Yesterday, Today & Forever
Israel to Have a New Heart and Spirit and to Be Born Anew ... YHWH your God will circumcise your [Israel's] heart and the heart of your descendants, to love YHWH your God with all your heart and with all your soul, in order that you may live. (Deuteronomy 30:6)"...I [YHWH] shall give them [Israel] one heart, and shall put a new spirit within them. And I shall take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances, and do them [Heb. 8:8-10]. Then they will be My people, and I shall be their God." (Ezekiel 11:19-20)
"...I will take you from the nations, gather you from all the lands, and bring you into your own land. Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. Moreover, I [YHWH] will give you [Israel] a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances." (Ezekiel 36:24-27)
Which People Are Known as Born-Again Believers? Celto Saxons
We know the answer to this question since we have already established that the Celto-Saxon peoples have been the most responsive to Yeshua's (Jesus' given Hebrew name) call of salvation.
Since an extremely small percentage of Jews do claim to have had a born again experience, a warning is warranted at this point. Christians should, at the very least, question the claims of those Jews who profess to believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, whether they call themselves "Jews for Jesus," "Messianic Jews," "Hebrew Christians" or any other name. The reason for my warning is obvious when we read the following from the Talmud:
BABA KAMMA 113b: It is permitted [for a Jew] to deceive a Goi [a non-Jew or Christian]. The name of God [YHWH] is not profaned when it is not known by the Goi that the Jew has lied.
The Zohar and Iore Deah teach that Jews should use trickery and deceit when dealing with Christians:
ZOHAR 1, 160a: Rabbi Jehuda said to him [Rabbi Chezkia] "He is to be praised who is able to free himself from the enemies of Israel [the Jews misnamed], and the just are much to be praised who get free from them and fight against them." Rabbi Chezkia asked, "How must we fight against them?" Rabbi Jehuda said, "By wise counsel thou [Jews] shalt war against them [non-Jews or Christians].... By what kind of war? The kind of war that every son of man must fight against his enemies ... by deceit and trickery whenever possible. They must be fought against without ceasing, until proper order be restored. Thus it is with satisfaction that I say we [Jews] should free ourselves from them [non-Jews or Christians] and rule over them."
IORE DEAH 148, 12, Hagah: ... if you ... find them [Christians] celebrating a feast, you [Jews] may pretend to rejoice with them in order to hide your hatred.
IORE DEAH 157, 2, Hagah: If a Jew is able to deceive them [Christians] ... he may do so.1
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion advocate creating schisms in Christian churches:
... while we are re-educating youth in new traditional religions and afterwards in ours, we shall not overtly lay a ringer on existing [Christian] churches, but we [Jews] shall [covertly] fight against them by criticism calculated to produce schism ....2
As effective as this advice from the Protocols might be, it is a well known fact that: "An enemy within the fort is much more to be feared than an enemy outside!" On January 13, 1489, Rabbi Chemor of Arles in Provence, France, wrote the Grand Sanhedrin for advice because the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. Following is a portion of the reply Rabbi Chemor received:
The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis follows.
- As for what you [Jews] say that the King of France obliges you to become Christians: do it [outwardly become Christians], since you cannot do otherwise, but let the law of Moses [actually the Talmud*] be kept in your hearts.
- As for what you [Jews] say about the command to despoil you of your goods: make your sons merchants, that little by little they [your sons] may despoil the Christians of theirs.
- As for what you [Jews] say about their making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, then they [your sons] may take away Christians' lives.
- As for what you [Jews] say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they [your sons] may destroy their [the Christians'] churches.
- As for the many other vexations you [Jews] complain of arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State [civil government], in order that by putting Christians under your yoke, you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
- Do not swerve from this order that we give you because you will find by experience that, humiliated as your are, you will reach the actuality of power [over the Christians].
Signed V.S.S.V.F.F. Prince of the Jews,
21st Caslue (November), 14893
*The Law of Moses" was and is a misleading term often used by the Jews when they are actually making devious and erroneous reference to the "tradition of the elders," the Talmud.
"Crypto-Jews" is the title given to Jews who outwardly convert to another religion, while remaining Jews in their hearts. The Jewish Encyclopedia provides the following definition:
CRYPTO-JEWS: Jews professing another religion but practicing Jewish [Talmudic] rites in secret in their own homes.4
The following definition is provided by The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia:
CRYPTO-JEWS: Persons who, while outwardly professing another religion (generally adopted by themselves or their ancestors under compulsion), continue to adhere secretly to Judaism. Such were the MARRANOS of Spain and Portugal, the CHUETAS of Majorca, the JEDID-AL-ISLAM in Persia, the NEOFITI of S. Italy, and (with somewhat different antecedents) the DONMEH of Salonica.5
An example of a Crypto-Jew is illustrated by a Jew named Ka'b Al-Ahbar who converted to Islam. The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia provides the following information:
KA'B AL-AHBAR (d. [died] 652 or 655): Jewish convert to Islam who spread a knowledge of Jewish traditions [Talmudism] among the Moslems.6
In Spain the Crypto-Jews were known as Marranos. The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages quoted Volterranus concerning the Marranos:
... John [II, King of Castile, Spain] ordered all Jews to leave Spain, and to abandon their property, unless they wished to become Christians. A good part, therefore, out of fear of losing their possessions, were washed ["baptized"- probably sprinkled rather than immersed as required by Scripture] in the sacred font, but secretly they [the Jews] guarded their ancestral laws [Talmudic practices and traditions], and became that worst of the races of men, those whom the vulgar today term "marranos" [swine].7
In A History of the Marranos, Jewish author Cecil Roth shed light on this notorious group of Jews who plagued the Christian Church in Europe, especially in Spain and England
CRYPTO-JUDAISM, in one form or another, is as old as the Jew himself.8
The phenomenon of Marranism is more, however, than the commonplace occurrence of forcible conversion, followed frequently by the practice of Judaism [Talmudism] in secret. Its essential element is that this clandestine religion is passed on from generation to generation. This is by no means a unique occurrence. Among the reasons given for the expulsion of the Jews from England in 1290 was that they [the Jews] persisted in seducing recent converts [to Christianity] to return to the "vomit of Judaism."9
Behind this outward sham they [Marranos] remained at least as they had always been. Their disbelief in the dogmas of the Church was notorious, and not always concealed. They kept all of the traditional [Jewish/ Talmudic] ceremonies, in some instances down to the least details...
