Yesterday, Today & Forever
As we consider the geographical aspects of Israel, we would again expect to find certain distinctive characteristics and qualities to be represented in and by Israel. After examining each of them, it should be fairly simple for anyone to identify who Israel is today.
Israel to Have a New Home
"I [YHWH] will also appoint a place for My people Israel and will plant them, that they may live in their own place and not be disturbed [moved] again, nor will the wicked afflict them anymore as formerly." (2 Samuel 7: 10)
" ... I [YHWH] will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in their own place and be moved no more; neither shall the wicked waste them any more as formerly.... (1 Chronicles 17:9)
"Ask of Me, and I [YHWH] will surely give the nations [of the world] as Thy [Israel's] inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Thy possession." (Psalm 2:8)
... your [Israel's] waste and desolate places, and your destroyed land - surely now you will be too cramped for the inhabitants, and those who swallowed you will be far away. The children of whom you were bereaved will yet say in your ears, 'The place is too cramped for me; make room for me that I may live."' (Isaiah 49:19-20)
*The word "here," which is found in italics in the New American Standard translation of the Scriptures, has been omitted since it is not found in the text of the original Hebrew language. The King James Version renders it: "...give place to me that I may dwell."
"...your [the Prophet Ezekiel's] brothers, your relatives, your fellow exiles [the two-tribed house of Judah], and the whole house of Israel, all of them [including the ten-tribed house of Israel], are those to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said [the remnant of the house of Judah's remarks to the majority of the Israelites], 'Go far from YHWH; this land has been given us as a possession....'" (Ezekiel 11:15)"...I [YHWH] will bring them [the Israelites] out from the [non-Israelite Gentile] peoples and gather them from the countries and bring them to their own land; and I will feed them on the mountains [prophetically used for nations and countries] of Israel, by the streams and in all the inhabited places of the land." (Ezekiel 34:13)
"...I [YHWH] will establish for them [the Israelites] a renowned planting place, and they will not again be victims of famine in the land, and they will not endure the insults of the [heathen] nations anymore." (Ezekiel 34:29)
Which People Reside in a New Homeland?
Israel of old was given the promised land of Canaan; later Israel was uprooted and dispersed among the non-Israelite Gentiles for her idolatries and whoredoms; and at a future time of regathering, Israel was to be given a new home. YHWH, through the Prophet Nathan, declared to David:
"I [YHWH] will appoint a place for my people Israel and will plant them, that they may live in their own place and not be disturbed again, nor will the wicked afflict them anymore as formerly." (2 Samuel 7:10)
This promise was made at a time when David reigned over the United Kingdom of Israel and while the Israelites were already at peace and rest in Canaan, the first land of promise:
... King [David] lived in his house, and YHWH had given him [and the nation of Israel] rest on every side from all his [their] enemies.... (2 Samuel 7:1)
This prophecy concerning a new land, as interpreted by King David himself, would find its fulfillment in "the distant future."
... Thou [YHWH] hast spoken also of the house of thy servant [David] concerning the distant future.... (2 Samuel 7:19)
At some time in the distant future Israel was to have a new land of residence. The King James Version renders verse 10:
[To King David through the Prophet Nathan] ... I [YHWH] will appoint a, place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them anymore, as beforetime. (2 Samuel 7:10)
Note that Israel would neither be moved nor afflicted any more in her new land of promise. Consequently, this prophecy cannot refer to Israel's sojourn in Canaan since Israel was again afflicted and moved by both the Assyrians and the Babylonians when the house of Israel and the house of Judah were taken into their respective captivities after Nathan prophesied to King David.
Which people are residing in a new promised land? Not the Jews! Today's Jews, who have no racial or hereditary claim to Palestine, illegitimately claim the old promised land as their home.
On the other hand, no one can deny that a large portion of the Celto-Saxon people now reside in a land that had never before belonged to Israelites. Was it just by coincidence or was it by the providence of God that in 1630 a young Puritan minister by the name of John Cotton chose 2 Samuel 7: 10 as his text for a farewell message to a boatload of fellow Puritans departing for America?1
During the next two hundred and forty years, many men recognized "the design of Providence" in the settling of America's shores by Celto-Saxons. The following quotations are from three such men. Samuel Eliot Morison commented on Pastor Cotton's vision of this New Canaan land:
[Pastor John] Cotton's sermon was of a nature to inspire these new [American Celto-Saxon] children of Israel with the belief that they were the Lord's chosen people; destined, if they kept the covenant with Him [YHWH], to people and fructify this new Canaan [North America] in the western wilderness.2
In The Federalist American Chief Justice John Jay wrote:
This country [America] and this people [Celto-Saxons] seem to have been made for each other, and it appears as if it was the design of Providence [YHWH].3
In Volume I of Democracy in America, French historian Alexis de Tocqueville saw God's hand in selecting this land for His people:
... North America was discovered, as if it had been kept in reserve by the Deity [YHWH], and had just risen from beneath the waters of the deluge.4
The evidence is conclusive. Historical voices through the centuries attest that the Celto-Saxons fulfill this mark of Israel, not the Jews.
Israel to Be Gathered From Remote Countries, Coasts, and Islands
Listen to Me [YHWH], O islands, and pay attention, you [Israelite] people from afar. YHWH called me [Israel] from the womb; from the body of my mother He named me. And He has made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand He has concealed Me. And He has also made me a select arrow; He has hidden me in His quiver. And He [YHWH] said to me, "You are my Servant, Israel, in whom I will show My glory." (Isaiah 49:1-3)
"Pay attention to Me, O My people; and give ear to Me, O [Israel] My nation; for a law will go forth from Me, and I [YHWH] will set My justice for a light of the peoples. My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, and My arms will judge the peoples; the coastland will wait for Me, and for My arm they will wait expectantly." (Isaiah 51:4-5)
... thus says YHWH, "Sing aloud with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chiefs of the nations; proclaim, give praise, and say, 'O YHWH, save Thy people, the remnant of Israel.' "...I [YHWH] am bringing them [Israel] from the north country, and I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth, among them the blind and the lame, the woman with child and she who is in labor with child, together; a great company, they shall return here. With weeping they shall come, and by supplication I will lead them; I will make them walk by streams of waters, on a straight path in which they shall not stumble; for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim [the house of Israel] is My first-born." Hear the word of YHWH, O nations, and declare in the coastlands afar off, and say, He [YHWH] who scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock." (Jeremiah 31:7-10)
Which People Were Scattered to Remote Parts of the Earth?
Harry Golden, a Jewish writer, revealed the fulfillment of these passages in an article entitled "Only in America - The 10 Lost Tribes." This article should prove enlightening to anyone who thinks that the ten (actually twelve) tribes of Israel became extinct.
