Chapter One: The Perfect Law of Yahweh
Chapter Two: The Kingdom: Yesterday, Today, and Forever
Chapter Three: The Preamble: WE THE PEOPLE vs. YAHWEH
Chapter Four: Article 1: Legislative Usurpation
Chapter Five: Article 2: Executive Usurpation
Chapter Six: Article 3: Judicial Usurpation
Chapter Seven: Article 4: Republic vs. Theocracy
Chapter Eight: Article 5: Inherent Imperfection
Chapter Nine: Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land
Chapter Ten: Article 7: More of the Same
Chapter Eleven: Amendment 1: Government-Sanctioned Polytheism
Chapter Twelve: Amendment 2: Constitutional vs. Biblical Self-Defense
Chapter Thirteen: Amendments 3 & 4: Constitutional vs. Biblical Privacy
Chapter Fourteen: Amendment 5: Constitutional vs. Biblical Judicial Protection
Chapter Fifteen: Amendment 6: Speedy Trials, Public Trials, and Impartial Juries
Chapter Sixteen: Amendment 7: Common Law vs. Bible Law
Chapter Seventeen: Amendment 8: Bail, Fines, and Cruel and Unusual Punishments
Chapter Eighteen: Amendment 9: Rights vs. Righteousness
Chapter Nineteen: Amendment 10: Counterfeit Powers
Chapter Twenty: Amendment 11: Self-Imposed Limitations
Chapter Twenty-One: Amendment 12: Stipulations for Unscriptural Elections
Chapter Twenty-Two: Amendment 13: Constitutional vs. Biblical Slavery
Chapter Twenty-Three: Amendment 14: First-Birth vs. Second-Birth Citizenship
Chapter Twenty-Four: Amendment 15: Colorblind Voting
Chapter Twenty-Five: Amendment 16: Graduated Income Tax vs. Flat Increase Tax
Chapter Twenty-Six: Amendment 17: Additional Unlawful Election Provisions
Chapter Twenty-Seven: Amendment 18:Prohibition: Repealed for Good Reason
Chapter Twenty-Eight: Amendment 19: The Curse of Women’s Suffrage
Chapter Twenty-Nine: Amendment 20: Extraneous Executive Regulations
Chapter Thirty: Amendment 21: The Repealing of Amendment 18
Chapter Thirty-One: Amendment 22-25: Additional Extraneous Executive Regulations
Chapter Thirty-Two: Amendment 26: The Curse Of Children's Suffrage
Chapter Thirty-Three: Amendment 27: Extraneous Legislative Regulations
Chapter Thirty-Four: Choose Ye This Day