In race, in belief, and largely in practice, they [the Marranos] remained as they had been before the conversion. They were Jews in all but name, and Christians in nothing but form. They were moreover able to transmit their disbelief to their children, who though born in the dominant faith and baptized [sprinkled] at birth, were as little sincere in their attachment to it as their fathers.10
It was, however, notorious that they were Christians only in name; observing, in public, a minimum of the new faith while maintaining, in private, a maximum of the old one.... Baptism had done little more than to convert a considerable proportion of the Jews from infidels outside the Church to heretics inside it.11
In the Spring/Summer 1993 edition of Spirit magazine, in an article entitled "Hidden Jews - 500 years of Secrecy in the Southwest," Marc Simmons elaborated on the Marranos as they made their way into the United States:
Today [1993] some of the [Marrano] descendants, good Spanish-speaking Catholics or Protestants to all appearances, are coming out of the shadows and revealing that their families for generations have been practicing certain Jewish customs and ceremonies in secret, living two lives as it were, or wearing two skins [Matthew 7:15]....... Hispanic [Spanish Marrano] colonists ... were practicing Judaism [Talmudism] on the sly....12
In the final quarter of the sixteenth century, a throng of Portuguese Jews entered Mexico, all carrying papers certifying that they were conversos [Christian converts], but in fact, the newcomers remained well versed in Jewish doctrine and carried on the old religion [Talmudism] sub rosa [secretly]. The word Portuguese became a synonym for Jew.13
Israel Cohen made some revealing remarks about both past and present Crypto-Jews in his book Jewish Life in Modern Times:
In modern times, however, the desertion of Judaism has been mostly voluntary in character and far more extensive in its incidence. Not that the Jews recognize any religious superiority on the part of Christianity. Their desertion partakes of two forms: either they [the Jews] leave the Synagogue because they have little sympathy with it, without joining the Church, for which they have even less sympathy; or they join the church because it relieves them of social and political disabilities .... Instances of conversion for conscience' sake may perhaps occur, for even Jewry has its mystics; but they are difficult to prove, as the acceptance of baptism is invariably accompanied by a material advantage. Hence the motives that actuate the great bulk of [Jewish] apostates - the deliverance from civil disabilities or the furtherance of their career - are substantially the same today as those that prevailed in the Middle Ages. The main difference is that formerly they were impressed upon the Jew by means of the sword or the stake; now they operate automatically.14
The cost of this [Christian] work of "salvation" is enormous. Between the years 1863 and 1894 the London Society spent from 2600 to E3000 upon the conversion of a single Jew; and in 1898 it spent 228,439 upon the baptism of 28 Jews. The total expenditure of the 112 societies is not known, but as the annual income of the London Society alone is now over E60,000, we may assume, even at a moderate estimate, that the aggregate expenditure verges upon a million sterling per annum.... Even a professional missionary, the German pastor De le Roi, declared: "Never has a Jew become baptized through conviction," and [Martin] Luther himself characteristically observed: "It is just as possible to convert the Jews as to convert the devil." The net result of this conversionist activity, which is mainly financed by pious spinsters and blessed by the highest dignitaries of the Church, is that it sows dissension between parents and children, that it saps the moral fibre of the poor, and turns bad Jews into worse Christians.15
The very contempt of the Jew displayed by his intolerant neighbor has made many a weakling bend his back to the storm - and turn his feet to the baptismal font; and yet the converted Jew, be he never so diligent in church attendance, is not less subject to scorn than before, for his baptismal certificate cannot convert his physiognomy [nature and appearance] and merely advertises his hypocrisy.16
What of the Jews today who call themselves "Messianic Jews," "Jews for Jesus," or "Hebrew Christians?" Are they any different from those Jews in the past who were "forced to become Christians?" Read carefully the following claims of Rabbi Haim Levi, a "Messianic Jew." At the same time, keep in mind that the majority of Jews today, if not all, are Jews not by race but by religion:
We [Messianic Jews] regard Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah while remaining Jewish.
We [Messianic Jews] were born Jewish and we will die Jewish. We don't become non-Jewish because we accept Jesus."17
Rabbi Maurice Kapprow of the Williamsburg Jewish Congregation of Orlando, Florida responded to these claims by Rabbi Levi:
Since at best Judaism views Jesus as a teacher, rabbinical tradition [Talmudism] steadfastly refuses to accept him as the Messiah, as the Son of God, or to accept his teachings or that of his followers. Accordingly there can be no one who believes in Christ and who remains a Jew.18
Anyone who has studied Judaism realizes this fact: no one can become a Christian and remain a Jew. To put it another way, no one, who calls himself a Jew, can honestly at the same time call himself a Christian. In a letter to the editor of the Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Argus Leader, Rabbi Stephen Forstein confirmed this reality:
Judaism [Talmudism] holds that one cannot be a Jew and a member of another religion [such as Christianity] at the same time ... the so-called "Jews for Jesus" are just as misleading. If a person is a Christian, that person cannot be a Jew."19
Regarding "Jews for Jesus" Rabbi Maurice Davis declared:
Judaism denies that Messiahship of Jesus. Christianity affirms it. One cannot deny and affirm the same thing at the same time. Words have meaning ... "Jews for Jesus" is as much an oxymoron as "Christians Against Christ!"20
After describing the Jews of the first century who "converted to Christianity" as "Judeo-Christians," Arsene Darmesteter admitted that those Jews, for the most part, may have proclaimed faith in Yeshua but they never left Judaism:
The Judeo-Christians [Crypto-Jews] still count themselves as Jews, and accept all the religious teaching of the Rabbis [Talmudism], adding only the article of faith that the Messiah had come in the person of Jesus.21
Over one hundred years later, nearly an identical admission was made by Richard C. Nichol, president of the Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations in Needham, Massachusetts. In the following statement, Mr. Nichol defended Messianic Jews' right to claim their Jewishness:
We [Messianic Jews] respect the contributions of the rabbis of old and their contemporary spiritual counterparts [the Talmud and related writings]....22
The dilemma facing "Jewish-Christian" groups today is described in the following statement by James Yaffe:
The Christian can abandon his religion if he wants to.... But the Jew, even if he wants to, finds it almost impossible to abandon his religion. For Judaism is more than a religion. Rip it out, stamp on it, bury all traces of it - and you'll still be left with that something more.23
A Jew today, as we have seen from this evidence, is not a Jew by nationality, but by adherence to Talmudism. As a consequence, it is an absolute impossibility for a Jew, while remaining a Jew, to claim Christianity. Incidentally, in reviewing their literature, I have yet to find among any of the "Jews for Jesus," "Messianic Jews," or "Hebrew Christians" the correct plan of salvation as taught by Yeshua and the apostles. In one case, I found that they specifically taught against the New Testament plan of salvation.
It is important to be aware that a Jew may make a profession of faith, may confess Yeshua as his or her Savior throughout the year, but remain a Jew in good standing by simply reciting the Kol Nidre prayer on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur).
THE KOL NIDRE: ... All vows ... obligations, oaths, and anathemas, whether called 'konam,' 'konas,' or by any other name, which we [Jews] may vow, or swear, or pledge, or whereby we may be bound, from this Day of Atonement until the next (whose happy coming we await), we do repent [renege, renounce]. May they [these vows, etc.] be deemed absolved, forgiven, annulled, and void, and made of none effect; they shall not bind us nor have power over us. The vows shall not be reckoned vows; the obligations shall not be obligatory, nor the oaths be oaths.24
The Jewish Encyclopedia associates the Kol Nidre with the Spanish Marrano Jews:
The... "Kol Nidre"... may have been used in Spain with reference to them [the Marrano Jews].25
In other words, any "converted" Jew who recites the Kol Nidre is absolved of any pretense of being a Christian. In relation to the Kol Nidre, Samuel Roth wrote:
The young Jew must learn to remember that before anything else he is a Jew, that, before any other allegiance, comes his allegiance to the Jewish People. He may be a good American if it is good business to be a good American. He may even pose as a good Chinaman. But no obligation he contracts with a non-Jew is to be considered valid if it violates the interests of this most important [Jewish] obligation of his.26
Certainly no other religion in the world has offered the world a 6 spectacle as contradictory, as malicious, as full of the spirit of unreasonableness as the Jewish recital of the prayer Kol Nidre during Yom Kippur. I suggest that if we are going to start tearing down this great fortress of Jewish religious prejudice and intolerance, Kol Nidre is perhaps the best starting point.27
We must unearth Kol Nidre and fling the foul corpse over the rim of the earth, if we are ever to get rid of Judaism [Talmudism].28
... I found the overwhelming number of habitual criminals to be Catholics and Jews. The Catholic knows that he can clear himself of anything by the simple act of going to Confession. But the Jew goes the Catholic one better. He [a Jew] denies, by his recital of Kol Nidre, even before he undertakes it, any possible responsibility in crime. Can it be doubted what a fearful influence for evil this must exert on his character as a citizen and as a human being?
Kol Nidre must go. After Kol Nidre, must go the Synagogue. And with the synagogue must go Judaism [Talmudism] which has been the cause of untold evil both to the Jew and the world about him.29
Regarding Yom Kippur, the Jewish holiday on which the Kol Nidre is recited, Mr. Roth had the following to say:
I have the same objection to Yom Kippur (Day of Forgiveness) that I have to the Catholic institution of Confession. It breeds instability of mind and character. If a man knows that no matter how badly he behaves a whole year, no matter what crimes or iniquities he commits, a day is sure to come when all his transgressions, civil and criminal alike, will be forgiven him, it is only human that he [a Jew] should be tempted to do rash, violent things to promote his worldly fortunes.