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The 10 Lost Tribes
by Harry Golden
Isaiah, the prophet, wrote that the remnant of Yahweh's people would be found in the "isles of the great sea." Isn't it reasonable this remnant may be the people of the British Isles?
Grant me the possibility and I shall proceed to unravel the this archaeological riddle of the ages; what happened to the ten lost tribes?
The men of Dan escaped slaughter when Shalmaneser [King of-Assyria] subjugated the ten tribes. As they made their way across Europe, they left indelible evidence of their journey. They called the places they stopped after the name of their "tribe": thus Danube, Dnieper, Denmark, etc., all of which lay along their route of march.
The men of Dan eventually settled in Ireland and were known as Tuatha de Daanana [the warriors of Dan]
None of this is imaginary research. One has only to dip into the work of the eminent Rabbi S. Raisin to see how well documented and probable this hypothesis is.
Along with the Danites, the other coastal tribes, the Asher, Manasseh, Ephraim, and Simeon escaped Shalmaneser's fury. Obviously, the Simeonites became the Simoni (or Cimerii) of Wales.
The Danites called their new home arzaret, which means "another Land of Israel" and gradually they also came to call themselves Gauls which is a metamorphosis of the word "Golim" meaning exiles.
Some of them called themselves Saccae which derives from Succotites and means "dwellers in booths."
These were the fellows who emigrated to the next island and came to call themselves Scotsmen for all Scotch means, as any student of Anglo-Saxon knows, is Irisher.
Others from Ireland emigrated to Wales and the folk ethos [custom] remained strongest here.
David remained their favorite and became their patron saint, although they forgot their Hebrew for as Isaiah said, "For with stammering lips and with a strange tongue shall it be spoken to the people.5
The Prophet Isaiah confirmed that Israel was to inhabit islands, and he declared that those islands were northwest of Palestine:
...these [Israelites] shall come from afar ... these will come from the north and from the west. (Isaiah 49:12)
For any Israelites to return from the north and the west, they must have first migrated to the northwest. The Prophet Jeremiah confirmed that Israel's new homeland(s) would be primarily north of Palestine:
In those days the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel, and they will come together from the land of the north to the land that I gave your fathers as an inheritance. (Jeremiah 3:18)
The following portrayal illustrates the primary direction of Israel's migrations:
North and West
Celto-Saxons by the hundreds of thousands found their way to the British Isles and then across the sea to the United States and Canada, which are primarily north of Palestine.
Israel to Colonize and Spread Abroad
"Your [Jacob/Israel's] descendants shall also be like the dust of the earth, and you shall spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families (nations and races) of the earth be blessed." (Genesis 28:14)As the first-born of his ox, majesty is his [Joseph's], and his horns [Joseph's two sons] are the horns of the wild ox; with them he [Joseph] shall push the [non-Israelite] peoples, all at once, to the ends of the earth. And those [horns] are the ten thousands of Ephraim and ... the thousands of Manasseh. (Deuteronomy 33:17)
"...I [YHWH] will surely give the nations [of the world] as Thy [Israel's] inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Thy [Israel's] possession." (Psalm 2:8)
Thou hast increased the nation [of Israel], O YHWH, Thou has increased the nation, Thou art glorified; Thou hast extended all the borders of the land. (Isaiah 26:15)
In the days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will blossom and sprout; and they [the Israelites] will fill the whole world with fruit. (Isaiah 27:6)
"...your waste and desolate places, and your destroyed land - surely now you [the land of Canaan] will be too cramped for the inhabitants, and those who swallowed you will be far away. The children of whom you were bereaved will yet say in your ears, 'The place is too cramped for me; make room for me that I may live.'" (Isaiah 49:19-20)*_______________________
*The word "here," which is found in italics in the New American Standard translation of the Scriptures, has been omitted since it is not found in the text of the original Hebrew language. The King James Version renders it: "...give place to me that I may dwell."
"Enlarge the place of your tent; stretch out the curtains of your dwellings, spare not; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your pegs. For you [Israel] will spread abroad to the right and to the left...." (Isaiah 54:2-3)"I [YHWH] will whistle for them [Israel] to gather together, for I have redeemed them; and they will be as numerous as they were before. When I scatter them among the peoples, they will remember Me in far countries, and they with their children will live and come back [to Me, YHWH]." (Zechariah 10:8-9)
Which People Have Been the Colonizers of the World?
Samuel Roth admitted the lack of an adventurous, pioneering spirit among the Jews:
Jews have never, like other peoples, gone into a wilderness and built up a land of their own.6
Why, when England offered them uninhabited country in West Africa, did they turn it down? We come back once more to the Jew's reluctance to work and build. The Jew must have cities already built for him....7
Pastor Josiah Strong, once again, made it clear which people best fulfill these Scriptures:
... another marked characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon is what may be called an instinct or genius for colonizing. His unequaled energy, his indomitable perseverance, and his personal independence, made him a pioneer. He excels all others in pushing his way into new countries [Deut. 33:17]. It was those in whom this tendency was strongest that came to America, and this inherited tendency has been further developed by the westward sweep of successive generations across the [North American] continent. So noticeable has this characteristic become that English visitors remark it. Charles Dickens once said that the typical American would hesitate to enter heaven unless assured that he could go further west.8
This was also confirmed by Lt. Col. Charles Hamilton Smith who wrote of the Caucasian's physiology which enabled him to colonize:
... the Caucasian [Celto-Saxon] form of Man combines, above the rest, strength of limb with activity of motion, enabling it to endure the greatest vicissitudes [natural changes] of temperature in all climates - to emigrate, colonize, and multiply in them ....9
The Caucasian [Celto-Saxon] type alone continues in rapid development, covering with nations every congenial latitude, and portending, at no distant era, to bear rule in, every region....10
In the section entitled "Book of Races and Peoples" in The Circle of Knowledge, Henry Woldmar Ruoff reported:
The Caucasian [Celto-Saxon] race has now spread, through colonization, over the whole world....11The term "Caucasian race" is sometimes used erroneously to include modern-day Jews, but it was not the previous author's intention to include today's Jews among the Caucasians. With a more explicit comment, the author made this apparent:
It is the Aryans [Celto-Saxons] that have been the parents of new nations....12
Listen again to Isaiah as he prophesies regarding Israel's cramped quarters which subsequently led to some of her migrations:
... you [the land of Canaan] will be too cramped for the inhabitants.... The children of whom you [Israel] were bereaved will yet say in your ears, 'The place is too cramped for me; make room for me that I may live."' (Isaiah 49:19-20)
In his book New England's Memorial, Nathaniel Morton demonstrated how perfectly America's early Celto-Saxon settlers fulfilled this passage from Isaiah:
That especially the seed of Abraham his servant, and the children of Jacob his chosen, may remember his [YHWH's] marvelous works (Psal. 105.5-6.) in the beginning and progress of the planting of New England, his wonders, and the judgements of his mouth; how that God brought a vine [Israel] into this wilderness; that he cast out the heathen and planted it; and he also made room for it, and he caused it to take deep root, and it filled the land; so that it hath sent forth its boughs to the sea, and its branches to the river. (Psal. 80.8-9.) And not only so, but also that He hath guided his people by his strength to his holy habitation, and planted them in the mountain of his inheritance, (Exod. 15.13.) in respect of precious gospel-enjoyments. So that we may not only look back to former experiences of God's goodness to our predecessors [Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel], (though many years before) and so have our faith strengthened in the mercies of God for our times....13
Also note how the Prophet Isaiah's statement is fulfilled as recorded in The Circle of Knowledge:
Through pressure of numbers, and spurred on by their own enterprising nature, these Aryan [Celto-Saxon] peoples for ages moved mainly westward, from their ancestral seats.14
Pastor Ezra Stiles, in his election sermon of 1783, commented on the colonizing spirit of those who came to America:
Already for ages has Europe arrived to a plenary [complete], if not declining, population of one hundred millions; in two or three hundred years this second enlargement may cover America with three times that number, if the present ratio of increase continues with the enterprising spirit of Americans for colonization and removing out into the wilderness and settling new countries ....15
The Celto-Saxons migrated primarily northwest to the British Isles and the North American continent and eventually found their way to Australia, New Zealand, India, China, Southeast Asia and South Africa. Later, after the difficult work of colonizing was accomplished, the Jews followed the Celto-Saxons.
