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FD 001 - Over 1,2oo Messages on a Single Flash Drive
by Ted R. Weiland
These USB 3.0 flash drives are formatted to work in car stereos equipped with USB inputs. Each drive comes with a handy printed list of its contents.
The drives are copied at an early date than when ordered. However, the flash drives can be updated to include all of the latest sermons from our audio page (AUDIO MESSAGES) from any computer connected to the Internet. There is room on the flash drive for another 1,000 messages.
Suggested Donation: $10.00* Print latest list |
T-001 Identity-The Choice Is Clear
Provides all the key points of the Christian Israel message. Ideal for sharing with family and friends.
T-006 Deliverance from Christian Anarchists
T-014 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence?
(Part 1)
An in-depth study on whether Yeshua (Jesus) is God.
T-015 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence?
(Part 2)
T-016 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence?
(Part 3)
T-017 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence?
(Part 4)
T-018 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence?
(Part 5)
T-019 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence?
(Part 6)
T-020 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence?
(Part 7)
T-021 The Deity of Christ: Truth or Consequence? (Part 8)
T-022 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 1)
Examines the Biblical validity of multiple creations in Genesis 1 & 2.
T-023 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 2)
T-024 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 3)
T-025 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 4)
T-026 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 5)
T-027 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 6)
T-028 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 7)
T-028.5 The Multiple Creations Theory Under Scrutiny (Part 8)
T-029 The Arm of the Flesh vs. The Arm of the Lord
A message for those who think they can win the battle without God.
T-030 The Dead in Christ
An exposé on the state of the modern-day church.
T-031 Where Have All the Fathers Gone?
A Father's Day message dealing with the phenomenon of the diminishing father.
T-032 Who Is Accountable?
Answers the question: Is there an age of accountability in the Bible?
T-033 Fear's Deliverance
The fear of Yahweh and how it can deliver us.
T-034 What Has Happened to Thanksgiving?
A Thanksgiving message on the results of ingratitude.
T-035 Know Thine Enemy (Part 1)
Introduction to a series which identifies the true enemy behind Communism, Masonry, Humanism, etc.
T-036 Know Thine Enemy (Part 2)
Continuation of the introduction.
T-037 Know Thine Enemy (Part 3)
Identifies the enemy behind Communism.
T-038 Know Thine Enemy (Part 4)
Continuation of T-037.
T-039 Know Thine Enemy (Part 5)
Identifies the enemy behind Masonry.
T-040 Know Thine Enemy (Part 6)
Continuation of T-039.
T-041 Know Thine Enemy (Part 7)
Identifies the enemy behind Humanism.
T-042 Know Thine Enemy (Part 8)
Continuation of T-041.
T-043 Know Thine Enemy (Part 9)
Continuation of T-041 and T-042.
T-044 Know Thine Enemy (Part 10)
Identifies the enemy behind the New Age Movement.
T-045 Know Thine Enemy (Part 11)
Continuation of T-044.
T-046 Know Thine Enemy (Part 12)
Continuation of T-044 and T-045.
T-047 Know Thine Enemy (Part 13)
Identifies the enemy behind the sexual revolution.
T-048 Know Thine Enemy (Part 14)
T-049 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 1)
Introduction to a series that enumerates and expounds upon the irreconcilable differences between the two.
T-050 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 2)
Contrasts the preeminence of both religious systems. Continuation of T-049.
T-051 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 3)
Contrasts the dichotomy of one with the harmony of the other.
T-052 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 4)
Continuation of T-051.
T-053 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 5)
Reveals how Israel is misidentified by one and correctly identified by the other.
T-054 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 6)
Reveals how "The Antichrist" is misidentified by one and correctly identified by the other. Same as T-064.
T-055 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 7)
Contrasts these two religious systems regarding the laws of God. Harmonizes the New Testament Scriptures on God's laws for today. Same as T-065.
T-056 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 8)
A contrast of these two religious systems in three areas: Effeminate vs. Masculine, Passive vs. Aggressive, and Unarmed vs. Armed.
T-057 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 9)
Continuation of T-056.
T-058 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 10)
Contrasts these two religious systems in their beliefs regarding a kingdom in heaven vs. a kingdom on earth. Same as T-072.
T-059 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 11)
Contrasts these two religious systems in their teaching regarding total submission vs. limited submission to government authorities. Same as T-073.
T-060 Judeo-Christian vs. Christian Israel (Part 12)
T-061 The Resurrection: Fiction or Fact?
Evidence proving that the resurrection of Yeshua (Jesus) is a historical fact.
T-063 Does It Really Matter?
Six vital reasons why the Christian Israel message makes a difference.
T-064 10 Overlooked Characteristics for Identifying "The Antichrist"
Reveals the true identity of "The Antichrist." Same as T-054.
T-065 Harmonizing the New Testament Scriptures on the Law of God
Explains how the 29 New Testament Scriptures "against" the Law and the 37 New Testament Scriptures for the Law today can be harmonized. Excellent follow-up tape to T-006. Same as T-055.
T-066 In Search of a Good Woman
Proverbs 31 interpreted in today's language.
T-069 Father Abraham
A Father's Day message which looks to Abraham as an example for the attributes of a good father.
T-070 Defending Identity
Gives the Biblical interpretation of Galatians 3:26-29.
T-074 The Judgement of God (Part 1)
Reveals that the Laws of God, including the judgements, are still for today.
T-075 The Judgement of God (Part 2)
T-079 Objections of a Modern-Day Preacher (Part 1)
Answers 13 objections of a Church of Christ preacher to the Christian Israel message.
T-080 Objections of a Modern-Day Preacher
(Part 2)
T-081 Objections of a Modern-Day Preacher
(Part 3)
T-082 Objections of a Modern-Day Preacher
(Part 4)
T-083 Objections of a Modern-Day Preacher
(Part 5)
T-084 Objections of a Modern-Day Preacher
(Part 6)
T-085 War Lies!
Exposes the lies told by President Bush, "our" government, and the media concerning their designs for war in the Mideast.
T-086 War Truths!
Presents the truth as to why President Bush and others wanted war in the Middle East.
T-087 Simple Test for False Teachers
Provides a test anyone can use to determine whether their preacher is a false teacher.
T-088 What Israel Needs Most
Reveals what Israel needs above everything else.
T-089 Something Worse than Death!
In perilous times there is something worse than death: Selling Out!
T-090 Victors or Victims
Contrasts the mindsets of conquerors and the conquered.
T-091 A Call for Workers
Describes three important qualities for leadership in this day and age.
T-092 Thought Police (Part 1)
Dissects the article "Thought Police," published in Newsweek (December 14, 1990) in light of the Scriptures.
T-093 Thought Police (Part 2)
Follow-up message to T-092. Addresses further "thought crimes" and "hate laws."
T-094 Confusion Dispelled (Part 1)
A comprehensive study of four of the most misunderstood chapters in the Bible - Romans 8-11.
T-095 Confusion Dispelled (Part 2)
T-096 Confusion Dispelled (Part 3)
T-097 Confusion Dispelled (Part 4)
T-098 Confusion Dispelled (Part 5)
T-099 Confusion Dispelled (Part 6)
T-100 Confusion Dispelled (Part 7)
T-101 Confusion Dispelled (Part 8)
T-102 Living Like We Believe
Challenges us to live our lives as if we really believe in the resurrection of Yeshua the Christ.
T-103 The New World Order - Whose Agenda Is It?
Provides documentation proving who is behind the New World Order.
T-104 Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees (Part 1)
Provides documentation concerning who controls our press, television, and Hollywood. Exposes how they are using these means to control and destroy us as a people.
T-105 Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees (Part 2)
T-106 Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees (Part 3)
T-107 Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees (Part 4)
T-108 For Our Posterity's Sake
Admonishes fathers of the necessity to start thinking about the next two and three generations.
T-109 Beware of the False Prophet!
Provides reasons why it is imperative that we still heed this warning as found in the Bible, and supplies four tests in order to determine whether your preacher is a false prophet.
T-110 Which Way America?
Addresses a recent congressional decision that will result in dramatic consequences upon us as a nation.
T-115 Romans 13 - Abused & Misused
A real eye-opener! Proves that Romans 13 does not teach submission to all government authority.
T-116 In the Shadow of the Almighty
Reveals the prerequisite necessary for us to "Dwell in the Shadow of the Almighty."
T-117 The Kingdom - Now or Later?
Exposes the error of Futurism and the kingdom-come theology.
T-118 The Kingdom - Present & Accounted For
Reveals exactly when the Kingdom of God commenced under the New Covenant.
T-119 The Kingdom - Ours for the Taking!
Challenges us to our responsibility in taking dominion.
T-120 The Kingdom - A Question of Lordship
Reveals the true meaning of lordship as it relates to the kingdom.
T-121 Our Warfare (Part 1)
A verse-by-verse study of Ephesians 6:10-18. Includes a study on the "devil."
T-122 Our Warfare (Part 2)
T-123 Our Warfare (Part 3)
T-124 Our Warfare (Part 4)
T-125 Our Warfare (Part 5)
T-126 Our Warfare (Part 6)
T-127 Our Warfare (Part 7)
T-128 Let's Scrap Thanksgiving
Questions whether we have reason to celebrate this holiday.
T-129 Of Greatest Importance
Highlights the four most important issues found in the Scriptures.
T-130 The 1st Commandment (Part 1)
Introduction to an in-depth study of the 1st Commandment and its respective statutes and judgements.
T-131 The 1st Commandment (Part 2)
Examines a statute that addresses using the name of the true God in contrast to the names of false gods.
T-132 The 1st Commandment (Part 3)
Addresses a statute that condemns forming unholy alliances, including unequally yoked marriages, business partnerships, church incorporation, etc.
T-133 The 1st Commandment (Part 4)
Continuation of T-132. Also examines the NEA and the public school system.
T-134 The 1st Commandment (Part 5)
Continuation of T-132 and T-133. Examines our national involvement in treaties, the United Nations, trade agreements, and war alliances.
T-135 The 1st Commandment (Part 6)
Addresses a statute that forbids integration.
T-136 The 1st Commandment (Part 7)
Continuation of T-135.
T-137 The 1st Commandment (Part 8)
Continuation of T-135 and T-136.
T-138 The 1st Commandment (Part 9)
Examines the statute that condemns fearing other gods.
T-139 The 1st Commandment (Part 10)
Addresses the statute that forbids worshipping the creation over the Creator. Includes the judgement for 1st Commandment transgression.
T-140 Capital Punishment-Deterrent or Stimulus?
Provides the Biblical perspective on capital punishment.
T-141 Mother Sarah
A Mother's Day message which looks to Sarah as an example for the attributes of a good mother.
T-142 Race or Grace?
Harmonizes the Scriptures concerning race and grace.
T-143 Law or Grace?
Harmonizes the Scriptures concerning these law and grace.
T-144 Faith or Baptism?
Harmonizes the Scriptures concerning these faith and baptism.
T-145 The Essential Scriptures
Illustrates the importance of the Scriptures.
T-146 The Rest of the Story (Part 1)
Presents the rest of the story about Israel's true identity not being told from the majority of today's pulpits.
T-147 The Rest of the Story (Part 2)
Continuation of T-146.
T-148 The Rest of the Story (Part 3)
Presents the rest of the story about God's Law as it applies to today.
T-149 The Rest of the Story (Part 4)
Continuation of T-148.
T-150 Victorious Kingdom Living (Part 1)
Answers objections to Kingdom now theology.
T-151 Victorious Kingdom Living (Part 2)
T-152 Victorious Kingdom Living (Part 3)
T-153 Victorious Kingdom Living (Part 4)
T-154 Victorious Kingdom Living (Part 5)
T-155 Victorious Kingdom Living (Part 6)
T-156 A Challenge to Genuine Faith
A challenge to youth (and adults) to be true to their faith rather than living like hypocrites.
T-157 Abraham, Moses & Randy
Expounds upon Biblical vigilantism as it relates to the Weaver incident in Northern Idaho.
T-162 God Accepts No Substitutes
Expounds upon the fact that there is only one Mediator and only one plan of salvation.
T-163 The 2nd Commandment (Part 1)
Introduction to an in-depth study on the 2nd Commandment. Demonstrates what 2nd Commandment transgression is not.
T-164 The 2nd Commandment (Part 2)
Addresses the love of money as a form of idolatry.
T-165 The 2nd Commandment (Part 3)
Addresses the "Keeping-up-with-the-Jones" syndrome as a form of idolatry.
T-166 The 2nd Commandment (Part 4)
Addresses television, Hollywood and the media in general as forms of idolatry.
T-167 The 2nd Commandment (Part 5)
Addresses gluttony, drunkenness, drug addiction and the medical profession as forms of idolatry.
T-168 The 2nd Commandment (Part 6)
Addresses government worship promoted by preachers and patriots alike as forms of idolatry.
T-169 The 2nd Commandment (Part 7)
Continuation of T-168.