The Jewish Prayer Book lists the following sins specifically as those which are unconditionally forgiven the Jew on Yom Kippur [the Day of Atonement]:
... incestuous lewdness; oppressing ones neighbor; assembling to commit fornication; deceitful acknowledgments; violence; evil imagination; denying and lying; taking and giving bribes; calumny [malicious charges]; extortion and usury; haughtiness; shamelessness; lawlessness; litigiousness; treachery to one's neighbor; tale-bearing; false-swearing; embezzlement; stealing.30
... it came about that the eve of Yom Kippur became, for the gentiles [non-Jews or Christians] throughout Europe, a time for protest against Jewish knavery [trickery and deceit]. Usually the gentiles living near a Jewish community would announce the coming of Yom Kippur by displaying posters everywhere, reading:
"Beware: The Day [of Atonement] Is At Hand When The Jew Renounces As Insincere Any Dealings He May Have With You During The Coming Year. Beware!"31
Dr. Benjamin H. Freedman admonished our blind Christian clergy regarding their celebration of the Jewish Day of Atonement:
Many Christian churches actually "pealed their bells" on the Day of Atonement in celebration of that holy day for so-called or self-styled "Jews." How stupid can the Christian clergy get? From what I have learned after a cursory inquiry I am unable to say whether it was a case of stupidity or cupidity [avarice and greed].32
Dr. Freedman continued his warning to Christians about the Crypto-Jews:
For each "ounce" of so-called good you [Christians] accomplish by conversion of so-called or self-styled "Jews" to the Christian faith at the same time you do a "ton" of harm in another direction by diluting the devotion of countless Christians from their Christian faith. In addition it is a well-known fact that many counterfeit recent conversions [of Jews to Christianity] reveal that conversions, have often proven to be but "infiltrations" by latent traitors with treasonable intentions.33
The Jewish Encyclopedia contains the following revealing remarks regarding Jews who "convert" to Christianity:
CONVERSION TO CHRISTIANITY: No sooner had the Roman world been conquered by the [Christian] Church than the conversion of the Jews became its ever present aim ... henceforth conversion assumed a new meaning. It [conversion for the Jews] was no longer a return to God in repentance, but the adoption of a new faith - not always from inner conviction....
As to the results of such efforts [Martin] Luther's utterance is characteristic: "It is as easy to convert Jews as to convert the devil himself."... More typical is the story related of Everard, a highly respected Christian convert of the thirteenth century .... After having led a secluded life as canon of the Church of St. Andrew in Cologne [France], he refused to take the sacraments in his dying hours, but gave orders to have a dog, a cat, a hare, and a mouse - animals which he had for years kept penned up in his courtyard brought before him in the presence of all his friends; no sooner were they let loose than the dog seized the hare and the cat the mouse. "Behold," he [Everard] then said to his assembled friends, "these four animals, which have never seen one another before, but have always been kept apart, act simply in obedience to the instincts of their nature. Yet as little as the dog will ever cease running after the hare, and the cat after the mouse, so little will the Jew ever become a true Christian...."
... many a [Jew] ... eager to eat of the fruit from the tree of modern knowledge, forbidden to him in the ghetto, was perplexed by the question whether he might not don the garb of Christianity in order to participate in its culture....
Not from conviction, but attracted by the hope of brilliant careers or grand alliances, hundreds of Jewish families in Berlin, Vienna, Konigsberg, and elsewhere joined the Church, "fluttering like moths around the flame....
Most modern [Jewish] converts [to Christianity], unlike the apostates of former centuries, have retained in their heart of hearts love for the faith [Judaism/ Talmudism] and the history of their [Jewish] nation, and in critical hours many have stepped forth in its defense. They are, in the terminology of the Rabbis ... ("such as apostatized for personal motives"), but not ... ("such as apostatized to provoke the wrath of Heaven by any malice of their own") (see 'Ab. [Abodah] Zarah 26a).34
The nineteenth-century poet, Heinrich Heine, is an example of a Jew "converting" to Christianity for profit. Abram Leon Sachar described Heine's reasons for being baptized:
For some years he [Heinrich Heine] struggled to satisfy his ambitions for a career without deserting Judaism. But when this was impossible, when it became plain that "Judaism was not a religion, but a misfortune," he succumbed, declaring that he was "merely baptized, not converted." "If the law had permitted the stealing of spoons," he [Heine] said, "I would not have been baptized. " The step, he soon learned, helped him very little. "I am hated alike by Jew and Christian," he wrote in 1826. "I regret very deeply that I had myself baptized. I do not see that I have been the better for it since...."35
Maurice Samuel also warned Christians of these deceptive pretenders and recommended that we segregate ourselves from them:
...the Jew ... [who] took to baptism; became, externally, similar to the gentile, thinking thus to evade the issue.36
... you [Christians] must learn (and are learning) to dislike and fear the modern and "assimilated" Jew more than you did the old Jew, for he is more dangerous to you. At least the old Jew kept apart from you, was easily recognizable as an individual, as the bearer of the dreaded Jewish world-idea; you were afraid of him and loathed him. But to a large extent he was insulated. But as the Jew assimilates, acquires your languages, cultivates a certain intimacy, penetrates into your life, begins to handle your instruments, you are aware that his nature, once confined safely to his own life, now threatens yours.37
One thing is quite certain: a Jew is never baptized for the purpose of becoming a Christian; his purpose is to become a gentile. Yet obviously you do not make a gentile of a Jew by baptizing him any more than you would make an Aryan of a Negro by painting him with ocher. The sole (and sufficient) value in this direction of [Christian] baptism [for Jews] is the removal of all conscious prohibition against intermarriage.38
... [they] no longer warn you against the religious and secluded Jew, the Ghetto and the Talmud. They warn you against the baptized Jew, against the assimilating Jew, against the inter-marrying Jew. They warn you, indeed, against that part of the Jewish people which is apparently in the process of realization of that ultimate ideal - the disappearance of the Jewish people.39
Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal disclosed that many Jews "convert" to Christianity for the sole purpose of emigrating from Palestine:
That many of its [Jewish] citizens would avail themselves of the opportunity to leave [the State of] Israel is evidenced by the flight of Israeli brain power to wealthier countries and the increasing number of Israeli conversions to Christianity. Few dare emigrate overtly, as such an abandonment of the state is deemed traitorous and contemptible. Some leave as students or tourists and then remain abroad. Others have become Christian because it is far easier for a Christian to emigrate from Israel than for a Jew. Immigration visas are more readily available to Christians.40
Not only do many individual Jews "convert" to Christianity with ulterior motives, but the following newspaper article reveals that some of the "recruiters" are also suspect:
This excerpt is a portion of the same article from the Greeley (Colorado) Tribune also quoted in chapter 9:
Hebrew Christians bridge two worlds
Opponents say it's impossible
By Mary Hines
Tribune Staff Writer
"Hebrew Christians " have thrown a monkey wrench into the traditionally separate and distinct theologies of Christianity and Judaism.
The sect, which has congregations in Fort Collins and Denver, has stirred up fervor in Jewish and Christian communities by claiming to combine the best of both religions - a theoretical impossiblity, opponents have said.
"The Jews are starting to realize there are two comings of the Messiah," said Hebrew Christian Danny Miller, head of an elder of the Congregation of the Living God in Fort Collins. He and his fellow believers are "born -again" Christians who are grasping onto our Jewish roots of the Bible."
...Miller himself...said...They (Jews) don't have to change their Jewish ways."
...The concept of a Hebrew Christian is a theoretical impossibility, said Rabbi Harley Karz-Wagman of the Hillel Foundation in Boulder [Colorado]....