Israel to Find Native Inhabitants Diminishing Before Her
... if you will diligently obey YHWH your God, being careful to do all His commandments which I [Moses] command you today, YHWH your God will set you [Israel] high above all the [non-Israelite] nations of the earth .... YHWH will cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they shall come out against you one way and shall flee before you seven ways ... YHWH shall make you the head and not the tail, and you only shall be above, and you shall not be underneath, if you will listen to the commandments of YHWH your God, which I charge you today, to observe them carefully. (Deuteronomy 28:1-13)
As the first-born of his ox, majesty is his [Joseph's], and his horns [Joseph's two sons] are the horns of the wild ox; with them he [Joseph] shall push the [non-Israelite] peoples, all at once, to the ends of the earth. And those [horns] are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and ... the thousands of Manasseh. (Deuteronomy 33:17)
... the [heathen] nation and the kingdom which will not serve you [Israel] will perish, and the nations will be utterly ruined. (Isaiah 60:12)
Just as the Israelites, who moved into the old promised land, subdued the inhabitants who were living there at the time, we know from our own history that when the Celto-Saxons settled America, the same destiny awaited the native peoples here. The same fate also befell the inhabitants of Canada, South Africa, Australia, India, and New Zealand. God appointed a place for His people Israel; this required that they take possession of the land, which in turn required displacing the non-Israelite inhabitants.
Israel's New Land to Be Restored From the Sword
After many days you [Gog and his hordes] will be summoned [by YHWH]; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword [peace after a time of war], whose [Israelite] inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the nations, and they [the Israelites] are living securely, all of them. (Ezekiel 38:8)
... I [YHWH] will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the [non-Israelite] children of wickedness afflict [war against] them [Israel] any more, as beforetime. (2 Samuel 7:10 KJV)
The Prophet Ezekiel prophesied that Gog and his allies (believed by many theologians to be Communist Russia*) would invade the mountains of Israel. What land is described in Ezekiel 38? This and the next five identifying marks provide us with the answer.
*Recent events in Russia cause many observers to proclaim that Communism is dead. If this is true then the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto would have been abolished. The Russian people (and, as far as that goes, the American people) continue to live under all ten of Communism's planks. Consequently, Communism still thrives; it just does so under different banners.
Whose Land Has Been Restored From the Sword?
In an article entitled "It's Time for Another Mideast War," Len Martin wrote:
In 1981, I wrote an article pointing out that Israel [the Israeli Jews and the State of Israel] had gotten itself into a war on the average of once every eight years. At that time (1981), it had been eight years since its last military involvement, and what do you know - the next year Israel invaded Lebanon. It has now been eight years since that venture, so we are in the "eight-year time frame" when, give or take a year or two, [the State of] Israel has historically stirred up trouble that ended in war.16
Mr. Martin wrote this just months before America and her allied forces attacked Iraq for invading Kuwait. Researchers have proven that the clash with Iraq was another war "stirred up" by the Israelis. Consequently, the Middle East can hardly be the land described in Ezekiel's prophecy."17
Today, we find quite the opposite in the lands which are inhabited by Celto-Saxons, especially the United States of America. Another of America's early pastors stirred the hearts of her Christian patriots and called their attention to the fact that this new country would offer a safe harbor from all oppressors. Speaking before the Honorable Council and the Honorable House of Representatives in New England in 1778, Pastor Phillips Payson looked to the future of America and declared:
... to anticipate the future glory of America from our present hopes and prospects is ravishing and transporting to the mind. In this light we [American Celto-Saxons] behold our country, beyond the reach of all oppressors, under the great charter of independence, enjoying the purest liberty; beautiful and strong in its union; the envy of tyrants and devils, but the delight of God and all good men; a refuge to the oppressed; the joy of the earth ....18
Thomas Jefferson wrote of the safety afforded America by the vast oceans on either side of her continent:
The insulated state in which nature has placed the American continent should so far avail it that no spark of war kindled in the other quarters of the globe should be wafted across the wide oceans which separate us from them.19
In one of the many prayers of President George Washington we find him petitioning God for deliverance from violence:
Almighty God, who has given us this good heritage, we humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will
Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners.
Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogancy, and from every evil way....
In the culture of an earlier America, our music reflected the honor, courage and safety of our homeland. Listen to the third stanza of "America" as it was originally written. It, too, testifies to America's safety from alien molestation:
No more shall tyrants here
With haughty steps appear,
And soldier bands.
No more shall tyrant tread,
Above the patriot dead,
No more our blood be shed,
By alien hands.
America, not Palestine, has been spared from bloodshed by the swords of foreign invaders.
Israel's New Land to Be Inhabited by a People Gathered From Many Nations
After many days you [Gog and his hordes] will be summoned [by YHWH]; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose [Israelite] inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its [Israelite] people were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them. (Ezekiel 38:8)
Whose Land Was and Is Inhabited by a People Gathered From Many Nations?
Consider the following declaration by Maurice Samuel:
... carrying this still further, we Jews, the most clannish of peoples, are helplessly disorganized - we have never achieved comparative unity, not even in a single territory....20
America, on the other hand, was initially founded and inhabited by multitudes of Celto-Saxons from England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, France, Holland, and Germany. George Washington's prayer continued:
Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people the multitudes brought out of many [Celto-Saxon] kindreds and tongues....