T-170 The 2nd Commandment (Part 8)
Addresses willful compliance to the false doctrines of today's Baal ministers as a form of idolatry. Includes the judgement for 2nd Commandment transgression.
T-171 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 1)
Answers a second preacher's objections to the Identity message.
T-172 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 2)
T-173 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 3)
T-174 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 4)
T-175 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 5)
T-176 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 6)
T-177 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 7)
T-178 Objections of a 2nd Modern-Day Preacher (Part 8)
T-179 What's Got 'Em So Riled (Part 1)
Analyzes the amazing ongoing battle between Esau/Edom and Jacob/Israel and its implications for today.
T-180 What's Got 'Em So Riled (Part 2)
T-181 Signs of the Times (Part 1)
Expounds upon such events as the New World Order, the LA Riots, the Randy Weaver incident, the Waco incident, etc., and what they mean for us today.
T-182 Signs of the Times (Part 2)
Continuation of T-181. Includes commentary on the bombing of the World Trade Center, different bills before Congress, etc.
T-183 Signs of the Times (Part 3)
Furnishes ten responses to the issues and events of our day and age.
T-184 Revival of Masculinity
A challenge to the men of this age to return to true masculinity.
T-185 Revival of Femininity
A challenge to the women of this age to return to true femininity.
T-187 Interview with Raymond Capt
Archaeologist Ray Capt discusses the true identity of the Israelites as proven from Assyrian cuneiform tablets.
T-189 Shut Them All Down
Reveals how our prison system would be totally unnecessary if God's Laws were applied to crime in America.
T-190 The Right Hand of Fellowship
Discusses where and where not to draw the line of fellowship.
T-192 Popery
Exposes contradictions between Catholic doctrine and the Bible.
T-193 Anti-Semitism, Racism and White Supremacy
Addresses the question as to whether the Christian Israel message is any of the above.
T-194 Christian Agreement
Expounds upon an unused but very important facet of prayer.
T-195 Healthcare: Clinton vs. God
Contrasts President Bill Clinton's proposed health care legislation with Yahweh's health care plan.
T-196 Counted Among the Faithful
Furnishes the reason why we need not and must not fear in these days in which we are now living.
T-197 Psychological Warfare
Provides proof that we are in a psychological war, and demonstrates that our faith is the answer in being an overcomer.
T-198 Salt of the Earth
Expounds upon Matthew 5:13 and its implications for today.
T-199 Spooks: Are They for Real (Part 1)
A series that answers the question as to who or what is Satan, the Devil, demons, and spirits.
T-200 Spooks: Are They for Real (Part 2)
T-201 Spooks: Are They for Real (Part 3)
T-202 Spooks: Are They for Real (Part 4)
T-203 Spooks: Are They for Real (Part 5)
T-204 Spooks: Are They for Real (Part 6)
T-205 Thanksgiving - Pilgrim Style
Challenges us to celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday with the same approach that the Pilgrims exhibited.
T-214 God's Special Treasure
Expounds upon the unique relationship God has with his people Israel.
T-215 Israel's Unique Identity
Uncovers the identity of modern-day Israel using three of her unique characteristics.
T-216 Neutralizing False Doctrines
Exposes seven of the most damaging and neutralizing false doctrines of Judeo-Christianity: Accepting Jesus into Your Heart, The Abolishment of God's Laws, Total Submission to all Government Authority, Separation of Church and State, the Kingdom to be Established in the Future, The Rapture and Eternity in Heaven.
T-217 Slave Mentalities
Expounds upon the consequences of being enslaved in mind or spirit, and the necessity to free ourselves.
T-218 "Guess Who's Coming to Church?" (Part 1)
Challenges a Christianity Today magazine article by the same title concerning its promotion of interracial "marriage."
T-219 "Guess Who's Coming to Church?" (Part 2)
T-220 "Guess Who's Coming to Church?" (Part 3)
T-221 "Guess Who's Coming to Church?" (Part 4)
T-222 Love: A New, Old Commandment
A challenge to return to Abrahamic Christianity rather than Mosaic Christianity.
T-223 What the Remnant Needs Now is Love, Sweet Love
Challenges us to fulfill the Second Greatest Commandment.
T-224 Lest We Forget
A 4th of July message which admonishes us to remember our Christian, Israelite, and American foundations.
T-225 The Rise of Anti-Christianism
Documents the rise of Anti-Christianism in America, explains why it is happening and furnishes what our response (in part) should be.
T-226 Women's Liberation's Curse (Part 1)
Reveals how the Women's Lib movement has influenced our society. Provides the Biblical alternatives.
T-227 Women's Liberation's Curse (Part 2)
T-228 Women's Liberation's Curse (Part 3)
T-229 Women's Liberation's Curse (Part 4)
T-230 Women's Liberation's Curse (Part 5)
T-231 Women's Liberation's Curse (Part 6)
Reveals how men were the cause of the Women's Lib movement.
T-232 Traditions of Men (Part 1)
Expounds upon the "traditions of men" as found in the Talmud and in Judaism.
T-233 Traditions of Men (Part 2)
Expounds upon the "traditions of men" as found in Judeo-Christianity.
T-234 Traditions of Men (Part 3)
Expounds upon the "traditions of men" as found in Christian Israel.
T-235 The Mosaic Law: Added & Abolished
Demonstrates how the Mosaic law has been abolished and the Laws of God have been retained.
T-236 Communism: Dead or Alive? (Part 1)
Provides evidence that Communism is alive and well and found in Judaism.
T-237 Communism: Dead or Alive? (Part 2)
T-238 Good News from Isaiah
A good-news message from the Prophet Isaiah.
T-239 Thanksgiving: Israel's Holiday
A Thanksgiving message for true Israel.
T-240 When the East Meets the West
Biblically contrasts West with East and Right with Left.
T-241 GATT- Keeping It in Perspective
Puts a Biblical perspective on the GATT agreement.
T-242 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 1)
A series of expository messages on the book of Esther.
T-243 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 2)
T-244 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 3)
T-245 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 4)
T-246 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 5)
T-247 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 6)
T-248 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 7)
T-249 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 8)
T-250 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 9)
T-251 Esther: Taking Back What's Ours (Part 10)
T-252 Could You Be an Israelite and Not Know It?
An introductory message to the Christian Israel message. An expanded version of the tract by the same title.
T-253 Israel's Claim to Fame
Reveals that Israel's only claim to fame is Yeshua the Christ.
T-256 Waco/OK City: A Mother's Day Message
A very revealing contrast between the atrocities committed in Waco, Texas and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Has been used by individuals attempting to initiate a congressional investigation into the Oklahoma City bombing.
T-257 Salvation Neglect (Part 1)
A series devoted to exposing several errors that have been made on this very important subject.
T-258 Salvation Neglect (Part 2)
T-259 Salvation Neglect (Part 3)
T-260 Salvation Neglect (Part 4)
T-261 Freedom's Call
An Independence Day message exhorting us to heed Freedom's Call and to busy ourselves in the struggle for liberty.
T-262 Gleaning from Proverbs (Part 1)
A series that sheds light upon what Evangelist Weiland considers to be the greatest thought from each of the 31 chapters of Proverbs.
T-263 Gleaning from Proverbs (Part 2)
T-264 Gleaning from Proverbs (Part 3)
T-269 The "Ameners"
An admonishment to be careful about what you "Amen."
T-270 The Offenders
Addresses our need as Christian Israelites to present our message in the best light possible without compromising the truth of God's Word.
T-271 Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage (Part 1)
A series that addresses this ticklish topic in light of God's Law and the correct translation of some key words.
T-272 Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage (Part 2)
T-273 Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage (Part 3)
T-274 Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage (Part 4)
T-275 Salvation: Israelite & Non-Israelite Alike? (Part 1)
A series which addresses whether non-Israelites can share in the salvation which belongs to Israel.
T-276 Salvation: Israelite & Non-Israelite Alike? (Part 2)
T-277 Salvation: Israelite & Non-Israelite Alike? (Part 3)
T-278 Salvation: Israelite & Non-Israelite Alike? (Part 4)
T-279 Thanksgiving Restoration
A Thanksgiving Day message on our need to restore the art of giving thanks.
T-280 Who's Really the Cult?
Reveals that a cult is all in the eyes of the beholder.
T-281 The Incomparable Christ (Part 1)
Two messages which elaborate on just a few of the incomparable attributes of Yeshua the Christ.
T-282 The Incomparable Christ (Part 2)
T-283 What Lies Ahead?
A look at what the coming year holds for our nation, for Christendom, for Christian Israel and for each of us personally.
T-284 The 4th Commandment (Part 1)
A series concerning keeping the Sabbath holy.
T-285 The 4th Commandment (Part 2)
T-286 The 4th Commandment (Part 3)
T-287 The 4th Commandment (Part 4)
T-288 The 4th Commandment (Part 5)
T-289 The 4th Commandment (Part 6)
T-290 The 4th Commandment (Part 7)
T-291 Identity Crisis
Presents the truth regarding Israel's modern-day identity.
T-292 Warning! Warning! Warning! (Part 1)
Two messages warning about False Teachers, Pharisees, and Scribes.
T-293 Warning! Warning! Warning! (Part 2)
Counters an attack upon Evangelist Weiland and this ministry by Morris Dees (Southern Poverty Law Center) and a local scribe.
T-294 10 Biblical Responses to Persecution (Part 1)
The title says it all.
T-295 10 Biblical Responses to Persecution (Part 2)
T-296 Motherhood: A Living Sacrifice
A Mother's Day message concerning the sacrifices of motherhood.
T-297 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 1)
Reminding God!
T-298 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 2)
Godly Patriotism!
T-299 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 3)
Getting to the Work!
T-300 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 4)
Praise God & Keep Your Powder Dry!
T-301 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 5)
Sin in the Camp!
T-302 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 6)
Oh No!
T-303 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 7)
Genealogical Roll Call!
T-304 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 8)
Tending to the Law of God!
T-305 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 9)
Sacred Segregation!
T-306 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 10)
The Covenant!
T-307 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 11)
Taking Dominion!
T-308 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 12)
Praise & Thanksgiving!
T-309 Nehemiah: A Man of Vision (Part 13)
No Compromise!
T-310 Romans 13 Radio Interview
Provides the Biblically correct interpretation of the first seven verses of Romans 13 regarding submission to government.
T-311 Radio Interview re. Ruth and Rahab
Concerns the Biblical lineage of Ruth and Rahab.
T-312 Indianapolis Debate (Tape 1)
A debate on Israel's modern identity. Participants: Dr. Greg Dixon, Pastor Ovid Need, Jr., Tom Brush, and Evangelist Ted Weiland.
T-313 Indianapolis Debate (Tape 2)
T-314 Indianapolis Debate (Tape 3)
T-315 Indianapolis Debate (Tape 4)
T-316 Mystery of the Gentiles (Part 1)
Expounds upon and solves the mystery of the gentiles. Many prophecies will be misinterpreted without understanding this Biblical mystery and the true identity of the Gentiles.
T-317 Mystery of the Gentiles (Part 2)
T-318 Mystery of the Gentiles (Part 3)
T-319 Mystery of the Gentiles (Part 4)
T-320 Mystery of the Gentiles (Part 5)
T-321 Thanksgiving
Challenges us to truly thank God in all things.
T-322 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 1)
A series that takes on, expounds upon, and exposes the Satanic Seedline doctrine for the perversion that it really is as it has never been done before. All seedliners need to listen to this series.
T-323 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 2)
T-324 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 3)
T-325 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 4)
T-326 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 5)
T-327 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 6)
T-328 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 7)
T-329 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 8)
T-330 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 9)
T-331 Eve: Did She? or Didn't She? The Seedline Hypothesis under Scrutiny
(Part 10)
T-332 Miracles of Birth
Elaborates on the miracles of birth as described in the scriptures,culminating with Yeshua's own birth and the rebirth made possible through His blood-atoning sacrifice.
T-334 Law & Order in America
Expounds upon the importance of God's Law and its implementation in America.
T-335 Building Altars
What god are you building altars and sacrificing to? This message will challenge you to live your life in fulfillment of Romans 12:1-2.
T-336 Exposé of a Media Assault (Part 1)
Exposes the tactics of the liberal media, specifically the subterfuge of those who attacked the speakers of a Christian Israel conference held in Florida.
T-337 Exposé of a Media Assault (Part 2)
T-338 Exposé of a Media Assault (Part 3)
T-339 Honor to Whom Honor Is Due
Addresses the honor due to our wives and mothers of our children.
T-340 The Phinehas Hoods
Exposes the "Phinehas Priesthood" of today as having no Biblical authority.
T-341 One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
A class on baptism held at an Indianapolis conference that expounds upon Ephesians 4:5 and the necessity of being Scripturally baptized.
T-342 The High Calling
A message that bids us to a higher calling for our Lord and Savior Yeshua the Christ.
T-343 Doing it Right
A challenge to fathers to live right as an example unto their children.
T-344 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 1)
An expository series on the Book of Hosea.