...Rabbi Avram Rothman, executive director of B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation of Colorado, oversees Jewish student groups on college campuses including the University of Northern Colorado...Rabbi Rothman...said it is his opinion that deception is being used among some of the Hebrew Chrisitans in recruiting Jews to their faith. Some of those who have approached students on Denver campuses have looked "more like rabbis than I do." They sport beards and wear the traditional black hat he said, and the signs on thier information booths on campuses are in Hebrew.
Jewish students who are not thoroughly familier with Jewish doctrine may become involved in the group thinking it is a Jewish organization, he said.
Not only are many Jews fallaciously claiming to become Christians, but many Christians are also being Judaized. British General Charles Cornwallis actually foresaw this treason, and following his surrender to General George Washington at Yorktown, he warned Washington in these words:
A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.
Your [Christian] churches will be used to teach the Jew's religion [Judaism/Talmudism] and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government....41
Gen. Cornwallis was not only perceptive, he was even prophetic. Jewish author, Marcus Eli Ravage, goes even further to warn us in the following declaration:
You [Christians] make much noise and fury about the undue Jewish influence in your theaters and movie palaces. >Very good: your complaint is well-founded. But what is that compared to our [the Jews'] staggering influence in your churches, your schools, your laws and your governments, and the very thoughts you think every day?42
Probably the most revealing of all quotes came from Rabbi Martin Siegel when he disclosed how American society would be Judaized:
... we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-ideological blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization* of Christianity because [Judeo-] Christianity will be the vehicle through which this [American Christian] society becomes Jewish.43
*"Since the Renaissance there has been a positive response and great interest in rabbinic literature by eminent non-Jewish scholars, writers, and thinkers in the west. As a result, rabbinic ideas, images, and lore, embodied in the Talmud, have permeated Western thought and culture." "Talmud and Midrash," The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica, lnc., 1973) Vol. 17, p. 1006.
You might be thinking: "It could never happen! " Well, here's proof that it has. In a newspaper article of December 21, 1977, celebrity Pat Boone was asked: "More and more I hear you talking about Jewish things on television. My question is, have you converted to Judaism?" Here are a few excerpts from Mr. Boone's answer:
...Occasionally, we have special Hanukkah parties in our home, and attend services at a nearby conservative temple. Why? Aren't we [Judeo-]Christians? Yes, we are. And that's why we're feeling so Jewish! What so few people realize these days is that [Judeo-]Christianity is a Jewish religion! ... We're members of the [Judeo-]Christian Branch of Judaism.... Yes, I have become a Jew. My whole family have become Jews....44
As far back as 1844, Karl Marx had already declared the Jew's purpose and program:
The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner ... the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves in so far as the [Judeo-]-Christians have become Jews....
In North America, indeed, the effective domination of the Christian world by Judaism [Talmudism] has come to be manifested in a common and unambiguous form; the preaching of the [Judeo-Christian] Gospel itself, [Judaized] Christian preaching....45
Have you ever wondered why modern Christianity has become known as Judeo-Christianity? In the Bible, and for centuries following the writing of the New Testament, worship of Yeshua the Christ was known simply as "Christianity." In many Christian circles today it has evolved into "Judeo-Christianity." The next stage in this evolutionary process, unless stopped by true Biblical Christianity, will simply be "Judaism."
A great many Celto-Saxon people can claim to be born again; however, those few Jews who claim a new heart and a new spirit may be doing so under false pretenses. Crypto-Jewish wolves assimilate themselves into "Christian Conservative" political and educational groups and neutralize them by pretending to be sheep. Little by little the Crypto-Jews remove or weaken the effectiveness of these groups and our churches by suggesting and initiating programs that remove the foundations of Christianity. For example, by appealing to "reason" and "logic," they promote such doctrines as Yeshua was just a man; that it is unchristian to be anti-Zionist; that our foremost duty here on earth is to love the Jews and if we do not God will severely punish us; that it is not "politically correct" to be anti-homosexual; and that movies need to reflect "realism" which brings degenerate and perverted Jewish ideas into every home in Christian America. Tragically, God's true sheep are so blind that these voracious wolves can openly admit their plans and designs to destroy Christianity, yet the. "sheeple" persist in refusing to believe that the wolves are in the sheep pen.
Israel to Carry the Gospel to All The World "You [Israel] are My witnesses," declares YHWH, "And My servant whom I have chosen, in order that you may know and believe Me, and understand that I am He. Before Me there was no God formed, and there will be none after Me. I, even I, am YHWH; and there is no savior besides Me. It is I who have declared and saved and proclaimed, and there was no strange god among you; so you [Israel] are My witnesses," declares YHWH, "And I am God." (Isaiah 43:10-12)
"The people [Israel] whom I formed for Myself, will declare My praise [to all the world]." (Isaiah 43:21)
'Do not tremble and do not be afraid; have I [YHWH] not long since announced it to you and declared it? And you [Israel] are My witnesses. Is there any God besides Me, or is there any other Rock? I know of none.' (Isaiah 44:8)
"Remember these things, O Jacob, and Israel, for you are My servant; I have formed you, you are My servant, O Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me." ... Shout for joy ... for YHWH has redeemed Jacob and in Israel He [YHWH] shows forth His glory. (Isaiah 44:21-23)
... He said to Me, "You are My Servant, Israel, in Whom I will show My glory."... And now says YHWH, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant, to bring Jacob back to Him, in order that Israel might be gathered to Him (For I am honored in the sight of YHWH and My God is My strength), He says, "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also make You a light of the nations so that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth." (Isaiah 49:3-6)
... You [born-again Israelites - 1 Pet. 1: 1-31 are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him [YHWH] who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.... (I Peter 2:9)
Which People Prints 98% of All Bibles and Are Responsible for at Least 95% of All Christian Evangelism? Jews
As has been shown, the Jews will not allow Christianity to be preached in the land of Palestine, and they make concerted efforts to keep the Gospel from expanding everywhere else. It is quite evident that Jewish programs are designed to destroy Christianity from the face of the earth, rather than to promote it.
In contrast, quite the opposite is found to be true when one looks at the Christian evangelical work of the Celto-Saxons. Not only are Celto-Saxon people most receptive to the Gospel of the Kingdom, but they are also most responsible for the expansion of Christianity. In The Conquest of Civilization, American archeologist and Egyptologist, James Henry Breasted, made note of the "lofty moral vision which made the Semites [true Israel] the religious teachers of the civilized world."46
This was attested to by Pastor Josiah Strong when he wrote that the Anglo-Saxons are "the great missionary race" and that "it is chiefly to the English and American peoples that we must look for the evangelization of the world.47
America has been and is at the forefront of these Christian evangelical efforts. This is verified from her early documents, charters and constitutions:
1606 - JAMESTOWN CHARTER - Purpose: "...in propagation of the Christian religion."
1606 - FIRST VIRGINIA CHARTER: "...tend to the Glory of his Divine Majesty, in propagating of Christian Religion to such People, as yet live in Darkness and miserable Ignorance of the true Knowledge and Worship of God...."
1610 - NEW ENGLAND CHARTER - Aims in settling America: "...to increase the knowledge of the Omnipotent God and the propagation of our Christian faith."*
*"First, it will be a service unto the Church of great consequence, to carry the Gospel unto those parts of the world, and raise a bulwark against the Kingdom of AntiChrist...." Pastor Cotton Mather, D.D., "General Considerations for the Plantation of New England," Magnalia Christi Americana or The Ecclesiastical History of New-England quoted by Alexis de Tocqueville in Democracy in America (New York, NY: The Colonial Press, 1899) Vol. 2, p. 360.
1620 - MAYFLOWER COMPACT (the first legal document in America): "In the name of God amen ... having undertaken for the glory of God, and [the] advancement of the Christian faith...."1624 -SWEDISH CHARTER OF DELAWARE COLONY: "In the first place God's glory, which above all must be especially cared for and promoted, can be increased thereby, His blessed Word and Holy Gospel planted and spread among all kinds of people and many thousand souls be brought to the true knowledge and understanding of God."