Our national motto, E Pluribus Unum, means "Out of Many One." This is another mark of identification that points to the United States of America as the primary regathering site for the twelve tribes of Israel. Consider the fact that at the time George Washington offered up his prayer of petition to Almighty God, and when Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson decided upon our national motto, America was almost exclusively a Celto-Saxon nation. In The Federalist, John Jay, America's first Chief Justice, wrote of the kinship of early Americans:
... I have as often taken notice, that Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country [America] to one united people - a people descended from the same [Celto-Saxon] ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same [Christian] religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and Customs....21
In a speech delivered on May 22, 1851, Daniel Webster also made note of the common origin, culture and religion of these Celto-Saxon colonizers:
From the mouth of the St. Johns [River in New Brunswick, Canada] to the confines of Florida, there existed, in 1775, thirteen colonies of English [Celto-Saxon] origin, planted at different times, and coming from different parts of England, bringing with them various habits, and establishing, each for itself, institutions entirely different from the institutions which they left, and in many cases from each other. But they were all of English origin. The English language was theirs, [William] Shakespeare and [John] Milton were theirs, the common law of England was theirs, and the Christian religion was theirs; and these things held them together by the force of a common character.22
There is no other country on the face of this planet that can better fulfill this description than the United States of America. This acknowledgment of our Celto-Saxon origin further confirms what, for many, is already an accepted fact: the United States of America has been chosen by God as the primary location for the regathering of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Israel's New Land Had Previously Been a Continual Waste
After many days you [Gog and his hordes] will be summoned [by YHWH]; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose [Israelite] inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste .... to capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your [Gog's] hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the [Israelite] people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world." (Ezekiel 38:8-12)
Whose Land Had Previously Been a Continual Waste?
The King James Version renders Ezekiel 38:8 in part: "which have been always waste." The land of Palestine certainly does not fit the description of an uninhabited wasteland. Palestine has been continually inhabited, and by some of the most advanced civilizations during the history of mankind. The general area (including Mesopotamia) is often identified as "The Cradle of Civilization."
We find quite the opposite when we consider North America. Prior to its discovery by the Vikings and later by Christopher Columbus, this continent's nine million square miles were literally an uncultivated wasteland, inhabited by only a few hundred thousand Indians. Alexis de Tocqueville graphically pointed this out:
In what part of human tradition can be found anything at all similar to that which is occurring under our eyes in North America? The celebrated communities of antiquity were all founded in the midst of hostile nations, which they were obliged to subjugate before they could flourish in their place. Even the moderns have found, in some parts of South America, vast regions inhabited by a people of inferior civilization, but which occupied and cultivated the soil. To found their new states it was necessary to extirpate or to subdue a numerous population, until civilization has been made to blush for their success. But North America was only inhabited by wandering tribes, who took no thought of the natural riches of the soil, and that vast country was still, properly speaking, an empty continent, a desert land awaiting its inhabitants.23
In Magnalia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England, Pastor Cotton Mather, writing of the dangers facing the Puritans seeking asylum beyond the seas, pictured America as a desolate wilderness:
... the God of Heaven served as it were a summons upon the spirits of his [Christian] people in the English nation; stirring up the spirits of thousands which never saw the faces of each other, with a most unanimous inclination to leave all the pleasant accommodations of their native country, and go over a terrible ocean, into a more terrible desert, for the pure enjoyment of all his [YHWH's] ordinances.24
Being happily arrived at New-England, our new [Celto-Saxon] planters found the difficulties of a rough and hard wilderness presently assaulting them....25
Never was any plantation brought unto such a considerableness, in a space of time so inconsiderable! ... an howling wilderness in a few years became a pleasant land, accommodated with the necessaries, yea, and the conveniences of humane life....26
In his foreword "An Attestation to this Church-History of New England" in the above mentioned book, John Higginson also depicted America as an empty wilderness:
It hath been deservedly esteemed one of the great and wonderful Works of God in this last age, that the Lord stirred up the spirits of so many thousands of his [Celto-Saxon] servants, to leave the pleasant land of England, the land of their nativity, and to transport themselves, and families, over the ocean sea, into a desert land in America, at the distance of a thousand leagues from their own country; and this, merely on the account of pure and undefiled Religion [Christianity], not knowing how they should have their daily bread, but trusting in God for that, in the way of seeking first the kingdom of God, and the righteousness thereof: And that the Lord was pleased to grant such a gracious presence of his with them, and such a blessing upon their undertakings, that within a few years a wilderness was subdued before them, and so many Colonies planted, Towns erected, and Churches settled, wherein the true and living God in Christ Jesus, is worshipped and served, in a place where, time out of mind, had been nothing before but Heathenism, Idolatry, and Devilworship; and that the Lord has added so many of the blessings of Heaven and earth for the comfortable subsistence of his people in these ends of the earth. Surely of this work, and of this time, it shall be said, what hath God wrought? And, this is the Lord's doings, it is marvellous in our eyes! Even so (O Lord) didst thou lead thy people, to make thyself a glorious name!27
Daniel Webster likewise described the harshness of the land on which the Celto-Saxon Pilgrims disembarked:
We feel that we are on the spot where the first scene of our history was laid; where the hearths and altars of New England were first placed; where Christianity, and civilization, and letters made their first lodgement, in a vast extent of country, covered with a wilderness, and peopled by roving barbarians.28
They [the Celto-Saxon Pilgrims] came to a new country. There were, as yet, no lands yielding rent, and no tenants rendering service. The whole soil was unreclaimed from barbarism.29
Pastor Sheldon Emry, a twentieth-century man of vision, also drew attention to the wasteland that awaited those early Puritans
There were no roads, no harbors, no cities, no manufacturing, no civil government, no trade to speak of, and only a very primitive type of agriculture in some of the southern tribes. There was no common language at all, in fact no written language at all except crude pictures.30
Pastor William Gordon was another voice of the early American church. He not only preached concerning what this land had been, but he also preached what it was becoming in light of Isaiah 35:1-2:
They [the Celto-Saxons] came from a well-cultured kingdom to a savage people and a wild country, enough to discourage the stoutest. However, they ventured to take up their abode in it.... The face of the colony is not less changed for the better since first settled than what is set forth in the language of Isaiah's prophecy: "The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad; the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it; the excellency of Carmel and Sharon. They [Israel] shall see the glory of the Lord, and the excellency of our God.31
It is an irrefutable historical fact that this continent was a wasteland just waiting to be inhabited when the Celto-Saxon Pilgrims arrived in North America.
Israel's New Land to Be Inhabited by a People Who Would Live Securely
After many days you [Gog and his hordes] will be summoned [by YHWH]; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose [Israelite] inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its the people were brought out from the nations, and they [Israelites] are living securely, all of them. (Ezekiel 38:8)"... I [YHWH] will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in their own place and be moved no more; neither shall the wicked waste them anymore as formerly." (2 Chronicles 17:9)
Whose Land Has Its Inhabitants Living Securely?