T-345 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 2)
T-346 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 3)
T-347 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 4)
T-348 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 5)
T-349 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 6)
T-350 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 7)
T-351 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 8)
T-352 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 9)
T-353 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 10)
T-354 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 11)
T-355 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 12)
T-356 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 13)
T-357 Hosea: Prophet to the Gentiles (Part 14)
T-358 Kingless
Reveals that most Americans, including most Christians today, are kingless, i.e., KING of kings kingless.
T-359 YHWH's Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage of Israel
Elaborates upon Yahweh's glorious marriage to Israel, His tragic divorce of Israel and His promised remarriage to Israel.
T-360 Daily
A topical study of the word "daily" as used in the Bible, revealing God's daily expectations of us.
T-361 First Things First
A topical study regarding those things which God expects us to prioritize in our lives.
T-362 The 5th Commandment (Part 1)
A series concerning the forgotten art of honoring one's parents.
T-363 The 5th Commandment (Part 2)
T-364 The 5th Commandment (Part 3)
T-365 The 5th Commandment (Part 4)
T-366 The 5th Commandment (Part 5)
T-367 The 5th Commandment (Part 6)
T-368 Sin in the Camp (Part 1)
A series exposing sin in modern-day Christian Israel's camp, and an in-depth study on how to address it.
T-369 Sin in the Camp (Part 2)
T-370 Sin in the Camp (Part 3)
T-371 Sin in the Camp (Part 4)
T-372 Sin in the Camp (Part 5)
T-373 Sin in the Camp (Part 6)
T-374 Sin in the Camp (Part 7)
T-375 Sin in the Camp (Part 8)
T-376 Sin in the Camp (Part 9)
T-377 Qualified to Lead
Examines President Bill Clinton, among others, against the Biblical qualifications for leadership.
T-378 M.O.T.H.E.R.
A Mother's Day message based upon the word "mother" approached acronymically.
T-380 Christian Duty under Corrupt Government
A contextual expose´ of Romans 13:1-7.
T-381 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 1)
A series expounding upon the basic Christian Identity principles.
T-382 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 2)
T-383 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 3)
T-384 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 4)
T-385 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 5)
T-386 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 6)
T-387 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 7)
T-388 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 8)
T-389 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 9)
T-390 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 10)
T-391 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 11)
T-392 Basics of Christian Identity (Part 12)
T-393 Testing the Spirits (Part 1)
A series addressing whether the baptism and miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended for this day and age.
T-394 Testing the Spirits (Part 2)
T-395 Testing the Spirits (Part 3)
T-396 Testing the Spirits (Part 4)
T-397 Testing the Spirits (Part 5)
T-398 Testing the Spirits (Part 6)
T-399 The 6th Commandment (Part 1)
Introduction to an in-depth study of the 6th Commandment and its
respective statutes and judgements.
T-400 The 6th Commandment (Part 2)
T-401 The 6th Commandment (Part 3)
T-402 The 6th Commandment (Part 4)
T-403 The 6th Commandment (Part 5)
T-404 The 6th Commandment (Part 6)
T-405 The 6th Commandment (Part 7)
T-406 The 6th commandment (Part 8)
T-407 The 6th Commandment (Part 9)
T-408 Lessons for Life from A Mother
Lessons to be learned from a mother based on the nine fruits of the Spirit.
T-409 God Send Us Real Men
A challenge for men to be patriarchs of their family.
T-410 Lessons for Life from A Father
Lessons to be learned from a father based on the seven pillars of godly wisdom.
T-411 Free Indeed
A contrast between Constitutional freedom and Biblical freedom.
T-412 Baptism Under Fire (Part 1)
A series addressing arguments made against baptism for the remission of
sins and baptism by immersion.
T-413 Baptism Under Fire (Part 2)
T-414 Baptism Under Fire (Part 3)
T-415 Baptism Under Fire (Part 4)
T-416 Baptism Under Fire (Part 5)
T-417 Baptism Under Fire (Part 6)
T-418 Long-Range Visionaries (Part 1)
A series promoting a long-range vision for two, three and four
genreations of our progeny.
T-419 Long-Range Visionaries (Part 2)
T-420 Long-Range Visionaries (Part 3)
T-421 Long-Range Visionaries (Part 4)
T-422 The Elijah Company (Part 1)
A follow-up series to “Long-Range Visionaries” based upon the threefold
calling of John the Baptist.
T-423 The Elijah Company (Part 2)
T-424 The Elijah Company (Part 3)
T-425 The Elijah Company (Part 4)
T-426 The Elijah Company (Part 5)
T-427 Wise Men
Lessons from the wise men who visited the infant Yeshua.
T-428 Preparing for the Next Millennium (Part 1)
A follow-up series to “The Elijah Company” devoted to Christian
Israelite dominion in the Twenty-First Century.
T-429 Preparing for the Next Millennium (Part 2)
T-430 Preparing for the Next Millennium (Part 3)
T-431 Preparing for the Next Millennium (Part 4)
T-432 Preparing for the Next Millennium (Part 5)
T-433 Preparing for the Next Millennium (Part 6)
T-434 Things They Didn't Tell Me (Part 1)
An introduction to a series devoted to Biblical issues that many people
are never informed of when they first become disciples of Christ.
Addresses counting the cost, baptism for the remission of sins and once
saved always saved.
T-435 Things They Didn't Tell Me (Part 2)
Addresses Yahweh's name, Yahweh's law and separation of church and state.
T-436 Things They Didn't Tell Me (Part 3)
Addresses submission to Yahweh's laws vs. submission to man's laws, flesh and blood enemies and persecution.
T-437 Things They Didn't Tell Me (Part 4)
Addresses the false identity of today's Jews, the Israel identity of the Celto-Saxons and the true identity of the Antichrist.
T-438 Things They Didn't Tell Me (Part 5)
Addresses segregation vs. integration.
T-439 Things They Didn't Tell Me (Part 6)
Addresses miscegenation and several things I was told.
T-440 The Formula for Success
The formula for success is found several times in the Bible, however it is usually overlooked by both Bible scholars and motivational speakers alike.
T-441 Passed Over
Nearly everyone is passed over in life for something. When it comes to Yahweh's judgment it is something we had better be thankful for.
T-442 Oh, How I Love Thy Law!
While many Christians could care less about Yahweh's law, David loved it and so should we.
T-443 Blessed or Cursed: Your Choice! (Part 1)
An expository series of messages on the blessings and curses of Deuteronomy 28.
T-444 Blessed or Cursed: Your Choice! (Part 2)
T-445 Blessed or Cursed: Your Choice! (Part 3)
T-446 Blessed or Cursed: Your Choice! (Part 4)
T-447 Blessed or Cursed: Your Choice! (Part 5)
T-448 Blessed or Cursed: Your Choice! (Part 6)
T-449 It Matters! (Part 1)
A series expounding upon to whom and why Israel's identity matters.
T-450 It Matters! (Part 2)
T-451 It Matters! (Part 3)
T-452 Strength And Adversity (Part 1)
Expounds upon Proverbs 24: 10 and establishes that we must neither faint or stand idle in these days of adversity.
T-453 Strength And Adversity (Part 2)
T-454 Strength And Adversity (Part 3)
T-455 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 1)
This series answers the question as to whether the Bible teaches that we are predestined, free to choose or both?
T-456 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 2)
T-457 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 3)
T-458 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 4)
T-459 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 5)
T-460 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 6)
T-461 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 7)
T-462 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 8)
T-463 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 9)
T-464 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 10)
T-465 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 11)
T-466 Predestined or Free To Choose? (Part 12)
T-467 Thanksgiving In All Things!
If we would take inventory of our blessings, we would discover that we have much more to be thankful for then what we might have first thought.
T-468 The Clash of World Views (Part 1)
A series that contrasts three different world views and challenges Christians to do something with theirs.
T-469 The Clash of World Views (Part 2)
T-470 The Clash of World Views (Part 3)
T-471 Peace, Blessed Peace
A promotion of peace, however not at all costs.
T-472 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 1)
A series that biblically examines and refutes the hypothesis that everyone will be reconciled with God at the end of time.
T-473 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 2)
T-474 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 3)
T-475 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 4)
T-476 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 5)
T-477 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 6)
T-478 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 7)
T-479 The Universal Reconciliation Hypothesis Under Scrutiny (Part 8)
T-480 Remember, We Must!
Remember, we must our forefather's passover, our passover and His resurrection.
T-481 The 7th Commandment (Part 1)
An in-depth series on the 7th Commandment and its respective statutes and judgment.
T-482 The 7th Commandment (Part 2)
T-483 The 7th Commandment (Part 3)
T-484 The 7th Commandment (Part 4)
T-485 The 7th Commandment (Part 5)
T-486 The 7th Commandment (Part 6)
T-487 The 7th Commandment (Part 7)
T-488 The 7th Commandment (Part 8)
T-489 The 7th Commandment (Part 9)
T-490 The 7th Commandment (Part 10)
T-491 The 7th Commandment (Part 11)
T-492 The 7th Commandment (Part 12)
T-493 The 7th Commandment (Part 13)
T-494 The 7th Commandment (Part 14)
T-495 The 7th Commandment (Part 15)
T-496 The 7th Commandment (Part 16)
T-497 The 7th Commandment (Part 17)
T-498 The 7th Commandment (Part 18)
T-499 The 7th Commandment (Part 19)
T-500 The 7th Commandment (Part 20)
T-501 The 7th Commandment (Part 21)
T-502 The 7th Commandment (Part 22)
T-503 The 7th Commandment (Part 23)
T-504 The 7th Commandment (Part 24)
T-505 The 7th Commandment (Part 25)
T-506 The 7th Commandment (Part 26)
T-507 The 7th Commandment (Part 27)
T-508 The 7th Commandment (Part 28)
T-509 Marriage by the Bible (Part 1)
A exposé on marriage and how it should function according to biblical principles.
T-510 Marriage by the Bible (Part 2)
Same as T-498.
T-511 Marriage by the Bible (Part 3)
Same as T-499.
T-512 Marriage by the Bible (Part 4)
Parts 4-5 provide instruction to husbands.
Same as T-500.
T-513 Marriage by the Bible (Part 5)
Same as T-501.
T-514 Marriage by the Bible (Part 6)
Parts 6-9 provide instruction to wives.
Same as T-502.
T-515 Marriage by the Bible (Part 7)
Same as T-503.
T-516 Marriage by the Bible (Part 8)
Same as T-504.
T-517 Marriage by the Bible (Part 9)
Same as T-505.
T-518 Some Basics
Provides some of the basics as it concerns Israel's Identity, the sacred names and baptism for the remission of sins.
T-519 The Politics of Health & Energy
Addresses the AMA vs. Alternative Medicine and Faith in Yahweh.
T-520 Another Day of Infamy
The September 11, 2001 terrorist attack upon America and its significance as it pertains to the identity of modern-day Israel.
T-521 Psalm 91 (Part 1)
An expository series on Psalm 91
T-522 Psalm 91 (Part 2)
T-523 Psalm 91 (Part 3)
T-524 Psalm 91 (Part 4)
T-525 Psalm 91 (Part 5)
T-526 Christmastime Evils
Presents a balanced approach to Christmas.
T-527 Rightly Categorizing the Word of Truth (Part 1)
Distinguishes between the essential and non-essential matters of doctrine as they pertain to unity in the body of Christ.
T-528 Rightly Categorizing the Word of Truth (Part 2)
T-529 Rightly Categorizing the Word of Truth (Part 3)
T-530 Rightly Categorizing the Word of Truth (Part 4)
T-531 Rightly Categorizing the Word of Truth (Part 5)
T-532 Rightly Categorizing the Word of Truth (Part 6)
T-533 The Real Significance of Pentecost (Part 1)
The significance of Pentecost has to do with Yahweh's marriage to Israel and the establishment of the kingdom.
T-534 The Real Significance of Pentecost (Part 2)
T-535 The Real Significance of Pentecost (Part 3)
T-536 A Father in which to Glory
Challenges fathers to be their children's heroes.
T-537 Falling Short
Biblically demonstrates that we must follow instructions - all of the instructions - especially as they pertain to salvation.
T-538 Living as A Christian Israelite in Post-Christian Balkanized America (Part 1)
Living like we should in America today.
T-539 Living as A Christian Israelite in Post-Christian Balkanized America (Part 2)
T-540 The Basics Again
The basics on salvation, the Law, Christian Israel and Yahweh's name.
T-541 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 1)
Biblical economics as it apply to our personal lives.
T-542 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 2)
T-543 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 3)
T-544 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 4)
T-545 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 5)
T-546 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 6)
T-547 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 7)
T-548 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 8)
T-549 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 9)
T-550 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 10)
T-551 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 11)
T-552 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 12)
T-553 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 13)
T-554 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 14)
T-555 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 15)
T-556 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 16)
T-557 Principles of Biblical Economics (Part 17)
T-558 Haggai, Then & Now (Part 1)
Two expository messages on the book of Haggai.
T-559 Haggai, Then & Now (Part 2)
T-560 A Response to "Jews & Christians"
My response to a message by Ronald L. Dart.