1632 - MARYLAND CHARTER: [our Celto-Saxon forefathers were] animated with a laudable and pious zeal for extending the Christian religion ... Cecil Calvert [founder of Maryland] wrote in a letter at the time: "At the place prepared we [Celto-Saxon Christians] all kneeled down and said certain prayers; taking possession of the country for our Saviour and for our sovereign Lord."48
1643 -ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION: "Whereas we [Celto-Saxon Christians] all came into these parts of America with one and ye same end and arms, namely to advance the Kingdom of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and to enjoys ye liberties of ye Gospell in puritie with peace...."
In 1669 Nathaniel Morton wrote the following as a part of the true reasons for the plantations of New England:
... lastly, and ... not the least, a great hope and inward zeal they [Celto-Saxon colonists] had of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way there-unto for the propagating and advancement of the Gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world, yea, although they should be but as stepping stones unto others for the performance of so great a work.49
As we read the declarations of YHWH through the Prophet Isaiah we can readily acknowledge that Israel has been His chosen vessel of witness:
You [Israel] are My Witnesses ... My servant whom I have chosen .... My chosen People. The people whom I formed for Myself will declare My praise. ...Israel shows forth His [YHWH's] glory. (Isaiah 43:10, 20-21; 44:23)
It appears as if George Washington was quoting from these passages at one point in his prayer as he petitioned God:
[Almighty God] Endow with the spirit of wisdom those whom in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be peace and justice at home [in America], and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth....
Even the renowned evangelist, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, understood that both England and the United States were particularly chosen for this evangelistic task:
I judge that God has blessed the two great nations of the Anglo-Saxon race - England and the United States - and given them pre-eminence in commerce and in liberty on purpose that in such a time as this they may spread abroad the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.50
Christian evangelism is the last thing to be found in the minds of the modern-day Jews, whereas it has always been the primary mission in life for many Celto-Saxons. Indeed, it is the Celto-Saxon people who best fulfill this mark of Israel.
Israel to Be the Only People Given YHWH's Laws, Commandments, Statues, and Ordinances ... all these curses shall come on you and pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you [Israel] would not obey YHWH your God by keeping His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you. And they [the curses] shall become a sign and a wonder on you and your descendants forever. (Deuteronomy 28:45-46)
Moses charged us [Israel] with a law, a possession for the assembly of Jacob. (Deuteronomy 33:4)
... He [YHWH] established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which He commanded our fathers, that they should teach them to their children; that the generation to come might know, even the children yet to be born, that they may arise and tell them to their children, that they should put their confidence in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep His commandments.... (Psalm 78:5-7)
He [YHWH] declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel. He has not dealt thus with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they [the non-Israelite nations] have not known them. Praise YH! (Psalm 147:19-20)
"...as for Me," says YHWH: "My Spirit which is upon you, and My words which I have put in your [Israel's] mouth, shall not depart from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring's offspring," says YHWH, "from now and forever." (Isaiah 59:21)
"...days are coming," declares YHWH, "when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah ... this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days," declares YHWH, "I will put My law within them, and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people." (Jeremiah 31:31-33)
"...I [YHWH] will give them [Israel] one heart, and shall put a new spirit within them. And I shall take the heart of stone out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh, that they may walk in My statutes and keep My ordinances, and do them. Then they will be My people, and I shall be their God." (Ezekiel 11:19-20)
"...I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you .... And I [YHWH] will put My Spirit within you and cause you [Israel] to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances." (Ezekiel 36:25-27)
"... I [the Apostle Paul] could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from [the] Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises. (Romans 9:3-4)
"... finding fault with them, He says, "Behold days are coming, says YHWH, when I will effect a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah.... For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says YHWH:
I will put My laws into their minds, and I will write them upon their hearts. And I will be their God. And they shall be My people." (Hebrews 8:8-10)
"This is the covenant that I will make with them [Israel] after those days, says YHWH: I will put My laws upon their heart, and upon their mind I will write them...." (Hebrews 10:16)
Which People Print, Distribute, and Worship From Millions of Copies of YHWH's Word? Jews
The Jewish State of Israel could never do this because their religion is the religion of the Talmud. Here is what the Talmud and other Jewish authorities say about God's Law and Word in contrast to the teachings of the Talmud:
Babylonian Talmud
BABA MEZIA, fol. 33a: Those [Jews] who devote themselves to reading the Bible [the Old Testament Scriptures] exercise a certain virtue, but not very much; those who study the Mishnah [the foundation and principle part of the whole Talmud] exercise virtue for which they will receive a reward; those, however, who take upon themselves to study the Gemara [the disputations and decisions of the doctors of Talmudic Law concerning the Mishnah] exercise the highest virtue.
SANHEDRIN 10, 3: He [the Jew] who transgresses the words of the scribes [the Talmud and related books] sins more gravely than the transgressors of the words of [YHWH's] law.
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
Judaism [Talmudism] is the spiritual way of life developed by the Jewish people.
... The distinction frequently occurs in modern literature between the Religion of Israel and Judaism.51
... Judaism [Talmudism] ... has presented itself as a religion of revelation."52
... the rabbis of the past made enactments that had the practical effect of abrogating a law of the Bible.53
The Written Law and the Oral Law are referred to as the "Torah," [by the Jews].... Although the Written Law [the Pentateuch], by definition, is static, the Oral Law [the Talmud and related Jewish literature] is constantly expanding, as the authoritative rabbis of each generation enact legislation, based upon principles of the Torah, to meet new and changing conditions. The Oral Law is, therefore, an everdeepening repository of laws and enactments.54
...the rabbis [usurping God] had the right to dispense with the performance of a positive Biblical law if they [concluded they] had a valid reason for so doing.55
The legal development which began with the completion of the written Torah and reached its climax with the creation of the Mishnah and Talmud made more plainly manifest the underlying spirit of the law.56
Not only does the rabbinic law make more manifest the underlying spirit of the Biblical legislation, but it also often supplants the harshness of a Scriptural law by provisions more in accord with the advanced morality of the Pharisees [who set themselves above God].57
At some period after Ezra [the scribe], which cannot be precisely determined, a divergence of opinion began upon the question as to what exactly was implied in the obligation to obey the precepts contained in the Torah [the first five books of the Old Testament]. What was to be done when a case arose for which no provision could be found in the written text? The older theory, resting on the immemorial practice of the priests, held that only the written text of the Torah was binding, and that where further directions were needed these were to be given by the priests on their own authority.... But the effect of this [first] theory was that the written Torah [the Old Testament] tended more and more to become obsolete [for the Jews], as the occasions multiplied on which additional directions were needed. Therefore a second theory began to be held, to the effect that along with the written text there was, and always had been from the time of Moses [actually from the Babylonian exile], an unwritten tradition* which supplied what was wanting in the written text. Acceptance of the Torah and the obligation to obey it meant therefore acceptance of the Torah written and unwritten, and more particularly the recognition of the Torah as the full revelation made by God, not final as limited to the written text, but always unfolded into greater clearness as the meaning therein contained was gradually drawn out....
*The rabbinical oral interpretations applied to the Torah by the Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes are what Yeshua condemned as the "tradition of the elders" in Matthew 15:1-9.
... In some respects the Pharisees advanced beyond the position represented in the Hebrew Scriptures.... Indeed, on very many subjects of their teaching they went beyond [superseded] what was to be found in the older [Old Testament] Scriptures....**58_______________________
*"Among the schools of European Jewry the Talmud represented the highest and most complete mastery and challenge to which the pious Jew could apply. The knowledge of the Talmud was held in higher esteem than that of the [Old Testament] Scripture itself" "TALMUD," The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: The Zondervan Corporation, 1975) Vol. 5, p. 594.