It is tragic that more of today's Christian preachers cannot see as clearly as Pastor Sheldon Emry did:
Have you seen a picture of Palestine since the occupation by the so-called Jews? Barbed wire, lookout towers, mine fields, machine gun posts, tanks, artillery, armed troops guarding field workers, constant patrols on its borders, shooting clashes every few months and big battles every few years!32
This cartoon certainly depicts the volatile and dangerous situation that has existed in the Israeli state since its 1948 inception.
The Jews know they have no legitimate claim to Palestine, and they know they must continue fighting to maintain possession and control of it. There is no security for the inhabitants of Palestine.
Pastor Emry contrasted the scene in Palestine with that of America and Canada:
This is not so with the North American continent. Until now, when some few of our citizens do see danger of Russian invasion, we [Americans] have NOT had the possibility of invasion for almost two centuries. Our people have dwelt safely, or confidently, since the War of 1812.33
Israel's New Land to Have Cities and Villages Without Walls, Bars, or Gates
... YOU [Gog and his hordes] will say, "I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those [Israelites] who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls, and having no bars or gates...." (Ezekiel 38:11)Whose Land Is Without Walls, Bars, and Gates?
This certainly does not describe Israel's old promised land of Canaan. The fortification of the old promised land is described in 2 Chronicles where Solomon's construction project is recorded:
He [King Solomon] also built upper Beth-horon and lower Beth-horon [in Canaan], fortified cities with walls, gates and bars. (2 Chronicles 8:5)
Solomon's great grandson, Asa, fortified the land of Judah to an even greater extent:
... he [King Asa] built fortified cities in Judah, since the land was undisturbed, and there was no one at war with him during those years, because YHWH had given him rest. For he [Asa] said to Judah, "Let us build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates and bars...." (2 Chronicles 14:6-7)
The Prophet Ezekiel was not describing the new State of Israel that is presently inhabited by the imposters known as "Jews" or "Israelis." In light of these passages, Pastor Emry had the following to say regarding modern-day Palestine, the State of Israel:
Some ministers teach that these verses describe Jewish-occupied Palestine. NOTHING COULD BE FURTHER FROM THE TRUTH! [Pastor Emry's emphasis] Most of the cities in Palestine, including Jerusalem itself, still have many ancient walls, and now the Jews have added concrete walls, pillboxes, sandbagged defenses, and barbed wire. Palestine is NOT a land of unwalled villages, nor has it EVER been!34
Pastor Emry contrasted the new promised land with the old promised land:
A look at the United States, and Canada, reveals a different picture. Here we find the only land on the face of this earth that is truly a land of unwalled villages. Our Christian [Celto-Saxon] ancestors left castles, walls, and moats in the "old world" when they came to the "New World," and our cities are without walls. God who knows the end from the beginning, can be expected to be accurate in His word.35
Additional testimony comes from an unexpected source. In the movie The Frisco Kid, Gene Wilder, a Jewish actor, plays the part of a Jewish Rabbi from Poland who has designs on becoming the Rabbi of a synagogue in San Francisco. Making his way from New York City across the plains, the Rabbi arrives at his first frontier town and remarks to his traveling companion:
I think we found the Garden of Eden. What a wonderful place America is, there are no walls around these cities.Only the uninformed will attempt to make this description fit Israeli-held Palestine rather than Celto-Saxon America.
Israel's New Land Described as the Camp of the Saints
... when the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war; the number of them is like the sand of the seashore. And they came up on the broad plain of the earth and surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city, and fire came down from heaven and devoured them [Gog and his hordes - Ezek. 38:2, 8-9, 16, 22; 39:61. (Revelation 20:7-9)
In Ezekiel 38:8 we are warned: "After many days you [Gog and his hordes] will be summoned [by YHWH]; in the latter years...." Ezekiel 38:8 is also found in capsule form in Revelation 20, where the land under siege is described as "the camp of the saints."
Whose Land Can Be Described as the Camp of the Saints
"The camp of the saints" is surely not the land of the Jews! Christian evangelism is forbidden in Palestine. Jack Bernstein described Israeli law regarding Christianity:
Israeli laws suppress all religion.... it is against the law [Penal Law Amendment (Enticement to Change Religion) 5738 - 19771 to try and convert a Jew to another religion even if the Jew is an atheist or humanist.
A Christian is permitted to preach the gospel in a church building [in the State of Israel], but for the clergy or anyone to even tell anyone about teachings in the Bible outside the church building will bring a five-year prison sentence [or a 50,000-pound fine - approximately 12,000 American dollars].
For a Christian to give a bible or other religious articles to a Jew will also bring a five-year sentence [or a fine of 50,000 pounds]. Even an act of kindness by a Christian toward a Jew, such as giving a gift of food can be interpreted as trying to convert the Jew to Christianity and can bring a five year prison sentence.36
In a sermon preached in 1776 , Pastor Samual West expressed his belief that God did indeed preserve America to be a haven for Christianity - "the camp of the saints":
...I cannot help hoping, and even believing, that Providence[YHWH] has designed this continent to be the asylum of liberty and true religion[Christianity].37Revelation 20:9 described Gog and Magog surrounding "the camp of the saints." Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, a leading Communist Jew, boasted of encircling America:
First we shall take Eastern Europe, then the masses of Asia. After that, we [Communist Jews] shall surround and undermine the U.S.A. , which will fall into our hands without a struggle - like an overripe fruit.38
Although America has sadly strayed from what can be truely called Christian, it still remains the only place on this earth that can be described as "the camp of the saints," in light of the prophecies found in Ezekiel 38 and Revelation 20.
Israel's New Land to Be Bordered by an Eastern and Western Sea
"....I [YHWH] will remove th northern army far from you [Israel], and I will drive it into a parched and desolate land, and its vanguard into the eastern sea, and its rear guard into the western sea. And its stench will arise and its foul smell will come up, for it has done great things." (Joel 2:20)
"....I[YHWH] will cut off the chariot from Ephriam, and the horse from Jerusalem; and the bow of war will be cut off. And he will speak peace to the nations; and His [Yeshua's] dominion will be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth. (Zechariah 9:10)
Israel's old land of promise is Scripturally represented as having an eastern sea usually identified as the Dead Sea, and a western sea identified as "the great sea" or the Mediterranean Sea (Ezekiel 47:15, 18, 20). A beautiful secondary fulfillment for those same passages can also be found in the North American continent bordered on the east by the Atlantic Ocean and on the west by the Pacific Ocean, the largest or greatest body of water on earth.
The Prophet Zechariah also declared: "His [Yeshua's] dominion will be from sea to sea." That sounds very similar to the phrase "from sea to shining sea" in "America the Beautiful," one of our best-loved songs.