T-561 A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
A Thanksgiving day message.
T-562 He Dwelt Among Us
Concerns Yeshua the Christ coming to dwell among us.
T-563 Good Works for 2003
A challenge to put our Christianity to work in 2003 or any year.
T-564 One Nation Under God (Part 1)
A biblical and historical review of The Pledge of Allegiance.
T-565 One Nation Under God (Part 2)
T-566 One Nation Under God (Part 3)
T-567 War in Iraq II: Unfinished Business (Part 1)
Challenges George W. Bush's claim to Christianity.
T-568 War in Iraq II: Unfinished Business (Part 2)
Reveals the War in Iraq II to be an unbiblical and, therefore, ungodly war.
T-569 War in Iraq II: Unfinished Business (Part 3)
Discusses the four real reasons for the War in Iraq II.
T-570 A Mother in Which to Glory
A Mother's Day message dedicated to my wife and other similar women.
T-571 Fret Not (Part 1)
Two messages expounding upon Yahweh's numerous commands to fret not.
T-572 Fret Not (Part 2)
T-573 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 1)
A series addressing the principles of biblical hermeneutics.
T-574 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 2)
T-575 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 3)
T-576 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 4)
T-577 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 5)
T-578 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 6)
T-579 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 7)
T-580 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 8)
T-581 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 9)
T-582 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 10)
T-583 Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth (Part 11)
T-584 Tearing Down the Strongholds (Part 1)
An expository series on Ecclesiastes 9.
T-585 Tearing Down the Strongholds (Part 2)
T-586 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 1)
A series challenging Christians to be prepared to have an answer for every man.
T-587 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 2)
T-588 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 3)
T-589 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 4)
T-590 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 5)
T-591 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 6)
T-592 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 7)
T-593 To Everything a Season, To Every Season a Man and To Every Man An Answer (Part 8)
T-594 Thank You, Lord!
Challenges us to really consider all that we have to be thankful for.
T-595 The Real Christmas Story!
T-596 The 8th Commandment (Part 1)
An in-depth series on the 8th Commandment and its respective statutes and judgment.
T-597 The 8th Commandment (Part 2)
T-598 The 8th Commandment (Part 3)
T-599 The 8th Commandment (Part 4)
T-600 The 8th Commandment (Part 5)
T-601 The 8th Commandment (Part 6)
T-602 The 8th Commandment (Part 7)
T-603 The 8th Commandment (Part 8)
T-604 The 8th Commandment (Part 9)
T-605 The 8th Commandment (Part 10)
T-606 The 8th Commandment (Part 11)
T-607 The 8th Commandment (Part 12)
T-608 The 8th Commandment (Part 13)
T-609 The 8th Commandment (Part 14)
T-610 The 8th Commandment (Part 15)
T-611 Judah, Israel & the Gentiles: YHWH's Escorts through the Bible (Part 1)
Reveals the importance of correctly identifying the principal cast of characters in the Bible.
T-612 Judah, Israel & the Gentiles: YHWH's Escorts through the Bible (Part 2)
T-613 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 1)
A series that examines the life of David and what it was that prompted Yahweh to identify him as such a man to the end that we too might be men and women with hearts like his.
T-614 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 2)
T-615 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 3)
T-616 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 4)
T-617 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 5)
T-618 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 6)
T-619 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 7)
T-620 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 8)
T-621 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 9)
T-622 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 10)
T-623 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 11)
T-624 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 12)
T-625 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 13)
T-626 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 14)
T-627 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 15)
T-628 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 16)
T-629 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 17)
T-630 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 18)
T-631 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 19)
T-632 A Man After YHWH's Own Heart (Part 20)
T-633 Don't Box Me In
Challenges us to think outside the boxes of man's making, but inside Yahweh's box on a number of issues.
T-634 Stand Fast (Part 1)
A Series admonishing us to not only stand fast in Yahweh and His Word, but to also run fast in our service to Him.
T-635 Stand Fast (Part 2)
T-636 Stand Fast (Part 3)
T-637 Stand Fast (Part 4)
T-638 Who is Israel? The Oklahoma City Debate (Part 1)
A debate I participated in with Charles Imes concerning the identity of today's Israelites.
T-639 Who is Israel? The Oklahoma City Debate (Part 2)
T-640 Who is Israel? The Oklahoma City Debate (Part 3)
T-641 Christmas: Making the Most of It
Although there is much wrong with the modern-day celebration of Christmas, there is also much that we can use in promoting the Kingdom of Yahweh.
T-642 Guilty as Accused! (Part 1)
A series wherein I confess to a number of things I have been accused of since becoming a Christian.
T-643 Guilty as Accused! (Part 2)
T-644 Guilty as Accused! (Part 3)
T-645 Guilty as Accused! (Part 4)
T-646 Guilty as Accused! (Part 5)
T-647 Guilty as Accused! (Part 6)
T-648 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 1)
A response to Chuck Baldwin's email "You Might be a Constitutionalist If…"
T-649 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 2)
T-650 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 3)
T-651 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 4)
T-652 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 5)
T-653 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 6)
T-654 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 7)
T-655 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 8)
T-656 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 9)
T-657 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 10)
T-658 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 11)
T-659 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 12)
T-660 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 13)
T-661 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 14)
T-662 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 15)
T-663 You Might be a Christian If… (Part 16)
T-664 I Will Rise Again
An expose' on those four powerful words.
T-665 Today's Hannahs
A challenge to be one of today's few Hannahs.
T-666 The Patriarch
A challenge to be one of today's few patriarchs.
T-669 The Remnant (Part 1)
The Remnant: How few are there, who are they, and how can they be identified?
T-670 The Remnant (Part 2)
T-671 Katrina: Coincidence or Judgment?
Reveals whether Hurricane Katrina was just an act of nature or Yahweh's judgment?
T-672 Romans 11: Prophecy Fulfilled (Part 1)
An expository series on Romans 11:1-30 and the many fulfilled prophecies found therein.
T-673 Romans 11: Prophecy Fulfilled (Part 2)
T-674 Romans 11: Prophecy Fulfilled (Part 3)
T-675 Romans 11: Prophecy Fulfilled (Part 4)
T-676 Ephesians 2: Prophecy Fulfilled (Part 1)
An expository series on Ephesians 2:1-22 and the many fulfilled prophecies found therein.
T-677 Ephesians 2: Prophecy Fulfilled (Part 2)
T-678 Ephesians 2: Prophecy Fulfilled (Part 3)
T-679 Contentment
Provides two Scriptural keys to experiencing contentment in all situations.
T-680 No Other Name But… (Part 1)
A response to Gene Applegate's book “No Other Name But Jesus.”
T-681 No Other Name But… (Part 2)
T-682 No Other Name But… (Part 3)
T-683 No Other Name But… (Part 4)
T-684 No Other Name But… (Part 5)
T-685 No Other Name But… (Part 6)
T-686 Be Ye Resolved!
Challenges all of us to make Kingdom resolutions.
T-687 Building the Kingdom
A long-range view to building the Kingdom of Yahweh.
T-688 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 1)
A series that examines the life of Joseph and what it was that made him a man after Yahweh's own purpose.
T-689 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 2)
T-690 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 3)
T-691 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 4)
T-692 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 5)
T-693 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 6)
T-694 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 7)
T-695 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 8)
T-696 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 9)
T-697 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 10)
T-698 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 11)
T-699 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 12)
T-700 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 13)
T-701 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 14)
T-702 A Man After Yahweh's Own Purpose (Part 15)
T-703 Harboring Prodigals
Addresses the consequences of harboring prodigals. (Same as T-690)
T-704 Rotted or Resurrected
Yeshua: Two choices – two results.
T-705 Taking Over (Part 1)
Contrasts Christendumb with Christendom.
T-706 Taking Over (Part 2)
T-707 Taking Over (Part 3)
T-708 Taking Over (Part 4)
T-709 Taking Over (Part 5)
T-710 Taking Over (Part 6)
T-711 Gods of Our Making (Part 1)
Addresses how modern Christianity creates and serves gods of their own making through doctrines of their own making – particlarly the sinner's prayer, the abolishment of the law, and the belief that the Jews are Israel.
T-712 Gods of Our Making (Part 2)
T-713 Gods of Our Making (Part 3)
T-714 What's Your Paradigm? (Part 1)
A series to help us determine whether our paradigm is truly the Word and Law of Yahweh.
T-715 What's Your Paradigm? (Part 2)
T-716 What's Your Paradigm? (Part 3)
T-717 What's Your Paradigm? (Part 4)
T-718 What's Your Paradigm? (Part 5)
T-719 What's Your Paradigm? (Part 6)
T-726 Tis' the Season
Proves the virgin birth of Yeshua.
T-727 The 9th Commandment (Part 1)
In-depth study of the 9th Commandment.
T-728 The 9th Commandment (Part 2)
T-729 The 9th Commandment (Part 3)
T-730 The 9th Commandment (Part 4)
T-731 The 9th Commandment (Part 5)
T-732 The 9th Commandment (Part 6)
T-733 The 9th Commandment (Part 7)
T-734 The 9th Commandment (Part 8)
T-735 The 9th Commandment (Part 9)
T-736 What Holdeth the Future? (Part 1)
Considers the future from the perspective of modern man, Yahweh, and the remnant.
T-737 What Holdeth the Future? (Part 2)
T-738 The New Covenant: What Do You Really Know About It? (Part 1)
Answers the questions: “Who was the New Covenant made with?” and “What is the New Covenant?”
T-739 The New Covenant: What Do You Really Know About It? (Part 2)
T-740 The New Covenant: What Do You Really Know About It? (Part 3)
T-741 We Just Don't Get It!
T-742 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 1)
An examination of the United States Constitution contrasted against the perfect laws of Yahweh.
T-743 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 2)
T-744 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 3)
T-745 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 4)
T-746 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 5)
T-747 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 6)
T-748 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 7)
T-749 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 8)
T-750 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 9)
T-751 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 10)
T-752 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 11)
T-753 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 12)
T-754 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 13)
T-755 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 14)
T-756 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 15)
T-757 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 16)
T-758 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 17)
T-759 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 18)
T-760 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 19)
T-761 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 20)
T-762 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 21)
T-763 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 22)
T-764 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 23)
T-765 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 24)
T-766 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 25)
T-767 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 26)
T-768 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 27)
T-769 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 28)
T-770 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 29)
T-771 Bible Law vs. Constitutionalism (Pt 30)
T-773 What Child Is This?
A message on the Christ child – who He was and who He became.
T-774 Divided We Fall/United We Fall (Part 1)
Divided on the non-essential isues of Scripture or united while ignoring the essentiall issues of Scripture will cause us to fall.
T-775 Divided We Fall/United We Fall (Part 2)
T-776 Divided We Fall/United We Fall (Part 3)
T-777 A Vision for the Kingdom (Part 1)
Parts 1 & 2 explain that restoring the Kingdom to Yahweh and His subjects begins with kindling a vision for hte Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven. Parts 3 & 4 demonstrate that the Kingdom has been in existence since Acts 2 and that Yahweh's moral laws are an intregal part of Yahweh's New Covenant plan for His Kingdom.
T-778 A Vision for the Kingdom (Part 2)
T-779 A Vision for the Kingdom (Part 3)
T-780 A Vision for the Kingdom (Part 4)
T-781 No Greater Love
A Mother's Day message concerning the sacrificial love of a mother.
T-782 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 1)
Establishes Yeshua's deity beyond all question.
T-783 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 2)
T-784 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 3)
T-785 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 4)
T-786 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 5)
T-787 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 6)
T-788 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 7)
T-789 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 8)
T-790 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 9)
T-791 Yeshua: God, Man, Both - or Imposter? (Part 10)
T-792 Another Look at the Dietary Laws (Part 1)
Since preaching the series You're Eating What?, Pastor Weiland has discovered some mistakes therein. This series corrects those mistakes.
T-793 Another Look at the Dietary Laws (Part 2)
T-794 Another Look at the Dietary Laws (Part 3)
T-795 Don't Rain on Our Party! or Don't Reign Over Our Party!
Should the Christian Right really be all that excited about Sarah Palin?
T-796 Generational Blessings
Blessings that extend for generations for the progeny of those who fear Yahweh and love and keep His laws.
T-797 The Worst and the Best of Times
We are living in the worst and the best of times – depending upon your spiritual perspective.
T-798 The 10th Commandment, Part 1
An in-depth study of the 10th Commandment.
T-799 The 10th Commandment, Part 2
T-800 The 10th Commandment, Part 3
T-801 The 10th Commandment, Part 4
T-802 The 10th Commandment, Part 5
T-803 The 10th Commandment, Part 6
T-804 Kingdom Tithing, Part 1
Biblically demonstrates that tithing is still applicable under the New Covenant and reveals why it is a crucial part of establishing and maintaining Yahweh's Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.