The Jewish Encyclopedia
... rabbinic or pharisaic Judaism again presents a phase quite different from Mosaic Judaism [Mosaic Law - there is no such thing as "Mosaic Judaism"]....***59_______________________
***"Judaism may be described as the religion of the Jews in contrast to that of the OT [Old Testament) JUDAISM," The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible (Grand Rapids, ME The Zondervan Corporation, 1975) Vol. 3, p, 727.
"...ultimately Pharisaism and Judaism became almost synonymous....""A third contributing factor to Pharisaism was the development and organization of the Jewish religion itself after the [Babylonian] Captivity and the [Maccabean] Revolt. Formulation and adaptation of Mosaic law by scribe and rabbi, increased tradition, and a more rabid separatism from almost everything resulted in almost a new religion much the opposite from that handed down in the [Old] Covenant by the prophets." "PHARISEES," The Zondervan Pictorial Bible Diction edited by Merrill C. Tenney (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1963) p. 647.
It [Judaism] created Pharisaism in opposition to Sadducean insistence upon the letter of the Law; and the day when the injunction "an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth" was abrogated, and the rationalistic interpretation of the Scribes was substituted therefore, was celebrated as a triumph of reason [for the Jews]....60
Joseph Klausner, Ph.D., comments on this same "triumph of reason."
In cases of personal injuries the Sadducees enjoined "eye for eye" in the most literal sense as laid down in the [Mosaic] Law. Whereas the [Talmudic] Pharisees laid down "eye for eye" in money value, lest there be "both eye and life for the eye." There is no need to point out that the latter is the more humane view [an improvement on God's Laws according to the Jews].*61
*"Even 'an eye for an eye' was interpreted [by the Jews] to mean financial compensation." "Talmud and Midrash," The New Encyclopaedia Britannic (Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1973) Vol. 17, p. 1013.
Mr. Klausner concluded that God, in and by His Law, is inhumane.
The following two quotations provide us with additional examples where Biblical Law was forsaken for Rabbinical law by the Jews:
The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia
PROSBUL [Greek for "the court"]: A special form of legal document annulling the cancellation of debts during the Sabbatical year enjoyed by biblical precept. Scripture warns against refusing to lend to the needy because of the approaching Sabbatical year cancellation (Deut. 15). Nevertheless, the tendency prevailed not to make loans as the Sabbatical year approached, and [Rabbi] Hillel therefore issued an enactment whereby a lender would not lose his money despite the Sabbatical year if he made a declaration in writing to the court in the following manner: "I hereby make known to you, judges of this place, that I wish to be able to collect all debts due to me at any time I may desire.62
LOANS: ... Debts are cancelled by the SABBATICAL YEAR; [Rabbi] Hillel [overruling God], however, instituted the PROSBUL according to which debts could also be collected after the Sabbatical Year. L. [Loans] with interest [usury] are strictly forbidden [by God] in the Bible. Later, however, permission was given [by Rabbi Hillel] to receive interest under certain conditions, if the transaction was for business purposes.*63
*The growth of finances, industry, and land estates led the rabbis to develop laws concerning contracts, partnerships, and legal arrangements to circumvent the Biblical prohibition against usury." "Talmud and Midrash," The New Encyclopaedia Britannica (Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1973) Vol. 17, p. 1013.
It is hardly by coincidence that the majority of lending institutions are owned or controlled by Jews. The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia provides further evidence proving that Biblical Law has been vacated by the Jews:
BIBLE COMMENTATORS: There have been two basic Jewish methods of Bible interpretation: (1) according to the plain meaning of the text (peshat); and (2) the homiletic [supposedly moral] exposition of underlying meanings, not always logically deducible (derash).
Next to nothing is said about peshat, but this encyclopedia does elaborate on derash:
Derash developed out of the [Pharisaical] need to find scriptural authority for traditional customs. Hence, the MIDRASH appeared, developing under the tannaim and treating both the legal (halakhic Midrash) and the narrative (aggadic [haggadic] Midrash) sections of the Bible.... Among the tannaim, there were two methods of derash, one close to the peshat (developed by R. [Rabbi] Ishmael [ben Elisha]) and the other farfetched (R. [Rabbi] Akiva [ben Joseph]). ... Nahmanides [/Nachmanides - Rabbi Moses ben Nachman/Nahman], however, introducing [a third set of] kabalistic interpretations, i. e., the search for mystical symbolism behind the text, which spread with the publication of the Zohar. In the 14th cent, Jewish exegesis [critical interpretation] tended to become restricted to the more exaggerated method....64
Under the heading "Midrash" the same encyclopedia records:
MIDRASH: The finding of new meaning, in addition to [superseding] the literal one, in the Scriptures. Talmudic tradition has formulated certain rules to deduce such hidden and new meanings.... In certain cases, the M.[idrash] established the law; in others, it found scriptural support for laws already accepted. The entire talmudic literature is replete with the midrashic exposition [distortion by the Rabbis and other Jewish authorities] of [Scriptural] verse ....*65
*"The Scribes, the Pharisees, the Tannaim (authorities of the first two centuries from Rabbis Hillel and Shammai to Rabbi Yehuda ha-Nasi, whose views and preserved traditions are codified in the Mishnah] and Amoraim [authorities from the third to the fifth centuries, whose comments and disputations form the substance of the Gemara] men like Maimonides (Rabbi Moses ben Maimon] and the Jewish Rabbi of the present day, have all been alike teachers, lawmakers, judges, scribes, physicians...." Joseph Klausner, Ph.D., Jesus of Nazareth: His Life. Times. Teaching (New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1953) p. 226.
On the contrary: "There is only one Lawgiver and Judge...."4:12) Isaiah 33:22 makes it clear that He, the one and only Lawgiver and Judge, is YHWH.
Under "books, prohibited," the same reference states:
BOOKS, PROHIBITED: ... Within the Jewish community, attempts were made to ban the writings of Maimonides [Rabbi Moses ben Maimon, one of the primary commentators of the Talmud] because of their rational tendencies ....66
Listen to the following well-known Jews as they testify against themselves regarding Biblical Law:
Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
Talmudic Scholar and Publisher One of the greatest [Jewish] historical controversies was that between the methods [derash interpretations] of the "houses" (schools) of [Rabbis] Shammai and Hillel, which lasted for more than a century. It was eventually resolved in the famous dictum: "Both are the words of the living God, and the decision is in accordance with the House of Hillel." The fact that one method is preferred does not mean that the other is based on a misconception. It, too, is an expression of creativity [disobedience to God's Laws] and of "the words of the living God...."
One of its earliest expressions is the theory that just as an architect builds a house according to a blueprint, so the Holy One [YHWH], Blessed be He, scanned his Torah* in creating the world.67
*"Torah, in the Talmudic sense, refers to all religious and ethical teachings handed down by tradition.... God himself is depicted as studying the Torah, for even he cannot make decisions concerning the world that contradict it." "Talmud and Midrash," The New Encyclopaedia Britannic (Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1973) Vol. 17, pp. 1010-1011
The [Jewish] sages believed that it was the oral law - the Mishnah and the Talmud [not the Bible] that rendered the Jewish people unique.... the sages emphasized the importance of the oral law [not the written law] as proof of Israel's [the Jews'] singularity, as the definition of true Judaism.68Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise
Scholars not of their band had demonstrated that Talmudic tradition and all it inculcated as obligatory had passed through many channels, widening and varying its currents as the days proceeded and that in many matters, Talmudism was a clear departure from Biblical theory and practice ....69
The return from Babylon, and the adoption of the Babylonian Talmud marks the end of Hebrewism [the end of all ties to the Old Testament Scriptures] and the beginning of Judaism.70
Rabbi Louis Finkelstein
We shall presently see that talmudic civil law markedly deviated from that of [Old Testament] Scripture.