Consider again Zechariah's prophecy:
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion [Israel]! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your king is coming to you; He [Yeshua] is just and endowed with salvation, humble, and mounted on a donkey, even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. And I [YHWH] will cut off the chariot from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem; and the bow of war will be cut off. And He will speak peace to the nations; and His [Yeshua's] dominion will be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth. (Zechariah 9:9-10)
This prophecy found fulfillment in the land of Palestine in the first century A.D., but it is certainly possible that God had in mind a dual fulfillment as well. Although there is no credible record that Yeshua physically visited America, who would deny that He has spiritually visited America in a magnificent and powerful way? In some respects this prophecy fits America better than it does Palestine. Zechariah prophesied that "the bow of war will be cut off." The bow of war has not been cut off in the old Israeli-held land of Palestine. The bow of war has been cut off in the new Celto-Saxon land of America.
Zechariah prophesied that Yeshua's (Jesus' given Hebrew name) "dominion will be from sea to sea" and also "from the River to the ends of the earth." If we include all of North America, we can describe this new land of the Celto-Saxons as extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Rio Grande River to the North Pole. Daniel Webster put it in the following manner:
... on this [North American] continent all is to be Anglo-American from Plymouth Rock [the Atlantic Ocean] to the Pacific seas, from the north pole to California.39
Israel's New Land to Have Great Agricultural Wealth
... may God give you [Jacob] the dew of heaven, and the fatness of the earth, and an abundance of grain and new wine.... (Genesis 27:28)
YHWH will command the blessing upon you [Israel] in your barns and in all that you put your hand to, and He will bless you in the land which YHWH your God gives you.... And YHWH will make you abound in prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your beast and in the produce of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. (Deuteronomy 28:8-11)
... of Joseph he [Jacob/Israel] said, "Blessed of YHWH be his land, with the choice things of heaven, with the dew, and from the deep lying beneath, and with the choice yield of the sun, and with the choice produce of the months. And with the best things of the ancient mountains, and with the choice things of the everlasting hills, and with the choice things of the earth and its fulness...." So Israel dwells in security, the fountain of Jacob secluded, in a land of grain and new wine; his heavens also drop down dew. (Deuteronomy 33:13-16,28)
Whose Land Has Great Agricultural Wealth?
A prerequisite to a nation's ability to produce agricultural abundance is that a proportionate number of that nation's citizens be farmers. This precondition had not been fulfilled by either the Jews or the Israeli state of Palestine. The Talmud, the Jewish religious book of law, conveys the Jews' outlook on agriculture:
No occupation is inferior to that of agricultural labour.... (Yebamoth 63a.)
Samuel Roth further verified that farming is not an occupation highly regarded by the Jewish people:
Jews have never, like other peoples, gone into a wilderness and built up a land of their own. ...in England, in the thirteenth century, under [King] Edward I, they did not take advantage of the offer by which Edward promised to give them the very opportunities Jews had been crying for centuries.
After imprisoning the whole Jewish population in his domain for criminal usury and debasing the coin of the realm, [King] Edward, before releasing them, put into effect two new sets of laws: the first made it illegal for a Jew in England to lend money at interest. The second repealed all the standing laws which kept Jews from the normal pursuits of the kingdom. Under these new statutes Jews could even lease land for a period of fifteen years and work it. Edward advanced this as a test of the Jew's sincerity when he [a Jew] claimed that all he wanted was an opportunity to work like other people. If they proved their fitness to live like other people, the inference was that Edward would let them buy land outright and admit them to the higher privileges of citizenship. Did the Jews take advantage of Edward's decree? [The Jews reacted] This way. To get around the laws against usury they invented such new methods of skinning the peasants and the nobles that the outcry against them became greater than ever, and Edward had to expel them to avert a civil war. It is not recorded that one Jew took advantage of the new right to till the soil.40
... as I have already shown ... [the Jewish people hate] work - particularly agricultural.41
In Antisemitism: Its History and Causes, Bernard Lazare quoted Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny, who confirmed the Jews' aversion to agriculture:
If the Jews fill their granaries with fruit, their cellar with victuals, their bags with money and their chests with gold, it is neither by tilling the earth, nor by serving in war, nor by practising any other useful and honorable trade, but by cheating the Christians and buying, at low price, from thieves the things which they have stolen.42
Mr. Lazare, himself a Jew, went on to expose plunder (specifically of landowners) as the Jewish means to wealth:
... the Jew cannot acquire wealth without plundering the sons of the soil - every owner of land looking upon himself as its child.43
Goldwin Smith, Professor of History at Wayne State University, drew attention to the self-imposed segregation of the Jews and their lack of interest in agriculture:
They were not citizens; they lived in segregated areas by themselves; they [the Jews] did not usually enter into agriculture or business enterprise in the towns. In the years before the development of anything similar to modern credit or banking operations the alien Jews became the great moneylenders.44
Another Jew, Jacob Lestschinsky, wrote one of the chapters in the voluminous The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion. Therein, Mr. Lestschinsky presented a graph depicting the occupational contributions provided by Jewish immigrants to America between 1900 and 1925. The Jews involved in agriculture represented only 0.8% of the general immigrant mass.45
Another Jewish contributor to the same work was Nathan Reich; he also addressed the lack of Jewish interest in agriculture:
... [there is a] relative absence of Jews from agriculture and basic industries....46
All evidence points to the fact that agriculture will not experience expansion in the immediate future and, even assuming that many Jews will be willing to turn to agricultural activities - an assumption which is quite unwarranted - it will not be able to absorb large numbers of Jews.47
Jewish author James Yaffe likewise admitted to the lack of agricultural interest among his people:
There are many businesses and trades, of course, that Jews are hardly involved in at all.... Farm machinery, the central industry of much of the Midwest, doesn't have many Jews in it, nor are there many Jewish farmers.48
The Jewish reluctance to engage in agriculture is no different in the land of Palestine. In his book Zionist Work in Palestine, Israel Cohen confronts the problem of agriculture in Palestine in the following manner:
...in Palestine ... he [the Jew] can find a living as a rule only by abandoning his former occupation and devoting himself to agriculture. The latter process [change in occupation] is by no means easy....
What is to be done in order to make the Jews feel at home in agriculture?49
In their book Our Jewish Heritage, Joseph Gaer and Rabbi Alfred Wolf put it quite succinctly:
We do not think of Jews as a farming people.50
The Circle of Knowledge admitted that the Jews are not country dwellers, as farmers must be, but "Jewish immigrants [who] usually settle in the cities.51
Instead of being the food producers of the world, the Jews are the merchants, usurious moneylenders and plunderers of the world, who violate God's Covenant Laws with true Israel.