T-805 Kingdom Tithing, Part 2
T-806 Kingdom Tithing, Part 3
T-807 Kingdom Tithing, Part 4
T-808 Kingdom Tithing, Part 5
T-809 Kingdom Tithing, Part 6
T-810 Kingdom Tithing, Part 7
T-811 Kingdom Tithing, Part 8
T-812 Kingdom Tithing, Part 9
T-813 Kingdom Tithing, Part 10
T-814 Kingdom Tithing, Part 11
T-815 Kingdom Tithing, Part 12
T-816 Kingdom Tithing, Part 13
T-817 Prepare Yourselves, Part 1
Provides critical information about what we should be doing to prepare for what lies ahead here in America.
T-818 Prepare Yourselves, Part 2
T-819 Christian Masochism
Today's spiritual masochists are found among antinomians and pronomians alike.
T-820 Perspective
Proper perspective will not only determine your outlook but our output as well.
T-821 Baptism: Your Salvation Depends Upon It
Addresses the controversial question of what role baptism plays in salvation.
T-822 Chivalry, Part 1
In order for us to be the men Yahweh intends us to be, chivalry must be restored.
T-823 Chivalry, Part 2
T-824 Misguided Chivalry, Part 1
Addresses a very common sin (especially among today's pastors) in which fathers' and husbands' authority is violated.
T-825 Misguided Chivalry, Part 2
T-826 Misguided Chivalry, Part 3
T-827 Misguided Chivalry, Part 4
T-828 Misguided Chivalry, Part 5
T-829 Misguided Chivalry, Part 6
T-830 Campaign Against Fearmongering
Isaiah warns against getting caught up in the enemies' conspiracies, and yet the Internet has become the new Mars Hill through which Christians are doing exactly that.
T-831 Macho Man: Qualities of Authentic Manhood
Addresses some of the most important biblical qualities of manhood.
T-832 Courting Fathers
Teaches young men to court the fathers by respecting their right of headship over their daughters.
T-833 Jumah, David Barton, and the First Amendment, Part 1
Christian America's reprehensible response to the Islamic jumah (Friday prayer) held in Washington D.C. is the result of their love affair with the United States Constitution, particularly, in this instance, the First Amendment.
T-834 Jumah, David Barton, and the First Amendment, Part 2
T-835 Jumah, David Barton, and the First Amendment, Part 3
T-836 Why I'm Not Signing the Manhattan Declaration
Why, in light of 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, I refuse to sign The Manhattan Declaration, despite its excellent points.
T-837 Psalm 119's Eternal Principles, Part 1
Applying Psalm 119's eternal principles.
T-838 Psalm 119's Eternal Principles, Part 2
T-839 Psalm 119's Eternal Principles, Part 3
T-840 Psalm 119's Eternal Principles, Part 4
T-841 Psalm 119's Eternal Principles, Part 5
T-842 Psalm 119's Eternal Principles, Part 6
T-843 Retroactive, Reactive, and Proactive Christianity, Part 1
Discusses cold, lukewarm, and hot Christianity. The majority of today's Christians are best described as retroactive or cold Christianity and the majority of those who have come out from retroactive Christianity are reactive or lukewarm Christianity. Yahweh desires and expects all of us to be proactive Christians.
T-844 Retroactive, Reactive, and Proactive Christianity, Part 2
T-845 Retroactive, Reactive, and Proactive Christianity, Part 3
T-846 Ear Ticklers and Ear Stoppers
This message will help you to identify both ear ticklers and ear stoppers and assist you in avoiding both pitfalls.
T-847 Tea Parties: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 1
The tea parties present a wonderful opportunity for reaching people with Kingdom truths.
T-848 Tea Parties: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, Part 2
T-849 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 1
The war for the Kingdom begins by taking control of the thoughts we think and the words we speak.
T-850 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 2
T-851 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 3
T-852 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 4
T-853 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 5
T-854 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 6
T-855 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 7
T-856 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 8
T-857 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 9
T-858 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 10
T-859 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 11
T-860 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 12
T-861 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 13
T-862 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 14
T-863 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 15
T-864 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 16
T-865 Word Wars & Captive Thoughts, Part 17
T-866 The Bride of Christ, Part 1
Identifies the bride of Christ, using both Old Covenant prophecies and their New Covenant fulfillment. (Same as T-855-857)
T-867 The Bride of Christ, Part 2
T-868 The Bride of Christ, Part 3
T-869 Theocracy
It is not a question of theocracy or no theocracy, but whose theocracy. (Same as T 858)
T-870 Separation of Church and State
A seldom-heard Biblical perspective on separation of Church and State. (Same as T 865)
T-871 The Biblical Answer to the Islaminization of America
There is only one answer to the Islaminization of America – the Biblical answer.
T-872 The Biblical Answer to the Mosque at Ground Zero
There is only one answer to the Mosque at Ground Zero – the Biblical answer.
T-873 Election: Man's or Yahweh's?, Part 1
There is only one election process that's Biblical – but it's not what most Christians think it is.
T-874 Election: Man's or Yahweh's?, Part 2
T-875 Integrity
Integrity is a rare quality, which must be instilled in our children.
T-876 For Such a Time as This
You were born for the kingdom for such a time as this!
T-877 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 1
Leadership for Christian men is non-optional for a number of reasons. An introductory message to a series on the Biblical qualifications and qualities of Christian leadership.
T-878 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 2
T-879 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 3
T-880 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 4
T-881 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 5
T-882 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 6
T-883 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 7
T-884 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 8
T-885 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 9
T-886 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 10
T-887 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 11
T-888 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 12
T-889 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 13
T-890 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 14
T-891 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 15
T-892 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 16
T-893 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 17
T-894 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 18
T-895 Non-Optional Leadership, Part 19
T-896 Is the Constitution Christian? - Radio Interview, Part 1
Deanna Spignola interviews Ted R. Weiland on Republic Broadcasting Radio regarding the Constitution's non-Biblical roots and components.
T-897 Is the Constitution Christian? - Radio Interview, Part 2
T-898 A Sure-Fire Means for Discerning Yahweh's Will, Part 1
Discover a method used many times in both Old and New Testaments alike, but which is seldom employed by Christians and often shunned by pastors.
T-899 A Sure-Fire Means for Discerning Yahweh's Will, Part 2
T-900 A Sure-Fire Means for Discerning Yahweh's Will, Part 3
T-901 A Sure-Fire Means for Discerning Yahweh's Will, Part 4
T-902 A Sure-Fire Means for Discerning Yahweh's Will, Part 5
T-903 Haggai: A Prophet for Our Day
As in both Moses' and Haggai's day, we have our share of pessimistic anti-dominionists who have consequently given the kingdom away to today's antichrists and non-Christians. If we ever hope to fulfill our dominion mandate, we must repent of this grasshopper mentality.
T-904 Yahweh's Perfect Laws
The law of YHWH is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of YHWH is sure, making wise the simple. The statutes of YHWH are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of YHWH is pure, enlightening the eyes. The fear of YHWH is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of YHWH are true and righteous altogether. (Psalm 19:7-9)
T-905 The Preamble: A New National God
The Preamble to the United States Constitution effectively replaced 17th-century Colonial America's God, Yahweh, with a new national god, known as We the People.
T-906 Article 6: A New National Law
Article 6 effectively replaced Yahweh's commandments, statutes, and judgments with the Constitution as the new national (supreme) law of the land.
T-907 Amendment 1: A New National Religion
Amendment 1 effectively replaced the exclusive monotheistic worship of Yahweh with polytheism, the worship of any and all gods.
T-908 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 1
Paul: Apostle or Imposter?
T-909 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 2
The Israelite-Exclusive Saints
T-910 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 3
Are the Miraculous Gifts for Today?
T-911 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 4
Are You Ashamed of the Gospel?
T-912 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 5
Idolatry: The Epitome of Stupidity
T-913 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 6
Why No One Is Going to Hell
T-914 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 7
The Uncircumcised
T-915 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 8
Custodians of the Law
T-916 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 9
Father Abraham
T-917 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 10
So Shall Thy Seed Be
T-918 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 11
Israel's Glory
T-919 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 12
Covenantal Coverture Complicity
T-920 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 13
Making Vain the Name
T-921 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 14
Baptizo: Interpretation or Translation?
T-922 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 15
Covenantal Baptism
T-923 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 16
Ever Vigilant
T-924 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 17
YHWH’s Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
T-925 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 18
Joint Heirs With Christ
T-926 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 19
Manifesting the Sons of God
T-927 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 20
Irreconcilably Compatible
T-928 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 21
Predestined and Free to Choose
T-929 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 22
Reconciling Calvinism and Arminianism
T-930 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 23
Yahweh’s Elect
T-931 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 24
The Israel of God
T-932 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 25
Is Your God a Liar?
T-933 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 26
Ruling With El
T-934 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 27
Unto the Ends of the World
T-935 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 28
“Not a Nation” Israelites
T-936 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 29
Judah, Israel, and the World
T-937 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 30
Ezekiel 37's Sticks Identified
T-938 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 31
Paul's Two Olive Branches: Judah and Israel
T-939 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 32
Conformed, Deformed, or Transformed
T-940 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 33
What's Your Gift?
T-941 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 34
Gift Instructions
T-942 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 35
Tyrannical Powers or Godly Authorities
T-943 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 36
Ministers of God
T-944 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 37
Beyond Stained-Glass Windows
T-945 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 38
Give Them Their Due
T-946 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 39
Judging Righteously
T-947 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 40
Living and Dying for the Lord
T-948 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 41
Expendable Liberties
T-949 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 42
Glorifying God with One Mind and One Voice
T-950 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 43
Judah and Israel: Glorifying God Together
T-951 Romans: Vital Clues to Understanding Paul and the Remainder of the New Testament, Part 44
By Grace Alone
T-952 Interview With Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America
Larry Pratt interviews Ted R. Weiland regarding the Second Amendment's non-Biblical roots and components.
T-953 Troublesome Times - Bah!, Part 1
We are on the verge of perhaps the most important and exciting paradigm shift in American history!
T-954 Troublesome Times - Bah!, Part 2
T-955 Interview with Dwaine Moore on Solemn Assemblies Broadcast, Part 1
T-956 Interview with Dwaine Moore on Solemn Assemblies Broadcast, Part 2
T-957 American Exceptionalism or American Arrogance
Because modern America's exceptionalism is not derived from Yahweh's righteousness, it is merely American arrogance.
T-958 Right, Left, and Center: Who Gets to Decide?
Anything left of Yahweh's right(eousness) is left, liberal, and ungodly.
T-959 The Second Amendment: A Knife in a Gunfight
The knife nearly everyone is wielding at today's O.K. Corral is the Second Amendment right to bear arms. As with all rights, this knife is easily licensed and limited. Preached at the March 2013 Springfield, Missouri, Firearms and Freedom Symposium. (Click to watch video on YouTube.)
T-960 Fawning at the Feet of the Religion of Tolerance
The god of Tolerance has supplanted the God of the Bible even with many people claiming to be Christians.
T-961 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 1
God's Providential Faithfulness.
T-962 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 2
Judah's Prophesied Return.
T-963 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 3
New Covenant Reunion.
T-964 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 4
Seeking First the Kingdom.
T-965 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 5
A Vision for the Kingdom.
T-966 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 6
Kingdom Adversaries.
T-967 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 7
Authority vs. Power.
T-968 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 8
The Anti-Dominionists.
T-969 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 9
Theonomy vs. Autonomy.
T-970 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 10
The Eyes of God are Upon You.
T-971 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 11
Exceeding Abundantly Beyond.
T-972 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 12
What About All That Blood?
T-973 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 13
New Covenant Priests.
T-974 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 14
Tax Exemption.
T-975 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 15
Christians Put to Shame.
T-976 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 16
Financing the Kingdom.
T-977 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 17
God Send Us Tremblers.
T-978 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 18
To Die Is to Live.
T-979 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 19
Consequences of Integration.
T-980 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 20
Passing Seed to Molech.
T-981 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 21
Illicit Lineage Mixing.
T-982 Ezra: A Man Stirred by the Spirit, Part 22
May God Stir Your Spirit.
T-983 Yahweh's Everlasting Righteousness
Yahweh and His righteousness transcend the covenants. Therefore, His morality and the triune law (His commandments, statutes, and judgments) that reflect His righteousness transcend the covenants, as well.
T-984 The Half Has Not Been Told
There's much more to the babe born in the manger in Bethlehem than is being told, even from most of today's pulpits.
T-985 The Gettysburg Address: Iconic, But Is It Biblical?, Part 1
When scrutinized Biblically, the Gettysburg Address is found wanting.
T-986 The Gettysburg Address: Iconic, But Is It Biblical?, Part 2
T-987 The Gettysburg Address: Iconic, But Is It Biblical?, Part 3
T-987.1 Is the Constitution Christian? Radio Interview
Dee Hopper interviews Ted Weiland on her radio program We Will Not be Silenced about whether the Constitution is the Christian document so many Christians would like it to be.
T-988 Relationship or Ceremony?
Without a relationship with Yahweh via the blood-atoning sacrifice of Christ, Christianity is only empty ceremony.
