, justified the murder in his comments
over Israeli radio:
We have to recognize that Jewish blood and the blood of a goy are not the
same thing. Every law that is based on equating goys [non-Jews or
Christians] and Jews is completely unacceptable.
In Antisemitism: Its History and Causes, Bernard Lazare admitted that
Jewish immorality ruins other nations:
... the Jew, not being an Aryan [Celto-Saxon], has not the same
moral, social and intellectual conceptions as the Aryan ... and therefore he
[the Jew] must be eliminated, or else he will ruin the nations that
have received him .... 144
Nearly one hundred years later, David Saperstein inadvertently admitted to
the truth of Mr. Lazare's claim:
The Christian radical right has a dramatically different vision for America
[than the Jews]. 145
... no group is more supportive of abortion rights, gay civil rights,
separation of church and state, and more opposed to the general
ultra-conservative agenda of the Religious Right [Celto-Saxon
Christianity] than the Jewish community. 146
Drawing our attention to this difference between the morality of the Jews and
the Celto-Saxon peoples, Maurice Samuel wrote:
...your [Christian Celto-Saxon] system of morality is no less a need to you
than ours to us [Talmudic Jews]. And the incompatibility of the two systems
is not passive. You might say: "Well, let us exist side by side and
tolerate each other. We will not attack your morality, nor you ours." But
the misfortune is that the two are not merely different. They are opposed in
mortal, though tacit [unspoken], enmity. No man can accept both,
or, accepting either, do otherwise than despise the other. 147
I believe that the preferences and aversions which I here express will at
least serve to make clear the irreconcilable difference between Jewish
[Talmudic] and gentile [Christian Celto-Saxon] morality.
Our very radicalism is of a different temper. Our spur is a natural
instinct. We [Jews] do not have to uproot something in ourselves to become
"radicals," dreamers of social justice [Socialism]. We are this by
instinct: we do not see it as something revolutionary at all. It is tacit
[understood] with us. But with you [Christians] it is an effort
and a wrench. Your very ancestry cries out against it in your blood.
The Jewish radical ... will discover that nothing can bridge the gulf
between you [Christian Celto-Saxons] and us [Talmudic Jews].
Mr. Samuel further identified Jew and Celto-Saxon differences in the
following revealing terms:
... another question, more subtle and disturbing, must be faced. I have
said, "There are two life-forces in the world I know: Jewish and
gentile [Celto-Saxon], ours and yours." If this be a truth, we must not be
driven from it.... Here is the gentile life-force: here is the Jewish
life-force. What their origin was I cannot say. A can only affirm - to the
Jews, in the main, belongs the Jewish life-force, a consistent and
coherent force, a direction in human thought and reaction. To you
others belongs the gentile life-force, a [Christian] mode of life and
thought distinct from ours....
We [Jews] have lived for many centuries in close contiguity [proximity], if
not intimacy [with you Celto-Saxons]....
Yet the cleavage is there, abysmal and undeniable. In the main,
we are forever distinct. Ours is one life, yours is another....
I do not believe that this primal difference between gentile and Jew is
reconcilable. You and we may come to an understanding, never to a
reconciliation. There will be irritation between us as long as we are in
intimate contact. For nature and constitution and vision divide us from all of
you forever - not a mere conviction, not a mere language, not a mere
difference of national or religious allegiance. With the best will on both
sides, successful adaptation to each other will always be insecure and
transient.... But, as has come to pass so often, the difference which is
deeper than will, deeper than consciousness, will assert itself. There is a
limit to our moral or mental possibilities. We [Jews] cannot climb out of
ourselves. The complete and permanent reconciliation of your [Christian]
way of life with ours is beyond that limit.151
These two "life-forces" that Mr. Samuel wonders about are easily understood
from a Biblical perspective, especially when one has correctly identified the
players involved. In Genesis 25 it is recorded that Rebekah bore Isaac twins,
Esau (the elder) and Jacob (the younger). While still in her womb the two
"struggled together within her." YHWH explained this rivalry to Rebekah:
Two nations are in your womb [Rebekah]; and two peoples shall be
separated from your body; and one people shall be stronger than the other;
and the older [Esau/Edom] shall serve the younger [Jacob/Israel]. (Genesis
Soon after the two boys had grown, this promise began to find it,"
fulfillment. Genesis 25 relates that Esau sold his birthright to Jacob, and
Genesis 27 relates that the blessing became the possession of Jacob as well. As
a result, Esau sought to destroy Jacob.
The struggle, which began in the womb, continued as these two boys grew to
manhood and it endures today in their descendants. Ezekiel 35:5 and Amos 1: 11
respectively speak of an "everlasting enmity" and a "fury forever" existing
between these two peoples, the Edomites and the Israelites. But who is who in
this continuing struggle? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to
know the names of each man's descendants. It is recorded in Genesis 36 that Esau
is Edom and he was the father of the Edomites. It is also recorded in Genesis 35
that Jacob's name was changed to
Israel, and he became the father of the Israelites. These are the two peoples
spoken of by YHWH in Genesis 25. Who represents these two peoples today? It is
extremely important that this question is answered correctly!
It becomes quite evident as we examine the Scriptural traits of the
Israelites that only the Celto-Saxons fulfill all of the marks of Israel. On the
other hand, it is very likely that many of today's Jews are the racial
descendants of the Edomite nation which adopted the religion of Judaism in the
second century B.C.:
." the days of John Hyrcanus (end of second century B.C.E.) ... the
Edomites became a section of the Jewish people."152
They [the Edomites] were then incorporated with the Jewish nation....
... from then on they [the Edomites] constituted a part of the
Jewish people, Herod [King of Judea] being one of their descendants.
... they [the Edomites] were hereafter no other than
[non-Israelite] Jews. 155
Without recognizing it, Maurice Samuel was simply identifying what God
Almighty prophesied several thousand years ago - the ongoing struggle between
Esau/Edom and Jacob/Israel. The descendants of Esau/Edom are still trying to
destroy the descendants of Jacob/Israel. The Jews today falsely claim to be the
"chosen people" of Scripture in order to regain what was lost by their ancestor,
Esau/Edom, many centuries ago. However, the birthright and blessings rightfully
belong to the Celto-Saxons, the true descendants of Jacob/Israel. 156
One aspect, which Mr. Samuel did perceive correctly, is that the basic
morality of the Jews and the basic morality of the Celto-Saxons are
diametrically opposed to one another. The morality of the Israelites is derived
from God's Law; the morality of the Jews is not. Which people are the true
descendants of the Biblical Israelites? The answer should be obvious!