On the other hand, love of the land is the heart and soul of the Celto-Saxon peoples. Throughout their history, agriculture has always been the fundamental mainstay of their culture. In "America the Beautiful," we sing: "O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesties above the fruited plain." America has been called the "Breadbasket of the World." George Washington's hopes for this country, did become a reality:
I hope, some day, we [the United States of America] shall become a Storehouse and Granary for the World.52
America is known as the "Breadbasket of the World" because of the uncanny agricultural proficiency of her Celto-Saxon farmers, who have fed the nations of the world. Wilmot Robertson agreed:
A craving for property, particularly property in the form of land, was an obsession of the Majority of [Celto-Saxon] pioneers and settlers who transformed the American wilderness into the richest granary on earth.53
With more people, land and resources than America, the Soviet Union has a Gross National Product only 48 percent of America's. One American farmer still works four times the land that a Russian works on a collective farm, uses five and a half times more power and gets twice as much yield for five to sixteen times less labor.54
Pastor Sheldon Emry wrote of the Celto-Saxons' farming instincts:
Acres USA had some comparisons between Russia and the United States in agricultural produce. They stated the Russian farmer works approximately thirty hours to produce one bushel of wheat. The American farmer works six minutes to produce one bushel of wheat. That has to be the divinely fulfilled prophecy that God's Israel people would be blessed with these great agricultural harvests.
The Jews can't even farm. I have asked people if they even know of a Jewish farmer. I have not found anyone yet who knows a Jew who can raise things. You might take a look at where Jews live. Most live in the cities. Many of them live in high-rise apartment buildings and you hardly ever see a green thing growing there.
The comparison was rather startling to the people who traveled with us when we were in England. Even in England, where Celts and Anglo-Saxons live in houses all crushed together, they have window boxes filled with greenery hanging on every window. These Anglo-Saxons have to get their fingers in the dirt as soon as the frost leaves in the spring. Why? Because they are farmers. They are the best farmers on earth, which is one of the marks of Israel.55
The following news article from the Greeley (Colorado) Tribune confirmed what Pastor Emry wrote over ten years earlier:
GREELEY (COLO.) TRIBUNE Thursday, March 5, 1992 Landlocked: Britons love their odd garden plots.
LONDON - Down by the railroad tracks at the edge of many towns in Britain, you will often spot a handful of well-kept vegtable patches and makeshift greenhouses constructed of old windows
These are allotments, bits of unused land that the town or borough divides into plots and rents for minimal sums to people who need a little space to indulge the national passion for growing things.
Allotments can be found anywhere in villages, towns, or cities, and vary from pocket handkerchiefs to small farms.
On a small piece of waste land, Charlie Routley and his neighbors have created an oasis of runner beans, berries, and apple trees where the red double-decker number 32 toils down the Edgware Road, spewing diesel fumes.
The corn, cauliflower, spinach, and tomatoes are enjoyed in summer and frozen for winter meals, but the joys of tilling the soil run deeper.
Marlene Wardle, a school principal, calls her patch her "island of sanity. I would go bonkers if I didn't have a bit of land," she says.
There is a waiting list for the dozen 60 by 30 foot lots; more gardeners caught in the green grasp of one of Britian's primary pastimes.
People of all classes and ages are amateur gardners - most of them commited for life, or at least until their knees give out.
Many have gardens at home, some settle for window boxes, but for others, the allotment is the thing.
Pastor Josiah Strong wrote of the amazing agricultural abilities of Christian America in the following terms:
A Christian civilization [most specifically in reference to Celto-Saxon America] performs the miracle of the loaves and fish, and feeds its thousands in a desert. It multiplies populations. A thousand civilized men thrive where a hundred savages starved.56
It is especially interesting to note the true and ancient meanings of the word "Aryan" which Henry Woldmar Ruoff drew attention to:
The term Aryan is derived either from one ancient word implying that they were "cultivators of the soil," or from another meaning "worthy, noble."57
Look at a globe of the world, circle the areas where the greatest agricultural production is found, and you will discover that those areas are the land masses which are primarily controlled by Celto-Saxon peoples.
An example of Israel's proficiency in agriculture, in contrast to other nations' lack of productivity, is illustrated as far back as Solomon's time. Hiram, King of Tyre, requested the following provisions when he struck a construction agreement with Solomon, King of Israel:
My servants will bring them [timbers] down from Lebanon to the sea; and I [King Hiram] will make them into rafts to go by sea to the place where you direct me, and I will have them broken up there, and you shall carry them away. Then you [King Solomon] shall accomplish MY desire by giving food to my household. (1 Kings 5:9)
Essentially, this was King Hiram's admission of his nation's inability, as a non-Israelite people, to supply adequately for their own agricultural needs. 1 Kings further records:
... [King] Hiram gave [King] Solomon as much as he desired of the cedar and cypress timber. Solomon [by means of his nation's farmers] then gave Hiram 20,000 kors* of wheat as food for his household, and twenty kors of beaten oil; thus Solomon would give Hiram year by year. (1 Kings 5:10-11)
*One kor equals approximately ten bushels.
French ethnologist and diplomat Arthur de Gobineau commented on the agricultural achievements of the Israelites of this same period:
The Jews [Judahite Israelites] found themselves in an analogous position; they were surrounded by tribes who spoke kindred dialects, and who, for the most part, were nearly related to them in blood. Yet, they [the Judahites] excelled all these groups. They were warriors, agriculturists, and merchants.... What was this famous Canaan? Modern travellers bear witness to the laborious and well-directed efforts by which the Jewish [Judahite] agriculturists maintained the factitious [artificially produced] fertility of their soil. Since the chosen race [true Israel] no longer inhabits these mountains and plains, the wells where Jacob's flocks drank are dried up; Naboth's vineyard is invaded by the desert, Achab's palace-gardens filled with thistles.58
What farmers, indeed, the Israelites of old must have been! The Celto-Saxons continue today to supply the remainder of the world with wheat and other agricultural commodities as they have done for many centuries. Is it just coincidence or heredity?
In this chapter, we have read how the prophets of YHWH declared that the Israelites would be great colonizers gathered from many nations, who would spread abroad and inhabit the coasts and isles of the earth. The Israelites were to reside in a land from which they would not move again and where they would live securely, free from attack in cities and villages without walls, bars or gates (if they kept God's Covenants). In this new land the Israelites would produce great agricultural wealth from a former wasteland, and as "the camp of the saints" they would promote the New Covenant religion of Christianity. Testimony from unbiased historians, as well as from the Jews themselves, makes it easy to deduce which people fulfill these geographical aspects of true Israel.
End Notes 1. Pastor John Cotton, D.D., sermon to fellow Puritans departing for America in 1630, God's Promise to His Plantation (London, UK: William Jones, 1630) pp. 13-14.
2. Samuel Eliot Morison, Colonial America (1887) p. 25.
3. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, "The Federalist, Number 2 [Jay]," 1788 paper reprinted in John Stuart Mill, comp., American State Papers: The Federalist: On Liberty: Representative Government: Utilitariansim (Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1952) p. 31.