T-989 Psalm 23: A Psalm for the Ages, Pt. 1
Yahweh is My Shepherd
T-990 Psalm 23: A Psalm for the Ages, Pt. 2
The Sheep of His Pasture
T-991 Psalm 23: A Psalm for the Ages, Pt. 3
Through the Valley of Death
T-992 Psalm 23: A Psalm for the Ages, Pt. 4
Reigning in the Midst of Enemies
T-993 Could You Be a Disciple of Baal and Not Know It?
Baal was a ancient form of We the People, and We the People are a contemporary form of Baal.
T-994 Where's Your Focus?
What it means to be focused on Christ, and what it means if you're not.
T-995 How Sovereign Is Your God?, Part 1
Or how impotent is your sovereign?
T-996 How Sovereign Is Your God?, Part 2
When it comes to His divinity?
T-997 How Sovereign Is Your God?, Part 3
When it comes to predestination?
T-998 How Sovereign Is Your God?, Part 4
When it comes to baptism and Israel?
T-999 WWJD? Are You Sure You Want to Know? Part 1
What would Jesus do about cursing your parents and adultery?
T-1000 WWJD? Are You Sure You Want to Know? Part 2
What would Jesus do about usury and burglary?
T-1001 Where We Are At in the Battle Between the Bible and the Constitution: Radio Interview
Pastor Dwaine Moore interviews Ted Weiland concerning where we presently are in the battle for the Kingdom, and much more. This interview should prove to be a great evangelistic tool. Also available on our Video Page.
T-1002 The Internet: Today's Areopagus
Like Mars Hill in Acts 17, the Internet is where people spend an inordinate amount of time doing nothing more than telling or hearing something new.
T-1003 Faithful to the End
As Christians, we're told numerous times that we must remain faithful to Christ to the end, if we intend to inherit the promises.
T-1004 Josh Tolley Radio Interview on the Constitution, Part 1
T-1005 Josh Tolley Radio Interview on the Constitution, Part 2
T-1005.1 Josh Tolley Radio Interview
Romans 13, Part 1
T-1005.2 Josh Tolley Radio Interview
Romans 13, Part 2
T-1006 Immigration: Lawful, Legal, and Illegal, Part 1
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
T-1007 Immigration: Lawful, Legal, and Illegal, Part 2
T-1008 Immigration: Lawful, Legal, and Illegal, Part 3
New Covenant
T-1009 Immigration: Lawful, Legal, and Illegal, Part 4
New Covenant Recipients
T-1010 Immigration: Lawful, Legal, and Illegal, Part 5
Israelite Leadership
T-1011 Immigration: Lawful, Legal, and Illegal, Part 6
Border Law
T-1012 Ten Reasons the Kingdom on Earth Isn't Mission Impossible
Motivation for pursuing the kingdom here on earth for ourselves and our posterity.
T-1013 My Four Greatest Blessings
Find out what Pastor Weiland considers his four greatest blessings.
T-1014 Seeking Godly Wisdom
Seeking Godly wisdom begins with its seven pillars enumerated in James 3:17.
T-1015 Salvation by Election
Don't be fooled by the title. This message contrasts the constitutional election system (by which, at best, we end up with the best of the worst) with the biblical election system (by which we end up with the best of the best, every single time).
T-1016 An Altar Called Ed
Biblical lessons from an altar called Ed.
T-1017 Lessons From a Eunuch
Provides several lessons gleaned from the account regarding the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8.
T-1018 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 1
Chapter 1, Verses 1-2: Israelite Saints
T-1019 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 2
Chapter 1, Verses 1-9: God is Faithful!
T-1020 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 3
Chapter 1, Verses 9-10: Fellowship in Christ
T-1021 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 4
Chapter 1, Verses 10-17: Sent to Preach the Gospel
T-1022 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 5
Chapter 1, Verses 17-24: Power of the Gospel
T-1023 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 6
Chapter 1, Verses 23-31: Mighty Men
T-1024 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 7
Chapter 2, Verses 1-7: Foolishly Trusting in Princes
T-1025 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 8
Chapter 2, Verses 6-16: Spiritual Discernment
T-1026 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 9
Chapter 3, Verses 1-23: The Mind of Christ
T-1027 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 10
Chapter 4, Verses 1-21: What a Calling!
T-1028 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 11
Chapter 5, Verses 1-5: Turned Over to Satan
T-1029 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 12
Chapter 5, Verses 1-7: What Satan?
T-1030 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 13
Chapter 5, Verses 6-7: Sin in the Camp
T-1031 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 14
Chapter 5, Verses 6-8: Christ: Our Passover
T-1032 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 15
Chapter 5, Verses 6-8: The Added Law
T-1033 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 16
Chapter 5, Verses 6-13: Festivals: Added and Fulfilled
T-1034 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 17
Chapter 6, Verses 1-4: Judging Ourselves and the World
T-1035 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 18
Chapter 6, Verses 1-11: To Judge or Not to Judge
T-1036 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 19
Chapter 6, Verses 9-20: Fleeing Fornication
T-1037 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 20
Chapter 7, Verses 1-16: Ye are Not Your Own
T-1038 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 21
Chapter 7, Verses 17-22: Circumcision Availeth Nothing
T-1039 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 22
Chapter 7, Verses 22-33: Transformation: Definitive, Progressive and Final
T-1040 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 23
Chapter 7, Verses 26-31: The Day of the Lord
T-1041 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 24
Chapter 7, Verses 26-40: Daughter Theft
T-1042 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 25
Chapter 7, Verses 39: Yahweh's Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage to Israel
T-1043 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 26
Chapter 8, Verses 1-6: One God, One Lord
T-1044 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 27
Chapter 8, Verses 4-6: The All in All
T-1045 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 28
Chapter 8, Verses 4-6: Contemporary Baalism
T-1046 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 29
Chapter 8, Verses 6-13: Stumbling Blocks
T-1047 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 30
Chapter 9, Verses 1-11: Kingdom Support
T-1048 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 31
Chapter 9, Verses 7-27: Giving It Your All
T-1049 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 32
Chapter 10, Verses 1-12: Take Heed!
T-1050 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 33
Chapter 10, Verses 6-13: Overcoming Temptation
T-1051 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 34
Chapter 10, Verses 12-22: Idols, Demons, and False Gods
T-1052 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 35
Chapter 10, Verses 21-22: Constitutional Elections: Dining at the "Devil's Table"
T-1053 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 36
Chapter 10, Verses 21-33: All Things Lawful
T-1054 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 37
Chapter 11, Verses 1-3: Examples, Discipling, and Authority
T-1055 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 38
Chapter 11, Verses 1-3: Headship
T-1056 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 39
Chapter 11, Verses 3: In Everything as Unto the Lord
T-1057 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 40
Chapter 11, Verses 3-15: Coverings or Coverers?
T-1058 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 41
Chapter 11, Verses 7-19: Long Hair: Glory and Shame
T-1059 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 42
Chapter 11, Verses 17-30: What Law?
T-1060 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 43
Chapter 11, Verses 17-26: The Added Mosaic Covenant
T-1061 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 44
Chapter 11:23-25 & Chapter 12:1-14: Spiritual Gifts
T-1062 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 45
Chapter 12, Verses 1-31: Miraculous Gifts
T-1063 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 46
Chapter 13, Verses 1-13: Love and the Duration of the Miraculous Gifts
T-1064 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 47
Chapter 13, Verses 8-13: Duration of the Miraculous Gifts, Part 2
T-1065 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 48
Chapter 13, Verses 8-13: Duration of the Miraculous Gifts, Part 3
T-1066 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 49
Chapter 14, Verses 1-40: All Things Decently and in Order
T-1067 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 50
Chapter 15, Verses 1-10: Gospel, Grace, Humility, and Service
T-1068 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 51
Chapter 15, Verses 8-23: The Power of the Cross Is the Empty Tomb
T-1069 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 52
Chapter 15, Verses 22-33: The Fountain of Youth & The Tree of Life
T-1070 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 53
Chapter 15, Verses 30-44: Incorruption, Glory, Honor, and Power
T-1071 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 54
Chapter 15, Verses 42-58: Resurrection: Ours Definitively, Progressively, and Finally
T-1072 An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Part 55
Chapter 16, Verses 1-24: Men of Steel and Velvet Addicted to Ministry
T-1073 Rights: Man's Sacrilegious Claim to Divinity
Be careful what you're claiming! There's much more to this rights issue than initially meets the eye.
T-1074 To Seek or Not Seek 'Tis Not the Question, Part 1
Everyone seeks something. The question is: Who or what are you seeking?
T-1075 To Seek or Not Seek 'Tis Not the Question, Part 2
T-1076 Everyone's a Bigot, By God!
For Christians, discerning between good and evil ultimately means discriminating against evil. But isn't discrimination at the heart of bigotry? Indeed it is - and in a much more significant way than most people have ever considered...
T-1077 Dominion: Anyone's But Yahweh's
There are no vacuums when it comes to dominion. Someone is always in control of dominion. It's never a question of dominion or no dominion but whose dominion are you promoting?
T-1078 Self-Imposed Impotence
Christians are often their own worst enemies. This message should help to inspire the contemporary church toward overcoming their suicidal tendencies.
T-1079 Making a Sinner of Christ, Part 1
Today's antinomians make a sinner of Christ by making Him a violator of Yahweh's law by their erroneous interpretation of Matthew 5 and the Sermon on the Mount.
T-1080 Making a Sinner of Christ, Part 2
Today's antinomians make a sinner of Christ by making Him a violator of Yahweh's law by their erroneous interpretation of John 8 and Christ's response to the woman caught in adultery.
T-1081 Making a Sinner of Christ, Part 3
Today's antinomians make a sinner of Christ by making Him a violator of Yahweh's law by their erroneous interpretation of Matthew 25's Parable of the Talents.
T-1082 Feast Days: Yea or Nay?, Part 1
Christ: Our Passover (Same as T-1031.)
T-1083 Feast Days: Yea or Nay?, Part 2
The Added Law (Same as T-1032.)
T-1084 Feast Days: Yea or Nay?, Part 3
Festivals: Added and Fulfilled (Same as T-1033.)
T-1085 Sean Caron Radio Interview: Bible Law vs. US Constitution
T-1086 What's Your Legacy?
If the legacy you're leaving your posterity isn't advancing Christ and His kingdom then by default it's advancing another king.
T-1087 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 1
Reason #1: Romans 12 Does Not Allow Such an Interpretation
Reason #2: Romans 13 is About God-Ordained Authorities Not God-Established Powers
T-1088 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 2
Reason #3: Romans 13 is About Ministers of God
T-1089 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 3
Reason #4: Romans 13 is About Ministers of God Who Are a Terror to Evil
Reason #5: Romans 13 is About Ministers of God Who Do Good to the Righteous
T-1090 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 4
Reason #4: Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 is About Ministers of God Who Are a Terror to Evil
Reason #5: Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2 is About Ministers of God Who Do Good to the Righteous
T-1091 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 5
Reason #6: Romans 13 is About Ministers of God Who are Continually a Terror to the Wicked and a Blessing to the Righteous
Reason #7: If Romans 13 is About Secular Government Paul Contradicts Himself in 1 Corinthians 6 and 2 Corinthians 6
T-1092 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 6
Reason #8: Romans 13 is Not About Secular Government Because Paul Appeals to Our Christian Conscience for Submission
T-1093 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 7
Reason #9: Romans 13 Depicts God-Ordained Authorities Who are Due Tribute, Custom, Fear, and Honor
T-1094 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 8
Reason #9 (continued): Romans 13 Depicts God-Ordained Authorities Who are Due Tribute, Custom, Fear, and Honor
T-1095 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 9
Reason #10: If Romans 13 is About Secular Government, The Apostle Paul Contradicts Himself in 2 Corinthians 10 and the Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 5
T-1096 10 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 10
Reason #10 (continued): If Romans 13 is About Secular Government, The Apostle Paul Contradicts Himself in 2 Corinthians 10 and the Apostle Peter in 1 Peter 5
T-1097 Reasons Why Romans 13 Is Not About Secular Government, Part 11
T-1098 Constitutional Elections: Dining at the "Devil's Table"
(Same as T-1052.)
T-1099 Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Part 1
Letting Trump Speak for Himself: Biblically Examining Trump's Inaugural Address
T-1100 Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Part 2
T-1101 Grace Versus Law? But Which Law?, Part 1
First hour of a radio interview with Sean Caron on his Awakening Liberty Show.
T-1102 Grace Versus Law? But Which Law?, Part 2
Second hour of a radio interview with Sean Caron on his Awakening Liberty Show.
T-1103 Bible Law vs. Constitution and a Brief History of the Founders
Theodore Valentine Interview
T-1104 Another Look at Romans 13: Answering Objections, Part 1
More on this crucial text to the gospel of the kingdom.