... Pharisees used exegesis [critical interpretation] to depart from the word of Scripture. Efforts of the Talmud (notably that of Babylonia) to find Scriptural support for Pharisaic deviation, at times through forced exegesis ... the ancient [Jewish] Sages did not hesitate to impose their views on the Bible itself.71
... Josephus could rightly say of the Pharisees [and today's Jews], who devoted themselves to the study of the Law, that "they follow the conduct of Reason," and "observe what it prescribes as good for them," and "think they ought earnestly to strive to observe Reason's dictates in their practice [in lieu of YHWH's Laws].72
Arsene Darmesteter, Lexicographer and Philologist
The Talmud, exclusive of the vast Rabbinic literature attached to it, represents the uninterrupted work of Judaism from Ezra to the sixth century of the common era, the resultant of all the living forces and of the whole religious activity of a nation. If we consider that it is the faithful mirror of the manners, the institutions, the knowledge of the Jews, in a word of the whole of their civilization in Judea and Babylonia during the prolific centuries preceding and following the advent of Christianity, we shall understand the importance of a work, unique of its kind, in which a whole people has deposited its feelings, its beliefs, its soul. Nothing [not even YHWH's Law], indeed, can equal the importance of the Talmud [to the Jews]....73
It is not understood [by the average person] that it [the Talmud] is a human [Jewish] product, whose origin and development are human....74
We no longer have dealings with an inconstant people hesitating between Baal and Jehovah, but with a [Jewish] nation that has made its choice, and enthusiastically accepts and develops a cult, that is, a well co-ordinated system of beliefs, laws, and practices. Its literature suits itself to this transformation. No longer the rich and vigorous efflorescence to which we owe such masterpieces as the Psalms, Isaiah, Job, it has become severe, dogmatic, scholastic instruction, which after eight laborious centuries will result in the Talmud. In a word, Hebraism [the Israelite religion of Old Testament Scripture] is at an end, Judaism [the Jewish religion of the Talmud] is born.75
... Judaism accommodated itself to the constantly shifting needs of a [Jewish] society constantly in a state of upheaval, and, consecrating the aspirations of each new generation, it could develop and progress boldly on the path of reforms.... Thus it sanctioned at once tradition ....76
Each verse was accompanied by a commentary of infinite length; the text [of Old Testament Scripture] disappeared, buried under the notes [of the Talmud]....
Once taught from the written word in the Mishna, tradition received its final consecration. It ceased to be tradition to become a new Law - a Law completer, preciser, and clearer than the ancient [Old Covenant] Law, which found itself relegated to the background. "It is better to be occupied with the Mishna than the Law," said the Rabbis; "the [Old Covenant] Law may be compared to water, but the Mishna is wine."
So [Jewish] tradition, from being a commentary on the Law, itself becomes a second law, a Deuterosis, to use the expression of the Fathers of the Church, and takes the place of the first [YHWH's Law].77
Bernard Lazare, Author
...it is the study of the Talmud, obligatory and exclusive, that has prevented the Jew from drinking at the real fountainhead, the Bible; the doctors [Talmudic sages] have stifled [and replaced] the prophets [of YHWH].78
Herman Wouk, Novelist
The Jewish law [Judaism/Talmudism] has markedly changed over the centuries.79
Obviously, "Jewish Law" cannot be the same as Hebraic, Mosaic, or Biblical Law because God's Law never changes. Twice Moses warned us neither to add to nor take away from the Laws of God:
"You [Israel] shall not add to the word which I [Moses] am commanding you, nor take away from it [YHWH's Law], that you may keep the commandments of YHWH your God which I command you." (Deuteronomy 4:2)
"Whatever I [Moses] command you [Israel], you shall be careful to do; you shall not add to nor take away from it [YHWH's Law]." (Deuteronomy 12:32)
After recording several contradictions between Biblical Law and Jewish law, Mr. Wouk then stated:
Such changes [in YHWH's Law] - there are dozens of them - have revolutionized the family life and the economic structure of Jewry to meet new times and manners....
What we [Jews] have then is a system of amendment originating with "the wise" and subject to ratification or annulment by the law-abiding community at large, in a quiet referendum that is continuous and effective.80
In short, no one can no more understand, or even picture, Jewish jurisprudence as it actually works by reading the Pentateuch [the first five books of the Bible] than one can envision the United States in 1959 by reading the Constitution. In each case it is the common law that brings the founding documents in touch with our lives here and now.81
James Yaffe, Author
God has laid down his rules for all time, but he wants us [Jews] to find legal ways of handling them, manipulating them, adapting them to new circumstances. Doubt, controversy, even hairsplitting are part of our obligation to God.82
If a law [of YHWH's] is reasonable, in fact, some Orthodox Jews seem to feel rather annoyed at it.83
Reform Judaism ... contended that the laws of Moses were not immutable and eternal, but had been devised to deal with a particular situation. When the situation changed, the laws could be changed too - or eliminated on account of irrelevance. And the test of a [one of YHWH's] law's relevance, of course, would be the individual's own judgment and feeling.84
The architects of Conservative Judaism provided him [the Jew] with a blueprint for compromise, so complete with theological arguments and Talmudic precedents. They declared, just as the Orthodox do, that the Mosaic law can never be considered obsolete, because it was revealed to us directly by God; but they [Conservative Jews] also declared that the [Mosaic] law contains within itself certain principles which allow us [Jews] to adapt it to changing circumstances....85
The Reconstructionists [Jews] reject the belief that the law was revealed by God. God never actually spoke to the Israelites; they were a primitive people and had to invent that story in order to explain their world and justify their religious experiences. We [Jews], the descendants of that people [the Israelites - a spurious claim by the Jews], are permitted to do exactly what they did - explain the world we live in, and in our own terms.86
Moses Hess, Author
Judaism would have shared in the fate of those offshoot religions which froze into dogma and perished in the destructive conflict with modern science, were it not the creator of its own lofty concept of God, were its religious teaching not the product of its own living experience.87
Harry Gersh, Author
Beginning about the eleventh century, the Talmud - rather than the Bible - became the major study source of European [Khazar/Ashkenazi] Jews. ...the Bible as such was studied very little in the Beth haMidrash, the house of study. Young boys were taught to read in the Chumash, the Pentateuch [the first five books of the Bible], but they graduated to the Talmud as soon as their scholarship allowed.88
Samuel Roth, Author
In his book Jews Must Live, in the second chapter, "The Jew's Hatred of Genesis," Samuel Roth distorted many of the incidents found in Genesis. At one point Mr. Roth stated the following:
....I quote the Bible only when I find that I cannot improve on it.89
Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits
This book of eternal inspiration [the Bible] has ceased to inspire modern Jewry, and what is more, it is almost unknown to the great majority of them [the Jews].90
This is all testimony to the fact that neither the Old Testament nor God's Laws contained therein are highly esteemed by most modern-day Jews. Thus we see how perfectly the proselytized "Jews" today fulfill what Yeshua declared regarding their religious predecessors, the scribes and Pharisees:
...Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, saying, "The scribes and the Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses ... they say things, and do not do them." (Matthew 23:1-3)
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! ... you ... have neglected the weightier provisions of the [Mosaic] law.... (Matthew 23:23)
... you too outwardly appear righteous to me, but inwardly you [scribes and Pharisees] are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. (Matthew 23:28)
... He [Yeshua] said to them [the scribes and Pharisees], "Rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written, 'This people honors Me with their lips, but their heart is far away from Me. But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as [Scriptural] doctrines the precepts of men [oral traditions that were later codified and became the Talmud].' Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men." He was also saying to them, "You nicely set aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition." (Mark 7:6-9)
By their own admission the Jews have testified that they worship not from the Scriptures, but instead from the Talmud. Consequently, the Jews have once again provided us with good reason to question their racial pretense of being Israelites.
