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Tea Party Project
Request Mission to Israel's Tea Party Packet. |
The Tea Party movement represents a groundswell of conservative-thinking Americans who are concerned about the suicidal course of our nation. This movement provides us an unprecedented opportunity to advance the Kingdom of Yahweh. It is up to us - Yahweh's Kingdom ambassadors (2 Corinthians 5:20) - to make the most of it.
Click here for more information.
Recent Articles
An Open Response to Martin Selbrede and Archie Jones’ ‘Book Review’ of Bible Law vs. the United States Consitution: The Christian Perspective
Open letter addressing objections brought up in a Chalcedon book review.
Law and Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant | Read
Offers Scriptural proof that Yahweh's kingdom exists here on earth and that He expects Christians to use His perfect laws to govern that kingdom.
Bible Law vs. The U.S. Constitution: The Christian Perspective (A Tract) | Read
Tract version of the book Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective
Bible Law vs. The U.S. Constitution: The Christian Perspective
Chapter 37: “Conclusion: Choose Ye This Day: The United States Constitution or Yahweh’s Perfect Laws” | Read
If WE THE PEOPLE be God, follow them! But if Yahweh be God, we must follow Him!
Bible Law vs. The U.S. Constitution: The Christian Perspective
Chapter 28: “Amendment 19: Women’s Suffrage: A Curse Upon the Land” | Read
Contrasts Amendment 19 of the Constitution with the Word of Yahweh.
Recent Messages
Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Part 1 | Listen
Letting Trump Speak for Himself: Biblically Examining Trump's Inaugural Address
Donald J. Trump: Cyrus or Nimrod? Part 2 | Listen
An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Pt. 37 | Listen
Chapter 11, Verses 1-3: Examples, Discipling, and Authority
An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Pt. 36 | Listen
Chapter 10, Verses 21-33: All Things Lawful
An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Pt. 34 | Listen
Chapter 10, Verses 12-22: Idols, Demons, and False Gods
The Sin of Refusing to Fight | Listen
By Pastor John Weaver!
An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Pt. 33 | Listen
Chapter 10, Verses 6-13: Overcoming Temptation
An Expository Series on 1 Corinthians, Pt. 32 | Listen
Chapter 10, Verses 1-12: Take Heed!
Recent and Upcoming Books
Bible Law vs. The United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective | View
In this full-sized version of the Primer (above), you will find a point-by-point comparison of the Constitution and the Bible, primary documentation of the founding fathers' religious and political beliefs, and Biblical laws applicable to building a Christian government.
Thou shalt have no other gods before Me, Second Edition | View
First in a series of ten booklets on the Ten Commandments.
Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution Curriculum | View
Using the condensed version of Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution, students will learn the important points of contention between the Bible and the Constitution.
Check back soon for more updates!
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An Open Response to Martin Selbrede and Archie Jones’ ‘Book Review’ of Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective



Mission to Israel - P.O. Box 248 - Scottsbluff, NE 69363 - Email |