T-1105 Another Look at Romans 13: Answering Objections, Part 2
T-1106 Another Look at Romans 13: Answering Objections, Part 3
T-1107 Another Look at Romans 13: Answering Objections, Part 4
T-1108 Another Look at Romans 13: Answering Objections, Part 5
T-1109 Another Look at Romans 13: Answering Objections, Part 6
T-1110 Another Look at Romans 13: Answering Objections, Part 7
T-1111 I Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 1
This series may not be the most eloquent you've ever heard, but it may very well be the most consequential for you to listen to--especially if you consider yourself a Christian: "Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you--unless indeed you fail the test?" (2 Corinthians 13:5)
T-1112 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 2
T-1113 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 3
T-1114 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 4
T-1115 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 5
T-1116 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 6
T-1117 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 7
T-1118 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 8
T-1119 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 9
T-1120 Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?, Part 10
T-1121 Baptism: Sprinkling, Pouring, or Immersion: Does It Really Matter? Part 1
"There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, [and] one baptism." (Ephesians 4:4-5) This is follow-up series to the previous series: I Had a Dream: Judgment's Coming. Are You Under the Blood?
T-1122 Baptism: Sprinkling, Pouring, or Immersion: Does It Really Matter? Part 2
T-1123 Baptism: Sprinkling, Pouring, or Immersion: Does It Really Matter? Part 3
T-1124 Baptism: Sprinkling, Pouring, or Immersion: Does It Really Matter? Part 4
T-1125 Baptism: Sprinkling, Pouring, or Immersion: Does It Really Matter? Part 5
T-1126 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 1
Hosea 1:1-3
T-1127 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 2
Hosea 1:1-5
T-1128 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 3
Hosea 1:1-9
T-1129 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 4
Hosea 1:4-11
T-1130 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 5
Hosea 1:4-11 & 2:10-23
T-1131 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 6
Hosea 2:1-23
T-1132 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 7
Hosea 3:1-5
T-1133 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 8
Hosea 1:10-11, 3:4-5, 9:16-17, 14:1-2, 2-4, 6
T-1134 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 9
Hosea 3:5
T-1135 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 10
Hosea 1:8-11, 2:23, 3:1-2, 4:1
T-1136 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 11
Hosea 4:1-7
T-1137 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 12
Hosea 4:6-9
T-1138 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 13
Hosea 4:6 - 5:6
T-1139 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 14
Hosea 5:4-7
T-1140 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 15
Hosea 5:7
T-1141 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 16
Hosea 5:7 - 6:3
T-1142 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 17
Hosea 6:1-5
T-1143 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 18
Hosea 6:6-7:2
T-1144 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 19
Hosea 7:1-16
T-1145 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 20
Hosea 8:1-4
T-1146 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 21
Hosea 8:1-14
T-1147 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 22
Hosea 9:1-3
T-1148 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 23
Hosea 9:1-12
T-1149 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 24
Hosea 9:9-17
T-1150 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 25
Hosea 10:1-3
T-1151 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 26
Hosea 10:1-7
T-1152 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 27
Hosea 10:7-15
T-1153 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 28
Hosea 11:1-7
T-1154 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 29
Hosea 11:5 - 12:5
T-1155 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 30
Hosea 12:5-6
T-1156 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 31
Hosea 12:5-8
T-1157 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 32
Hosea 12:8-14
T-1158 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 33
Hosea 13:1-8
T-1159 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 34
Hosea 13:4 - 14:1
T-1160 Hosea: Prophet to the New Covenant House of Israel, Part 35
Hosea 13:9 - 14:9
T-1161 The Beauty of Judicial Supremacy, Part 1
Constitutional Judicial Supremacy juxtaposed with Biblical Judicial Supremacy.
T-1162 The Beauty of Judicial Supremacy, Part 2
T-1163 Christendom vs. Christianity, Part 1
Off the Cuff Radio Interview
T-1164 Christendom vs. Christianity, Part 2
Off the Cuff Radio Interview
T-1165 The Right To Life Movement: Aiding and Abetting the Enemy
This sermon is the same as T 1149.
T-1166 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 1
Key words that not only provide insight into vital truths but also demonstrate the incredible inspiration of God's Word and the treasure troves to be found therein.
The Titus 1 Cretians, Onesimus: Philemon's physical brother
T-1167 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 2
"in" & "into" as they pertain to salvation and universal reconciliation.
T-1168 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 3
"our fathers" & "your fathers"
T-1169 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 4
"our fathers" & "in the flesh"
T-1170 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 5
"foreknew," widowhood, "until," & "all in all"
T-1171 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 6
Romans 13 & "continually"
T-1172 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 7
"fallen away" & blasphemy of the Holy Spirit
T-1173 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 8
"if the Lord wills" & Ezekiel 18's "all these abominations"
T-1174 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 9
lots, death, destruction & hell
T-1175 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 10
satan & hell
T-1176 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 11
satan, devil, David's adversaries, & 1 Peter 5:8's "roaring lion"
T-1177 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 12
Genesis 3's serpent
T-1178 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 13
Genesis 2 & 3's "tree of the knowledge of good and evil," brephos/child/infanticide
T-1179 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 14
1 Peter 5:8 with Joel 1:6
T-1180 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 15
Matthew 17's tribute & ecclesia vs. church
T-1181 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 16
More on Genesis 3's serpent & ecclesia vs. church
T-1182 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 17
ecclesia vs. church, 1 Peter 2:13 & Ezekiel's one king
T-1183 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 18
Titus 3:1's magistrates, pacifism, Luke 12:23 with Exodus 22:2
T-1184 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 19
Old and New Covenants & Galatians 3's added law
T-1185 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 20
Old and New Covenants & Galatians 3's added law
T-1186 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 21
Old and New Covenants & Galatians 3's added law
T-1187 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 22
Old and New Covenants & Galatians 3's added law
T-1188 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 23
Old and New Covenants & Galatians 3's added law
T-1189 Key Words to Vital Truths, Part 24
Old and New Covenants, Galatians 3's added law, feasts, Sabbath, & tithing.
T-1190 Ecclesia vs. Church
America doesn't need more churches. The more churches, the more infanticide clinics, sodomite parades, drag queen library shows, abominable legislation, etc.
God did not call Christians to church but to ecclesia, that is, to form Christian communities in the fullest sense of the word. In turn, this means dominionizing society, including government, per Romans 12:21, 13:1-7, 1 Corinthians 6:1-6, 2 Corinthians 10:4-6, etc.
These two messages are essentially the same as found in Parts 15, 16, & 17 (T 1180, T 1181, and T 1182) of "Key Words to Vital Truths." These messages are so vitally important for the days we live in, I decided to make them a two-part series of their own.
T-1191 Ecclesia vs. Church, Part 2
T-1192 Sean Caron Radio Interview: Firearms: Right or Responsibility?
T-1193 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 1
If you misidentify Ruth, as so many contemporary Christians do, you're forced to conclude that Boaz was an unscrupulous scoundrel and that the entire book of Ruth was a conspiracy against Yahweh and His people. Worst of all, you're forced to eliminate Christ as our propitiating sacrifice.
T-1194 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 2
T-1195 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 3
T-1196 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 4
T-1197 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 5
T-1198 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 6
T-1199 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 7
T-1200 Ruth the Moabite, Great Grandmother of David & Progenitor of Christ, Part 8
T-1201 Derry Brownfield Show Interview: Prisons? Shut Them All Down
T-1202 No Turning Back!
Encouragement to both run and finish the race with our eyes fixed on Jesus!
T-1203 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 1
The Declaration of Independence vs. A Declaration of Liberty
If you're someone who believes the Declaration's God and Creator can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear—that is, the biblically seditious Constitution—you need to listen to this series.
T-1204 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 2
T-1205 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 3
T-1206 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 4
T-1207 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 5
T-1208 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 6
T-1209 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 7
T-1210 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 8
T-1211 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 9
T-1212 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 10
T-1213 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 11
T-1214 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 12
T-1215 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 13
T-1216 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 14
T-1217 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 15
T-1218 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 16
T-1219 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 17
T-1220 Biblical Examination of the Declaration of Independence, Part 18
T-1221 CoronaVirus, Fearmongers, Aeropagites, & Yahweh's Sovereignty
"Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall the fruit be in the vines; the labor of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls; Yet, I will rejoice in Yahweh, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Yahweh God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make we to walk upon mine high places." (Habakkuk 3:17-19)
T-1222 Call to Decision Radio Interview with Butch Paugh: Corona Virus, Romans 13, Constitution, Etc., 4/27/2020
T-1223 How Potent Your God
There 's a saying "Do not fret over the little things!" As subjects of the KING of kings, we shouldn 't be fretting over even the "big" things! After all, is there anything too big for the omnipotent I Am that I Am, the Creator and Sustainer of everything to use to His glory, honor, and praise and to our ultimate good?
T-1224 Five Top Reasons Why I Preach Against the Constitution
Beginning with the Idol remains standing!
T-1225 Revisiting Ecclesia vs. Church
An examination of several New Testament passages that do not promote church but rather ecclesia.
T-1226 Call to Decision Radio Interview with Butch Paugh:
Christendom vs. Christendumb, Rights vs. Responsibilities, Etc., 6/30/2020
T-1227 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 1
Chapter 1, Verse 1: Paul's Credentials
T-1228 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 2
Chapter 1, Verses 1-2: The Galatians' Israelite Connections
T-1229 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 3
Chapter 1, Verses 1-9: Gospel Perversions
T-1230 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 4
Chapter 1, Verses 7-16: Called of God
T-1231 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 5
Chapter 1, Verses 11-24: Liar, Madman, or Man of God
T-1232 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 6
Chapter 2, Verses 1-10: Law of God vs. Law of Moses
T-1233 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 7
Chapter 2, Verses 9-16: The Poor, Welfare, and Hypocrisy
T-1234 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 8
Chapter 2, Verses 14-21: Works of the Law
T-1235 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 9
Chapter 2, Verse 16 - Chapter 3, Verse 2: Dead to the Law of Moses
T-1236 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 10
Chapter 3, 1-13: Alive to God by Faith
T-1237 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 11
Chapter 3, 10-16: Seed vs. Seed or Seed & Seed
T-1238 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 12
Chapter 3, 13-25: The Added, Fulfilled & Abolished Law
T-1239 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 13
Chapter 3, 1-3, 17 & 19 Mosaic Covenant vs. New Covenant
T-1240 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 14
Chapter 3, 16-19 Sabbath Breakers & God Robbers
T-1241 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 15
Chapter 3, 16-29 Dietary Ordinances & Under Law
T-1242 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 16
Chapter 3, 16-29 New Covenant Dietary Law & Greek Israelites
T-1243 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 17
Chapter 3:26 - 4:6 Our Only Claim to Fame
T-1244 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 18
Chapter 4:1-21 Sons & Daughters / Princes & Princesses
T-1245 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 19
Chapter 4:11-21 Righteous Zeal
T-1246 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 20
Chapter 4:21 - 5:4 Bond Woman vs. Free woman
T-1247 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 21
Chapter 4:22 - 5:9 Faith Working Through Love
T-1248 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 22
Chapter 5:7-18 Walking by the Spirit & Living by the Law
T-1249 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 23
Chapter 5:16-26 Works of the Flesh vs. Fruits of the Spirit
T-1250 An Expository Series on Galatians, Part 24
Chapter 6:1-18 Concluding Remarks
T-1251 Call to Decision Radio Interview with Butch Paugh: Constitution
Responsibilities vs. Rights, etc., 8/17/20
T-1252 Radio Interview with Coach Dave Daubenmire on May 11, 2021
Don't miss this one! Eyes are opening. In accordance with Isaiah 55:11 and I Corinthians 3:6, God is at work bringing an increase. You can be a part of planting and watering the seeds by sharing with family and friends.
T-1253 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 1
The Ephesians' Israelite Connections
T-1254 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 2
This is Our Time!
T-1255 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 3
Biblical Mysteries
T-1256 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 4
Predestination & Free Will
T-1257 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 5
Calling, Inheritance, and Power
T-1258 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 6
Present Reality of King and Kingdom
T-1259 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 7
Last Trump on Last Day of Last Days
T-1260 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 8
The Prince of the Power of the Air
T-1261 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 9
Reigning King and Queen
T-1262 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 10
Believest Thou the Prophets?
T-1263 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 11
Commonwealth of Israel
T-1264 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 12
Dietary Ordinances
T-1265 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 13
The Incomparable Christ
T-1266 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 14
Testifying to Powers in High Places
T-1267 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 15
Weapons of Mass Destruction
T-1268 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 16
Exceedingly, Abundantly Beyond
T-1269 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 17
Hope Blessed Hope
T-1270 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 18
One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
T-1271 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 19
One God & One Yahweh
T-1272 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 20
Yeshua vs. Antichrists
T-1273 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 21
Gifts, Gifts and More Gifts
T-1274 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 22
H20 Water Baptism vs. Living Water Baptism
T-1275 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 23
Why Do You Delay?