The Apostle Paul made it very clear to whom God's Law had been given:
... my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons and the glory and the covenants [Abrahamic, Mosaic and Christian] and the giving of the Law.... (Romans 9:3-4)
Deuteronomy 33:4 also declares that the Law of God was given to Israel as a "possession." Not only was God's Law presented to the Israelites, it was given exclusively to the Israelites:
He declares His words to Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances to Israel. He [YHWH] has not dealt thus with any nation [but that of Israel]; and as for His ordinances, they [other nations and races of people] have not known them. Praise YAH! (Psalm 147:19-20)
End Notes 1. Pastor Iustin Bonaventura Pranaitis, The Talmud Unmasked: The Secret Rabbinical Teachings Concerning Christians (St. Petersburg, Russia: Imperial Academy of Sciences Printing Office, 1892) pp. 69-74.
2. Victor Emile Marsden, trans., Protocol 17, Article 5, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 1905 and subsequent editions (of this appendix — its original form) reprinted (Boring, OR: CPA Books) p. 50.
3. "The Grand Sanhedrin," 1489 letter reprinted, Revue des estudes Juives (Paris, France, 1889).The Paris newspaper Revue des estudes Juives was financed by James de Rothschild (Jakob Rothschild), a Jew, who managed the Paris branch of his father's European banking empire.
4. "Crypto-Jews," The Jewish Encyclopeda (New York, NY: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1903) vol. 4, p. 379.
5. "Crypto-Jews," The New Standard Jewish Encylopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 558.
6. "Ka'bal-Ahbar," The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1977) p. 1087.
7. Volterranus, quoted in Edward A. Synan, The Popes and the Jews in the Middle Ages (New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1965)
8. Cecil Roth, A History of the Marranos (Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1932) p. 1.
12. Marc Simmons, "Hidden Jews: 500 Years of Secrecy in the Southwest," Spirit, Spring/Summer 1993, Vacation Planning Guide, p. 5.
14. Israel Cohen, Jewish Life in Modern Times (New York, NY: Dodd, Mead and Company, 1914) p. 292.
17. Rabbi Haim Levi, "Jesus' Role Splits Messianics, Traditionalists," The Orlando Sentinel, 17 January 1987, p. D13.
18. Rabbi Maurice Kapprow, The Orlando Sentinel, 17 January 1978, p. D13.
19. Rabbi Stephen Forstein, letter to the editor, "Jews Can't Be Christian," Argus Leader (Sioux Falls, SD) 3 June 1988.
20. Rabbi Maurice Davis, "Fourth largest branch of Judaism," National Jewish Post & Opinion, 22 June 1988, vol. 54, no. 39.
21. Arsene Darmesteter, Henrietta Szold, trans., The Talmud (Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1897) p. 83. The Talmud by Arsene Darmesteter was originally published in England in Quarterly Review, October 1867.
22. Richard C. Nichol, "Rabbis Have No Right to Rule on Our Jewishness," Moment: The Magazine of Jewish Culture and Opinion, December 1994, p. 4.
23. James Yaffe, The American Jews (New York, NY: Random House, 1968) p. 162.
24. "Kol Nidre," The Jewish Encyclopeda (New York, NY: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) vol. 7, p. 539.
25. "Kol Nidre," The Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 540.
26. Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live (New York, NY: The Golden Hind Press, Inc., 1934) p. 91.
32. Dr. Benjamin H. Freedman, letter to David Goldstein, L.L.D., on 10 October 1954, Facts Are Facts (New York, NY: Benjamin H. Freedman, 1955) p. 46.
34. "Conversion to Christianity," The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York, NY: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1903) vol. 4, pp. 249-252.
35. Abram Leon Sachar, A History of the Jews (New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf, 1968) p. 289.
36. Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1924) pp. 138-139.
40. Dr. Alfred M. Lilienthal, The Other Side of the Coin (New York, NY: The Devin-Adair Company, 1965) pp. 334-335.
41. Gen. Charles Cornwallis, quoted in Col. Jonathan Williams, Legions of Satan (1781), quoted in U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI) in an address six months before his death (2 May 1957), quoted in Pastor Dave Barley, America's Promise Newsletter, April 1986.
42. Marcus Eli Ravage, "A Real Case Against the Jews — One of Them Points Out the Full Depth of Their Guilt," Century Magazine, February 1928, p. 347.
43. Rabbi Martin Siegel, New York Magazine, 18 January 1972, p. 32, quoted in Why Don't You Believe What We Tell You? (Costa Mesa, CA: The Noontide Press Publishers, 1982) p. 34.
44. Pat Boone, quoted in Copley News Service, 21 December 1977.
45. Karl Marx, T.B. Bottomore, trans., Karl Marx: Early Writings (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1964) p. 35.
46. James Henry Breasted, The Conquest of Civilization (New York, NY: Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1926) p. 120.
47. Pastor Josiah Strong, D.D., Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis (New York, NY: Baker & Taylor Company for the American Home Missionary Society, 1885) pp. 160-161.
48. 1606 Jamestown Charter and 1632 Maryland Charter, quoted in Walter S. Remmie, "This is a Christian Nation," Kingdom Digest, July 1981, p. 20.
49. Nathanial Morton, New England's Memorial (Cambridge, MA: S.G. and M.J. for John Usher, 1669), reproduced with extracts from other writers (Boston, MA: Congregational Board of Publication, 1854) p. 20.
50. Evangelist Charles Haddon Spurgeon, The Treasury of the Old Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1951) vol. 2, p. 154.
51. "Judaism," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (New York, NY: Universal Jewish Encyclopedia Company, 1942) vol. 6, p. 233.
52. "Judaism," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 236.
53. "Law, Abrogation of," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 553.
54. "Law, Jewish Sources and Development of," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 557.
55. "Law, Jewish Sources and Development of," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 564.
56. "Law, Spirit of the," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 562.
57. "Law, Spirit of the," The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 6, p. 563.
58. "Pharisees," The Universal Jewish Enyclopedia, vol. 8, pp. 474-475.
59. "Judaism," The Jewish Encyclopedia (New York, NY: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1904) vol. 7, p. 359.
60. "Judaism," The Jewish Enyclopedia, vol. 7, p. 368.
61. Joseph Klausner, Ph.D., Herbert Danby, D.D., of Oxford University, trans., Jesus of Nazareth: His Life, Times, and Teaching (New York, NY: The Macmillan Company, 1953) p. 220.
62. "Prosbul," The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1966) p. 1547.
63. "Loans," The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 1218.
64. "Bible Commentators," The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, pp. 311-312.
65. "Midrash," The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 1315.
66. "Books, Prohibited," The Standard Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 342.
67. Adin Steinsaltz, The Essential Talmud (New York, NY: Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, 1976) pp. 6-7.
69. Claude Goldsmid Montefiore, quoted in Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, Free Synagogue Pulpit: Sermons and Addresses (New York, NY: Bloch Publishing Company, 1910) vol. 2, p. 72.
70. Rabbi Stephen Samuel Wise, quoted in Bertrand L. Comparet, Can Anything Be "Judeo-Christian"?, p. 2.
71. Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, introduction to the 3rd edition, The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of Their Faith (Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1938) vol. 1, pp. liv-lv.
72. Finkelstein, vol. 1, p. 93.
73. Arsene Darmesteter, Henrietta Szold, The Talmud (Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1897) p. 7. The Talmud by Arsene Darmesteter was originally published in English in Quarterly Review, October 1867.
78. Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism: Its History and Causes (New York, NY: The International Library Publishing Company, 1903) p. 299.
79. Herman Wouk, This is My God: The Jewish Way of Life (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1959) p. 202.
82. James Yaffe, The American Jew (New York, NY: Random House, 1968) p. 27.
87. Moses Hess, Rome and Jerusalem, 1862 reprint., ed. (New York, NY: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1958) p. 19.
88. Harry Gersh, The Sacred Books of the Jews (New York, NY: Stein and Day Publishers, 1968) p. 112.
89. Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live (New York, NY: The Golden Hind Press, Inc., 1934) p. 61.
90. Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits, Towards Historic Judaism (Oxford, UK: The East and West Library, 1943) p., 52.
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