4. Alexis de Tocqueville, Henry Reeve, trans, Democracy in America (New York, NY: The Colonial Press, 1899) vol. 1, pp. 295-296.
5. Harry Lewis Golden (Herschel Goldhurst), "Only in America: The 10 Lost Tribes," Heritage Southwest Jewish Press, 20 April 1967, vol. 5727, no. 31, pp. 1,34.
6. Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live (New York, NY: The Golden Hind Press, Inc., 1934), p. 92.
8. Pastor Josiah Strong, D.D., Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis (New York, NY: Baker & Taylor Company for the American Home Missionary Society, 1885) p. 173.
9. Lt. Col. Charles Hamilton Smith, The Natural History of the Human Species (Boston, MA: Gould & Lincoln, 1851), p. 360.
11. Henry Woldmar Roff, The Circle of Knowledge (Boston, MA: The Standard Publication Company, 1916) p. 275.
13. Nathaniel Morton, New England's Memorial (Cambridge, MA: S.G. and M.J. for John Usher, 1669), reproduced with extracts from other writers (Boston, MA: Congregational Board of Publication, 1854) pp. 13-14.
15. Pastor Ezra Stiles, D.D., "The United States Elevated to Glory and Honor," election sermon in 1783, quoted in John Wingate Thornton, The Pulpit of the American Revolution: Political Sermons of the Period of 1776, 1860 ed., reprint. (Boston, MA: Da Capo Press, 1970) pp. 405-406.
16. Len Martin, The Patriot Review, August-September 1990, vol. 5, no. 4, p. 1.
17. For documentation regarding the perpetrators of the war in Iraq, refer to the audio messages War Lies! and War Truths!.
18. Pastor Phillips Payson, A.M., sermon preached before the Honorable Council and the Honorable House of Representatives of the State of Massachusetts Bay, New England in Boston on May 27, 1778, quoted in John Wingate Thornton, The Pulpit of the American Revolution: Political Sermons of the Period of 1776, 1860 ed., reprint. (Boston, MA: Da Capo Press, 1970), p. 348.
19. Thomas Jefferson, Paul Leicester Ford, ed., The Writings of Thomas Jefferson (New York, NY: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1892-1899), p. 431.
20. Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles (New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1924) p. 110.
21. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, John Jay, "The Federalist, Number 2 [Jay]," 1778 papers reprinted in John Stuart Mill, comp., American State Papers: The Federalist: On Liberty: Representative Government: Utilitarianism (Chicago, IL: Encylopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1952) p. 31.
22. Daniel Webster, address in Buffalo, New York, on May 22, 1851, The Works of Daniel Webster (Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1858) vol. 2, p. 547.
23. Alexis de Tocqueville, Henry Reeve, trans., Democracy in America (New York, NY: The Colonial Press, 1899) vol. 1, p. 295.
24. Pastor Cotton Mather, D.D., Magnalia Christi Americana: or, The Ecclesiastical History of New-England, 1702 and subsequent editions reprint. (New York, NY: Russell & Russell, 1967) vol. 1, p. 69.
27. John Higginson, "An Attestation to This Church-History of New-England," foreword to Pastor Cotton Mather, D.D., Magnalia Christi Americana: or, The Ecclesiastical History of New-England, 1702 and subsequent editions reprint. (New York, NY: Russell & Russell, 1967) vol. 1, p. 13.
28. Daniel Webster, discourse at Plymouth Rock on December 22, 1820, The Works of Daniel Webster (Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1858) vol.1, pp. 7-8.
30. Pastor Sheldon Emery, The Bible Says: Russia Will Invade America! (Phoenix, AZ: America's Promise Ministries, 1968) p. 9.
31. Pastor William Gordon, discourse preached on December 15, 1774, quoted in John Wingate Thornton, The Pulpit of the American Revolution: Political Sermons of the Period of 1776, 1860 ed., reprint. (Boston, MA: Da Capo Press, 1970) p. 210-211.
36. Jack Berstein, as told by Len Martin, The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel (Costa Mesa, CA: The Noontide Press, 1984) p. 15.
37. Pastor Samuel West, sermon preached before the Honorable Council and the Honorable House of Representatives of the Massachusetts Bay Colony in New England on May 29, 1776, quoted in John Wingate Thornton, The Pulpit of the American Revolution: Political Sermons of the Period of 1776, 1860 ed., reprint. (Boston, MA: Da Capo Press, 1970) p. 311.
38. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, address in 1922, quoted in Richard Wurmbrand, Marx & Satan (Westchester, IL: Crossway Books, Good News Publishers, 1986) p. 59.
39. Daniel Webster, address at the New England Society of New York on December 22, 1843, The Works of Daniel Webster (Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company, 1858) vol. 2, p. 214.
40. Samuel Roth, Jews Must Live (New York, NY: The Golden Hind Press, Inc., 1934) pp. 92-93.
42. Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny, Tractatus adversus Judaeorum inveteratum duritiam, quoted in Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism: Its History and Causes (New York, NY: The International Library Publishing Company, 1903) pp. 113-114.
43. Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism: Its History and Causes (New York, NY: The International Library Publishing Company, 1903) p. 355.
44. Professor Goldwin Smith, A History of England (New York, NY: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1949) p. 97.
45. Jacob Lestschinsky quoted in Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, ed., The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion (Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1949) p. 97.
46. Nathan Reich, quoted in Rabbi Louis Finkelstein, ed., The Jews: Their History, Culture, and Religion (Philadelphia, PA: The Jewish Publication Society of America, 1949) p. 1260.
48. James Yaffe, The American Jews (New York, NY: Random House, 1968) p. 228.
49. Israel Cohen, Zionist Work in Palestine (London, UK: T. Fisher Unwin, 1911) p. 137.
50. Joseph Gaer and Rabbi Alfred Wolf, Our Jewish History (New York, NY: Henry Holt and Company, 1957) p. 96.
51. Henry Woldwar Ruoff, The Circle of Knowledge (Boston, MA: The Standard Publication Company, 1957) p. 283.
52. George Washington, John Frederick Schroeder, comp., Maxims of Washington (New York, NY: D. Appleton and Company, 1894) p. 88.
53. Wilmot Robertson, The Dispossessed Majority (Cape Canaveral, FL: Howard Allen Enterprises, 1972) p. 344.
55. Pastor Sheldon Emery, The Marks of Israel (Phoenix, AZ: America's Promise Ministires, 1980) pp. 20-21.
56. Pastor Josiah Strong, D.D., Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis (New York, NY: Baker & Taylor Company for the American Home Missionary Society, 1885) pp. 14-15.
58. Count Joseph-Arthur de Gobineau, The Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races (Philadelphia, PA: J.B. Lippincott & Company, 1856) pp. 20-210.