T-1276 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 24
Apollos' Testimony to H20 Immersion
T-1277 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 25
Hard Heads & Calloused Consciences
T-1278 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 26
Righteous Lying
T-1279 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 27
Righteous Anger
T-1280 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 28
Round 4: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1281 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 29
Round 5: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1282 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 30
Round 6: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1283 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 31
Round 7: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1284 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 32
Gainful Employment & Generous Giving
T-1285 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 33
Round 8: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1286 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 34
Grieving and Quenching the Spirit
T-1287 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 35
Round 9: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1288 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 36
Our Sweet-Smelling Savor
T-1289 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 37
Beware the False Teachers
T-1290 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 38
Round 10: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1291 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 39
Awake Thou Sleeper
T-1292 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 40
New Covenant Daughter of Zion
T-1293 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 41
Fear, Lethargy & Apathy
T-1294 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 42
Round 11: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1295 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 43
Lex Talionis
T-1296 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 44
Vain Worship & Sacrifice of Praise
T-1297 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 45
Round 12: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1298 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 46
Loving Husbands & Submissive Wives
T-1299 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 47
Fifth Commandment Imperative
T-1300 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 48
Round 13: Baptism vs. Baptism
T-1301 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 49
Slaves not Servants
T-1302 An Expository Series on Ephesians, Part 50
War a Good Warfare
T-1303 Overcoming Obstacles to Ecclesia, Part 1
T-1304 Overcoming Obstacles to Ecclesia, Part 2
T-1305 Overcoming Obstacles to Ecclesia, Part 3
T-1306 Bill of Rights or Bill of Goods?
Radio Interview with Michael Gaddy, Part 1
T-1307 Bill of Rights or Bill of Goods?
Radio Interview with Michael Gaddy, Part 2
T-1308 Separation of Church and State: Is it Biblically Correct
Interview with Matthew Dyer
T-1309 Beards: Yea, Nay, or Otherwise
Are beards required adornment on men today?
T-1310 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 1
Life Begets Life
T-1311 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 2
Endless Genealogies & The Good Law
T-1312 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 3
The Gospel of the Kingdom
T-1313 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 4
Enabled for Kingdom Service
T-1314 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 5
Keeping the Faith
T-1315 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 6
Satan vs. Adversary
T-1316 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 7
Thankful for Mass Murderers?
T-1317 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 8
One Mediator Between God & Man
T-1318 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 9
Holy Hands & "Silent Women"
T-1319 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 10
Ecclesia Women
T-1320 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 11
Adam: The Serpent Beguiler
T-1321 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 12
Genesis 3 Serpent & Ecclesia Leaders
T-1322 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 13
Ecclesia Men, Part 1
T-1323 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 14
Ecclesia Men, Part 2
T-1324 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 15
Ecclesia Men, Part 3 & Deity of Christ
T-1325 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 16
Last Days: Biblically Identified, Part 1
T-1326 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 17
Last Days: Biblically Identified, Part 2
T-1327 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 18
Last Days: Biblically Identified, Part 3
T-1328 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 19
Last Days, Part 4 & Dietary Ordinances
T-1329 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 20
Dietary Ordinances, Part 2
T-1330 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 21
Profane Babblings & Last Days, Part 5
T-1331 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 22
Physical & Spiritual Gymnasiums
T-1332 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 23
Worse than Infidels
T-1333 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 24
New Covenant Ecclesia Tithing
T-1334 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 25
Theocracy, Autocracy, & Anarchy
T-1335 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 26
Slaves not Servants
T-1336 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 27
Anti-Paul Faction & Love of Money
T-1337 An Expository Series on 1 Timothy, Part 28
Making a Good Confession & Fighting a Good Fight
T-1338 Romans 13: Secular or Biblical Government?
Interview with Matthew Dyer
T-1339 Last Days: Biblically Identified, Part 1
These three messages are the same as found in Parts 16, 17, & 18 (T 1325, T 1326, and T 1327) of “An Expository Series on 1 Timothy.” These messages are of such great importance for the days in which we live that I decided to make them a three-part series of the own.
T-1340 Last Days: Biblically Identified, Part 2
T-1341 ast Days: Biblically Identified, Part 3
T-1342 Matthew Dyer Interview: Spiritual Israel: Out of National Israel
Addresses whether the New Covenant's spiritual Israel is composed of those saved out of all nations
or out of national Israel.
T-1343 Exclusivity of Israel: Yea, Nay, or Otherwise, Part 1
Harmonizing what the Bible says about the exclusivity of Israel.
T-1344 Exclusivity of Israel: Yea, Nay, or Otherwise, Part 2
T-1345 Exclusivity of Israel: Yea, Nay, or Otherwise, Part 3
T-1346 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 1
Biblically addresses numerous false accusations against the Apostle Paul.
T-1347 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 2
T-1348 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 3
T-1349 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 4
T-1350 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 5
T-1351 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 6
T-1352 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 7
T-1353 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 8
T-1354 The Anti-Paul Faction, Part 9
T-1355 Matthew Dyer Interview: The Anti-Paul Faction
Pastor Dyer and I address some of the alleged arguments used in a futile attempt to eliminate the Apostle Paul’s epistles from the New Testament. See also my audio series entitled “The Anti-Paul Faction,” beginning at T 1346.
T-1356 Jim Ramm & Michael Gaddy Interview
Constitution & History
T-1357 Biblical Dominion vs. Christian Anarchy, Part 1
Highlights some of the critical differences between Biblical Dominionism and Christian Anarchism.
T-1358 Biblical Dominion vs. Christian Anarchy, Part 2
T-1359 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 1
Chapter 1, Verses 1-2: Many Parts & Many Ways & Last Days
T-1360 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 2
Chapter 1, Verses 1-14: Mighty God & Everlasting Father
T-1361 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 3
Chapter 1, Verses 8-9 & 2:1-4: Righteous Judgment & Gospel Confirmation
T-1362 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 4
Chapter 2, Verses 1-17: Definitive, Progressive, & Final
T-1363 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 5
Chapter 2, Verses 9-18: Israel’s Husband and Redeemer
T-1364 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 6
Chapter 3, Verses 1-19: Steadfast Til the End & Age of Accountability
T-1365 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 7
Chapter 4, Verses 1-16: Leaving Your Mark
T-1366 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 8
Chapter 5, Verses 1-14: Pistis vs Belief & Dull of Hearing
T-1367 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 9
Chapter 5, Verses 9-14: Sipping Milk vs. Feasting on Meat
T-1368 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 10
Chapter 6, Verses 1-3: Conversion vs. Salvation
T-1369 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 11
Chapter 6, Verses 1-6: Once-Saved-Always-Saved Bunkum
T-1370 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 12
Chapter 6, Verses 4-20: Running to Win
T-1371 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 13
Chapter 6, Verse 17 – Chapter 7, Verse 10: New Covenant Heirs & Ecclesia Tithing
T-1372 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 14
Chapter 7, Verse 5 – Chapter 8, Verse 6: New Covenant Superiority
T-1373 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 15
Chapter 8, Verses 6-12: Making an Adulterer of God
T-1374 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 16
Chapter 8, Verses 8-10: Yahweh’s Last Will and Testament
T-1375 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 17
Chapter 8, Verses 8-13: Yahweh’s Intimate Relations with Israel
T-1376 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 18
Chapter 8, Verse 13 – Chapter 9, Verse 14: Holy Vessels & Feelings vs. Faith
T-1377 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 19
Chapter 9, Verses 1-10: Carnal Ordinances & Man-Made Doctrines
T-1378 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 20
Chapter 9, Verses 8-28: The Old Covenant’s “Divers Washings”
T-1379 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 21
Chapter 10, Verses 1-23: Death: Definitively & Finally Ended
T-1380 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 22
Chapter 10, Verses 19-32: Christ to Return in a Micron of Time
T-1381 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 23
Chapter 11, Verses 1-4: Yahweh’s Credentials
T-1382 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 24
Chapter 11, Verses 1-10: Biblical Faith Begets Obedience
T-1383 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 25
Chapter 11, Verses 18-13: Good Men Doing Nothing
T-1384 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 26
Chapter 11, Verses 13-23: Sacrificing Our “Isaac”
T-1385 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 27
Chapter 11, Verse 23: Righteous Lying
T-1386 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 28
Chapter 11, Verses 22, 24-29: Greatest Example of Romans 8:28
T-1387 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 29
Chapter 11, Verses 29-40: First Fruits & Mighty Men of Valor
T-1388 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 30
Chapter 11, Verses 32-40: Faithlessly Fearful or Courageously Faithful
T-1389 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 31
Chapter 11, Verses 32-40: Men and Women After Yahweh’s Heart
T-1390 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 32
Chapter 11, Verses 32-40: Stopping the Mouths of Lions
T-1391 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 33
Chapter 11, Verses 32-40: Of Whom This World is Not Worthy
T-1392 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 34
Chapter 12, Verses 1-11: Sons or Bastards
T-1393 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 35
Chapter 12, Verses 11-14: Equity vs. Egalitarianism
T-1394 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 36
Chapter 12, Verses 14-17: Valiant for the Truth
T-1395 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 37
Chapter 12, Verses 15-24, 28: New Jerusalem, Ecclesia & The Kingdom
T-1396 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 38
Chapter 12, Verses 22-24, 28: The Kingdom: Here and Now
T-1397 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 39
Chapter 12, Verses 22 – Chapter 13, Verse 3: Obeying the Gospel of Christ
T-1398 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 40
Chapter 13, Verse 3-5: Thou Shalt Not Covet
T-1399 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 41
Chapter 13, Verse 5-7, 17: Never to be Forsaken
T-1400 An Expository Series on Hebrews, Part 42
Chapter 13, Verse 7-25: Final Thoughts
T-1401 The Kingdom: Here and Now
The same as found in Part 38 (T 1396) of “An Expository Series on Hebrews.”
This message should settle any debate as to whether the restored New Covenant Kingdom exists today and with whom the New Covenant was made.
T-1402 Israel, Edom, and Ishmael, Part 1
Three Keys to Understanding the Bible and Current Events
T-1403 Israel, Edom, and Ishmael Part 2
T-1404 Oliver Wood’s Interview
Regarding the Constitution’s Preamble
T-1405 Regarding the Constitution’s Article 6
T-1406 Regarding the Constitution’s Amendment 1
T-1407 Ron Powers Interview
The Mission to Israel
T-1408 Matthew Dyer Interview: Prisons: Shut Them All Down!
Under the Bible’s Criminal Justice System, prisons are superfluous.
T-1409 Butch Paugh Interview: Theocracy vs. Theocracy
Biblical Theocracy vs. Secular Theocracy
T-1410 Matthew Dyer Interview: Should Christians Vote in the Upcoming Election?
Does voting promote the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom men?
T-1411 Antichrists vs. Antichrist
What does the word of God say about such a one-man future Antichrist? Nothing! The Apostle John is the only New Testament author to employ the term “antichrist.” Therefore, to biblically understand the term “antichrist,” we must look to John’s writings to understand who John depicts as antichrist.
T-1412 The Mystery of the Gentiles: Who Are They and Where Are They Now?
An extremely important biblical mystery upon which other important biblical truths rely, including, in part, the mystery of Christ. This sermon correctly identifies the gentiles in the Bible and in the nations today. An important message concerning Israel's modern-day identity.
T-1413 Yahweh’s Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage of Israel
Many Christians are unaware that Old Covenant national Israel was Yahweh’s wife, let alone that He eventually divorced them and remarried a remnant of divorced Israel under the New Covenant. It’s the greatest biblical love story seldom told, with huge biblical implications.
T-1414 Family Reunion: Judah and Israel Reunited, Part 1
The Old Testament Prophets prophesy of this New Covenant reunion several times and yet most contemporary Christians are unaware as to how they are fulfilled in the New Testament. These prophecies are either ignored or applied to the wrong people, “making” God a liar.
T-1415 Family Reunion: Judah and Israel Reunited, Part 2
T-1416 An Expository Series on 1 Peter, Part 1
Chapter 1, Verses 1-5: Israelites in Dispersion
T-1417 An Expository Series on 1 Peter, Part 2
Chapter 1, Verses 1-5: Born-Again Israelites and The Last Days
T-1418 An Expository Series on 1 Peter, Part 3
Chapter 1, Verses 3-12: Israelite Inheritance in the Last Days
T-1419 An Expository Series on 1 Peter, Part 4
Chapter 1, Verses 9-16: Taking Every Thought Captive
T-1420 An Expository Series on 1 Peter, Part 5
Chapter 1, Verses 15-25: Water Immersion: A Work of God
Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Round 2, Part 1
Letting Trump Speak for Himself: Biblical Examination of President Trump’s Second Iinaugural Speech.
Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Round 2, Part 2
Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Round 2, Part 3
Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Round 2, Part 4
"Is the Constitution Biblical?" Featuring Ted Weiland and Brent Winters
For a video presentation of the same, click here.
US Constitution: Friend or Foe? by Evangelist Steven L. Craft
Defying Tyrants by Jeff Durbin
War: Justified or Not? by Greg Bahnsen
God is Our Judge, Lawgiver, and King
By Pastor John Otis
Election Day Sermon
By Pastor Paul Michael Raymond
The Laws of a Nation Should Mirror the Law and Justice of God
By Matt Trewhella
Doug Nelson on the Constitution